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Everything posted by 111

  1. Paper will knock out about 2,000-4,000 with mistakes. The additional two weeks may help a few more apply...
  2. 111

    Anyone like drop-tines?

    What an awesome set!
  3. Whhhaaaattttzzzzz up... Where you been lately? I haven't seen you post in a while...
  4. 111

    Horizontal versus Vertical

    I would go with the Duskdevil sights. You can attach as many pins as you can fit and easily go beyond a 100 yds. It was a toss up for me between the Duskdevil and Spot-Hoggs....The Duskdevil for longer ranges, the Spott-Hogg for quality. On the seven pin model Spott-Hogg I start my pins at 30 yards and go to 90 yds, so I still can get all the reach if needed. Either way both are great sights...
  5. 111

    Owl music video

    Great video Amanda, Thanks for sharing!!
  6. 111

    Horizontal versus Vertical

    I've tried a lot of sights and Spott-Hogg would have to be on top. The right on, 7 pin models, and hogg-it are all good, I personally didn't like the barebones without the vertical wire. There's a lot of other horizontal sight models I would go with before veritcal pins. IMO trophy ridge sights were one of the worst sights ever made. The plastic gadgets and vertical pins made it harder to shoot and unreliable. Go with the Spott-Hoggs, they really are the best.................
  7. 111

    Archery Antelope

    Looks Great! Those are some awesome cutters, and hooks on the top are sweet...Nice muley mount there also...
  8. 111

    Please help...

    Doug, and Ultramag your right on how you described it I believe. I took the total permits issued divided by first choice apps, and always came up with a 1-3% higher draw odds than what was posted in the book. I tried to figure out why... For example unit 5 mule deer in 2006... (450) permits....(2,816) 1st choice....(2,573) 2nd choice....(5,389) total apps.=13.0% draw odds by how the book describes. Going off 1st choice only 450/2,816= 15.9% draw odds..the 15.9% should be posted in the book instead of the 13.0% you would think...But then the second choice is factored in also, which is why the book is correct at 13.0% draw odds. So to get a 13.0% draw odds like posted in the book it took 450/3,461= 13.0%. Now I get confused..So now to total apps 5,389-3,461= 1,928. Were the 1,928 not counted in the odds out of the origianl 5,389 total apps posted in the book? Were these 1,928 all second choice that drew a different unit as there first choice, which therefore didn't effect the odds in unit 5?
  9. I heard today that the Forest Service is proposing a road closure plan to driving on pipelines. They want to shut access down to all vehicle travel on pipelines. This plan is not set in stone it's just a proposal, but I can see it going through. I think we will be starting to see our outdoor recreation taken away pretty soon unless we can find a way to stop it. The worst thing is they are taking our roads away legally, which makes it harder to stop. It sure is going to be hard to have fun in the near future...
  10. Sorry to hear the bad news. Illegals are a big infestation throughout the southwest that we have to deal with daily because our border patrol is basically non existant. The cop should have checked Jose for a legal driver's, car registration, social security, etc.. just something to see if he's really an illegal. If you feel the cop didn't do his job on this accident, I would file a complaint to the department. Good luck with the rest of this situation...
  11. 111

    monster sheds

    WOW, what a find! Hopefully he applied for deer in that area, that is one impressive set...
  12. 111

    some bad news

    That is some very bad news NOT having mule deer as a second choice also... j/k. I know you always go with coues first choice, but I doubt you'll regret not having coues as your first choice this year! Good Luck in the draw!
  13. Great pics, thanks for sharing them!
  14. I hate having anymore restricitions reguarding hunting than is needed. I like the first proposal, leaving it the way it is. The other proposal involve taking out hundreds to thousands of miles of roads which is a lot. I wonder what roads they plan on taking out? If they would create a map for the public to see the road closures, it would be very helpful in determining more of an idea of what they're trying to accomplish here. The idea of having a permit to retrieve a downed animal sounds rediculous to me. The way I read it, you shoot the animal and then go get a tag to retrieve it, too restricted IMO.
  15. 111

    Hillary Clinton

    HILLBILLERY... That's what I think...
  16. 111

    2007 spring turkey

    Congrats!! Spring turkey is just a blast! How long was the beard?
  17. It looks like you can apply online! Good Luck!
  18. 111

    bird down

    Congrats on the bird, sounds like you guys had quite an adventure...
  19. 111


    I like the Leica, both 800 and 1200 models. Very clear, small aiming square, and are very reliable, and accurate at close and long distances. Swarovski are even clearer then the Leica and provide a better view and gather a bit more light. The problem with the Swarovski's is what Doug said, the huge circle aiming target. Until Swarovski makes a smaller aiming target I would rather have the Leica's. The Nikon's don't seem to gather as much light as the Leica and Swarovski but are still great. I like how they take quick range readings, and how they are a bit smaller in size. Bushnell's and the others I've never tried so I don't know how they compare.
  20. 111

    Swarovskis Vs. Leica

    I prefer the Swaro's, I feel they gather light better. The price and size of the 15's Swarovski are some negatives.
  21. Thanks for the info!
  22. Now that bonus points are being issued for turkey, I thought of something I better ask before we apply in the near future. I did not draw Spring turkey this year so I gained a bonus point, but will that point be taken away if I draw a Fall turkey tag, or does it just apply to Spring hunts? Thanks for any answer on this and best of luck in the upcoming draw...
  23. 111

    Test pics

    Great mass and curl on that sheep, I would love to hunt those someday! Is that the same awesome bull in your avatar from unit 5?
  24. 111

    Kiabab Report?

    Good Luck on your hunt, I hope you hear a lot of gobbling!