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Everything posted by azelkhunter2

  1. azelkhunter2

    For your viewing pleasure......winner posted !!!!!!

    52 Left....
  2. azelkhunter2

    For your viewing pleasure......winner posted !!!!!!

    Less then 100 tickets left.....
  3. azelkhunter2

    Wednesday Night 3-D League

  4. azelkhunter2

    For your viewing pleasure......winner posted !!!!!!

    Who needs to eat ...Priorities man !!!!!
  5. azelkhunter2

    For your viewing pleasure......winner posted !!!!!!

    Going fast.....
  6. azelkhunter2

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Hypothetically speaking....More then one person may have been picked up and a whole bunch of trophy deer heads taken
  7. azelkhunter2

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Someone might not be hunting ( legally ) for let’s say 5 yrs or so...
  8. azelkhunter2

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I know the whole story...But I ain’t telling
  9. azelkhunter2

    Swarovski BTX raffle

    Jacob smith....Utah
  10. azelkhunter2

    Proposed Ban To Amend ESA

    There is FAR more to this then what is on the surface...The Individuals that brought this forward are members of HSUS and Defenders of wildlife. If you read the entire proposal it bans all trophy hunting including the United States....From What the National sportsman’s alliance has put out that means ANY state that defines what a trophy class animal is is subject to the ban....Arizona has such a definition.....
  11. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Fred.....I type with two fingers and there is a lot that goes into the what...Why and how and would take me an hour to type out. Please call me and I can explain it to you. You can translate it and post it if you like I have nothing to hide. If you or anyone else would like to see the process in person I would be happy to have you or anyone else join me at the next meeting where we discuss and fund multiple projects....Thanks Dave
  12. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Fred I am on the HPC Committee. If you would like you or anyone else can call me and I will try and answer your questions. Dave 602-228 - 1719
  13. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Is the issue with the Utah model the fact that only 70% ? Of the monies raised goes back to conservation....In brushing through the hundreds of pages of post about the subject on MM the majority of post have issues with the fact that not all the monies go to conservative and most all were ok with RMEF getting the contract because they were going to give back 100% of the monies. If that is the fact then if all the monies raised here by whatever the end concept is go back to the department then what is the issue....I am not in favor of using tags I believe there are other funding sources that can be used...But the Utah model keeps coming up and the big issue with it apparently is the less then 100% going to the department.....That apparently will not be the issue here ?.... For all the uproar over the Utah expo a very large number of people attended it every year..If attendance is any indication that the hunters in Utah are dissatisfied with the program then numbers would indicate that most aren’t....
  14. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Regardless of what type of system may happen here....Raffle tags ....Auction tags or a combination of both....If any tags are even involved with the final decision..... What has been said in both the pod cast and meetings is that 100% of all funds raised will go back to the game and fish department.....If that is the case why is the Utah model (which by the way is a travesty)...being used as a comparison...
  15. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Is the main issue in Utah that 100 % of the funds are not used for conservation....If RMEF had been awarded the contract and 100% of the funds raised go back to the dept for conservation with 100% transparency would the sportsman of Utah be on board with the expo...
  16. azelkhunter2

    WTB Rem 700 trigger

    Sent you a reply
  17. azelkhunter2

    WTB Rem 700 trigger

    I have a Timney set at 2 lbs
  18. azelkhunter2

    What To Build

    You have no idea how much money lance has cost me....
  19. azelkhunter2

    Manners stocks

    I have used them several times and it’s been 5/9 months depending on the stock
  20. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Fred....Bruce was obviously at the meeting....Was he able to speak or make the presentation....I am curious what the commissions thoughts were on it....
  21. azelkhunter2

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Fred did you make your presentation and if so how was it received.....I know you sent it to the Dept but what if anything have you heard back....
  22. I have four rims and tires that came off a 2018 Polaris general....Tires and rims are brand new...They were taken off at the dealer. $ 450.00. No trades Dave 602-228-1719. Front tire size is. 27-9-14, rear tire size is. 27-11-14
  23. azelkhunter2

    New 2018 Polaris general take off rims and tires...

    Lance if these fit ur rig you can have them...No charge...
  24. azelkhunter2

    RV Fuel Tank Question

    Mine is a 2003...So with any luck it will be...