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Everything posted by hawkens

  1. hawkens

    Beretta 686 Onyx 20 Gauge ( SOLD )

    sorry 20 gauge
  2. hawkens

    2015 19b muzzy goat

    You sold me 19b got some nice Goats !! Congrats
  3. hawkens

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    Seems after they started the Portaliet everything got slower !!
  4. hawkens


    can you descibe the rump ? lol
  5. hawkens

    Just want to vent

    Sounds Like a Bunch a Whiners who always got there way now welcome to the real world or maybe vote Bernie he ll make it fair for ya Sheez whine cuz of the deadline , whine because of wait ,whine didnt draw we all playing the same game suck it up !!!
  6. hawkens

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    Well how bout Rangefinders , Variable power scopes , high power bino s and spotting scopes, bows shooting over 300fps ? Instead of hunters sticking together defending each other and their lawful techniques most nit pic and just because you dont like it no one else can do it
  7. hawkens

    Grand Stand Set GS 2200 Tree Stand $50

    Ill take it if you still have it
  8. hawkens

    Trampoline FS $100

    Haha i ll Taker !!!
  9. hawkens

    Trampoline FS $100

    Tomkat ill take it if ya still have it !!
  10. hawkens

    Let's talk tires

    Love my Coopers no issues goin on 50 000
  11. hawkens

    half time show

    Not a single sexual or seductive commercial this what the US has come to all pc bull ****
  12. hawkens

    Archery items (rest, sight, stabilizer)

    if you was closer id take the ripcord
  13. They need to not allow hunting on the 500,000 acres and open up the 250 000 acres of state trust to access !!!
  14. ill take the treestand if you still have it
  15. hawkens

    What's the big deal

    its just like fishing you start catchin fish people see it and here they come creeping up close !!! you post pics with unit # people look it up on google then your pic comes up with unit and more put in for it
  16. hawkens

    Hunting Hawaii?

    Need to contact Josh Smith he lives and hunts there not sure if he s still on cw real nice guy might be some good help !
  17. Yes all should take even though there is somethings i dont agree with from some instructors been through 6 classes with my kids and have 3 more to sit through within next couple years
  18. hawkens

    Bulls Are Frisky

    Shoot the one on the bottom should have tender hind quarters !!! lol
  19. hawkens

    20c/18b juniors deer camp

    My son and step son have 20 c tags as well good luck and maybe see ya at the camp !!!
  20. hawkens

    Unit 22 Flat Line Maps

    i bought 22 s then returned it to get the 22 n map
  21. hawkens

    2015 bonus point report now online

    ive got 21 still waiting !!!
  22. hawkens

    Elk in Unit 22 South

    hunted in 22 south 2 yrs ago some decent bulls seen east and south around Jim Jones shooting range and south of payson golf course west of rodeo grounds lotta country good luck to ya !!!
  23. hawkens

    19a rifle bull nov

    stay on Fain rd and glass
  24. hawkens


    And as a responsible Hunter you should know and get permission where need be not go in thinking they cant stop me or just do it anyway . its all goes with scouting lots of homework !!
  25. hawkens


    Im still not gettin it some are saying the guys a low life for not allowing people to cross his posted land , do people not have respect for others property ? i get on my kids butt for crossing through the neighbors yard instead of the side walk , this is what is going wrong with this country no respect for others and their stuff !! growing up in Iowa we hunted alot of private land with permission ,maybe thats what the guy in the pick was doin looking for the owner who knows ? but just some of the comments on this topic did your parents not teach you respect ? i dont say much on most hunting sites beacause its turned into a Whine and Moan outlet most but you all will do what you to find loop holes to get your way its just a shame and youll teach your kids to do the same !!!