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Everything posted by hawkens

  1. hawkens

    FS .300 WM Ammo and H4831SC

    Not A Prob Thank You !!!
  2. hawkens

    FS .300 WM Ammo and H4831SC

    If ya got the 300 wm ammo ill take it !!!
  3. hawkens

    Jack woulda shot it!

    Beautiful wood !!!
  4. Congrat Got a Couple rifles built on 03 actions and my dad has a prestine 03 A4 with original scope
  5. hawkens

    mini 14 20rd magazine 25$ + ammo

    Do you still have the magazine
  6. hawkens

    wtb Remington 700 LA wood Stock

    Ive got a long action Adl stock it came off a 270 not sure if it ll fit, if it does let me know you can have it
  7. hawkens

    Big Game Draw Age Requirement Confusion

    +1 What he said yup thats it !!!!
  8. hawkens

    Anyone else draw a 22 early archery bull tag?

    Ive got a late Nov archery Bull tag for 22 south !!!
  9. hawkens

    Our REAL enemies!!!! Relentless

    Keep using Money from condor research and funds to fight in court when it runs out SOL have at it Sierra Club you take care of them !!!
  10. hawkens


    wide world of maps in mesa . also alot of online maps out there .
  11. hawkens

    Assault Rifles in 36A

    Good to hear no one was hurt !! Whats an assualt rifle ??
  12. hawkens

    Card got hit today!

    Congrates Tony Looking forward to a Good Story !!!
  13. hawkens

    White Systems BP (sold)

    I Have a White Systems bison Black powder , very clean gun a few scratches on stock has no. 11 nipple , also 56 of the 600 grain power punch bullets and 77 of the 480 grain bullets askin 150.00 thx
  14. hawkens

    White Systems BP (sold)

    It is a .50 cal and yea ill post more pics
  15. hawkens


    Have a Pse Viking bow for sale has the LMR-2 cam , 29 " draw, 70lb limbs Has a winner choice string and cables askin 100.00 or obo thx
  16. hawkens

    trail camera placement questions

    Nice I like the boxes you made Coach
  17. hawkens

    trail camera placement questions

    Ive put my camera s on travel routes to water the closest site is 1/4 mile from water and the furthest is 1 mile , chances are your gonna be competeing with others for water holes so catch the animals before the water . i ve placed salt pellets in certain areas and covered em and after couple weeks you ll know which ones are bein hit . i ve made a couple boxes out of some scraps should work .
  18. hawkens

    RCBS dies ( Sold )

    Have 45/70 and 300 WBY Mag Dies , no rust ,like new askin 15.00 apiece thx
  19. I have 1 more set of dies to sell they are 22/250 no rust and like new askin 15.00 thx
  20. hawkens

    once fired brass

    Its all mix lil bit of everything ! my Dads retired so he picks up brass all the time
  21. hawkens

    once fired brass

    Have once fired Brass that has been polished and deprimed for sell askin 5.00 per (100) or best offer for the remaining brass 30-06 (200) sold 223 (400) sold 308 (200) 45 acp (350) 9mm (1000) 44 mag (562) sold . i live in Mesa 2 miles from Bass Pro thx
  22. hawkens

    RCBS dies ( Sold )

    They ve been on my bench awhile i no longer have the rifles so hopin someone will be able to use them .
  23. hawkens

    once fired brass

  24. hawkens


    Was just goin thru some pics and noticed this lil guy !! most of the does still look like their carrying ! and a couple other pics , still no bucks