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johnnie blaze

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Everything posted by johnnie blaze

  1. johnnie blaze

    Pinal County Deputy shoots unarmed man

    He's lucky he lived that long. That speeding piece of metal is surely a weapon. What if a loved one was hit by that jackass. IMHO, that guy is the biggest problem with this country. "its not breaking the law unless I get caught" NOT THIS TIME LOSER!
  2. johnnie blaze

    What's the craziest thing you have done while out hunting?

    I had shot a decent buck, a 90", and my old man wanted the hide for a deer he killed years ago. The shot was good, obviously not good enough. My hunting bud and I were standing over the buck and he wouldn't die. Didn't have a small calliber, didn't wanna shoot the mag at close range or slit his throat, so we decided the best way was to take the sandwich outta the bag, pin the deer down and suffocate him. It worked, but wasn't easy. I'll never try it again. FYI, REALLY? LEAVE THE BAG ON THE MOUNTAIN? rolling eyeballs*
  3. johnnie blaze

    Tanaka must be a meateater....

    And I see the yanks and cubbies say they won't be outbid.
  4. johnnie blaze

    Tanaka must be a meateater....

    Googled him. He's suppose to be a fantastic pitcher. Dbacks offered him 1 mil to play here. He has 3days till deadline.
  5. johnnie blaze

    old stickers?

    Oh, it's a Tucson thing fosho! ;-)
  6. johnnie blaze

    What's the craziest thing you have done while out hunting?

    I've had a few. I've killed a buck suffocating him with a ziplock sandwich bag. I've killed a pig by burning him out. I've had to lower a deer on a frame out of a canyon by lowering him down a cliff with rope. And a few more.
  7. johnnie blaze

    Mountain Lion Calling

    Years ago I glasssed up some nervous does that had to be a mile away. I kept watching them and picked up a cat stalking them. He blew the stalk and everything left the country and he was just standing there with egg on his face. So I said, what the heck and made a horrid varmit call with nothing more then my god givin singing talent. I'd have been eliminated in the first round of American Idol. But that cat beelined for me. In and out of canyons. Drop into one, come back out....so on and so forth. But an absolute straight line. Whenhe got into range it took me a while to pick him up. By the time I did, he had moved again towards me. Now he's under the side of the canyon I'm on. This all happened in about 2hrs before dark. Well, once I lost sight of him from being underneath me, it started to get real spooky, cause now he has the advantage. But, I kept singing figuring he'd eventually come right to me. Right before it was getting to dark to see, I stood up and yelled a "hey" and then a few minutes later agin, "hey". And I caught him out of the corner of my eye no more than 40 yds in the tall grass in front of me and he jetted. Moral of the story, uh yeah, they'll come in....especially if they blew a stalk and are hungry. And I believe it wouldn't have mattered what kinda call I used. Maybe I'll try a duck call next time.;-)
  8. johnnie blaze

    My 6a cow

    Congrats kiddo, and kudos for the write up. Better then most adults.
  9. johnnie blaze

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

  10. johnnie blaze

    Pond Jumping Ducks

    Good lookin mallards as well.
  11. Nice kill. If he wasn't resident, he musta been a true snowbird. Lol. Was he flocked or just a single?
  12. johnnie blaze

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    Someone should warn his wife.
  13. johnnie blaze

    Buck of my dreams**story added

    Hybrid? Lol
  14. johnnie blaze

    zeiss binoculer

    Doesn't say, but their 15x60's
  15. johnnie blaze

    Epperson's Africa Plains game Hunt Part 2

    Dude, too freakin cool. Where else could you sit on water and see so many different species. Including birds. Love the monkey lol.
  16. johnnie blaze

    December Rut Tag Big Typical Down

    You know he's good when a muleys got nice G1's
  17. johnnie blaze

    Any HAM (mainly 'h') hunters?

    take both
  18. johnnie blaze

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    My issue is how can you even see the animal at 100yds through a peep. " aim small, hit small" I'd think the pin would cover the whole target, let alone pic a spot. By comparison, most ( if not all ) use atleast a 20x scope shooting long range rifle because of this reason. You dont, or shouldn't, see any bangstick guy shooting 500+ with a straight 3x.
  19. johnnie blaze


    Nice find
  20. johnnie blaze

    19 points

    Here's one I waited out that year, he was 100yds, my ethics suck.
  21. johnnie blaze

    19 points

    I had the tag a few years back. It's not that bad of a unit.
  22. johnnie blaze

    19 points

    And it's close to home
  23. johnnie blaze

    19 points

    21 archery
  24. you of all people should know the media always spins a story for the gold bill.
  25. johnnie blaze

    Help with cwt.com

    No biggie, click on forums then on new content and it puts you back to where you wanna be.