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Everything posted by 111

  1. 111

    Unit 9 archery hunt

    I'm guessing at my house in Flagstaff that we received close to an inch of rain yesterday. The Tusuyan area looked like it got smoked yesterday around 1:00 p.m. by what the radar indicated, so there should be tons of water everywhere. The elk will be spread all over the unit, and they should be rutting pretty good this year. I won't be able to make the pizza night, I'll be leaving Sunday night for College. Hopefully I'll see a few of you around up there and we can tell some stories. Good luck to everybody on your hunts around the State, it should be an awesome year!!
  2. 111

    7 Days and counting

    Jason good luck on your hunt! I'll be up there this weekend scouting also. The bulls were just warming up last Saturday so they should be screaming this weekend. I'll have lots of pics and video after a few weeks, it will be a lot of fun!! Good Luck
  3. 111

    Randy Ulmer

    Wow...Randy is one of the best!! Also those are great pics with the kids!!
  4. All those are great bucks! Out of all that sitting time did you guys see any bucks?
  5. Hunted Unit 7. Saw a lot of quads and some deer. Friday evening I spotted a 3 pt. Snuck up on him but he busted out of the area. Continued hunting the area for a couple hours and finally spotted a different 3 pt bedded behind some rocks. Snuck up on him on all fours to about thirty yards. Finally he stood up to peek over the rock at me but he was in some thick pine trees. I estimated him at thirty and let the arrow fly. My arrow hit off some twigs and missed the buck. Sunday evening my brother and I were still hunting an area. I didn't see anything but a coyote walked by my brother and he drilled it at 15 yards. Monday evening I still hunted a different area all afternoon. Didn't see anything until about 6:00 p.m. when I spotted a spike and some does. The buck gave me a broadside shot with a slight angle away at 50 yards. I Drilled him with a pass through and took out about every organ. Overall it was a great weekend!
  6. Nice Pics! I have video from last Thursday of the seven point in full velvet except for some little scraps around the royal. It sure didn't take long to finish the rest off!! Jason was that bull bugling in the first pic?
  7. The rain is needed, and we're seeing a lot up around Flagstaff.
  8. I'm going to buy two more trail cams. What is the best trail cam going for a cheap price. Like 50-100 bucks? Something in that price range so when it gets ripped off a tree it won't be a big loss....
  9. 111

    Unit 9 Archery bull tags

    We have 38 and 39......
  10. 111

    Unit 9 Archery bull tags

    Awesome...Kinda makes you wonder if we have the same tag numbers
  11. 111

    Unit 9 Archery bull tags

    My dad and friend have the tag, they drew with 9 points. Just got back from scouting it yesterday and last night. It's the driest I've seen the unit in a long time. The majority of the tanks are either dirt dry or about a week away from it. Even with all the rain in Flag, I noticed most of it fell south of Valle. The game and fish are in there refilling trick tanks though...Although it's dry the elk look like there in ok shape. I was at the McDonalds filming the Tusuyan bulls...the 7 pt is nice. Throughout the unit I saw plenty of cow elk, couple bulls and two small flocks of turkey.......... The count is 14/75 tags...couesfan-2..arizonacoueskiller-2..desertsheep-2..111-2..mjmhunter-3..kaffer62-1..luvcoues-2.........
  12. 111


    coosefan sent you a pm
  13. 111

    finally after 28yrs!!!!!

    28 years wow.....CONGRATS!!! I'll have 14 points next year, I don't know how you waited double what I have so far...LOL
  14. 111


    I drew rifle bull and turkey.. brother drew rifle bull, turkey and rifle antelope. Dad drew archery bull, and turkey.
  15. Just got tired of looking at the Arizona draw post. So who has been hit on the credit cards so far!!
  16. 111

    Draw Results

    Well it's past 8:00 a.m. it's not liked they worked all weekend and flipped the switch for results. Here we go again.......Hopefully we will know today.........
  17. 111

    No CC hits, %$#@

    The second number looks new to me also...probably just a authorization code number to go with the confirmation number which hopefully means they will post the draw soon...........
  18. 111

    Draw Results

    Tomorrow is the day...
  19. 111

    Draw Results

    either that or just another day....
  20. 111

    Bonus Points

    I wouldn't count on anything until the draw is posted. This is what I had before the draw though... Deer-2 (loyalty) (hunter ed) Elk-2 (loyalty) (hunter ed) Sheep-7 Buff-7 Antelope-13
  21. My credit card transactions are now available on the credit cards website and are no longer pending where I have to call and talk to a person. I printed it out so hopefully they will stay there................
  22. 111

    Draw Results

    COOSEFAN have your friends had anymore luck finding out additional draw results??
  23. Congrats Brett and that's a dandy bull you harvested last year! I also found out I got my third bull tag in a row I just don't know what hunt..
  24. donniedent you got me good and that's all that needs to be said. Only 93 tags for bighorn sheep and 8 for buffalo, nobody knows anybody with these tags yet?? If you have a tag it's alright to admit it, you'll probably only get to do it once...