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Everything posted by Jcubed

  1. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    Called Google
  2. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    God, you are a hypocrite.
  3. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    No meme, just your "startled" words. Interesting, if you read all that, is that you actually try to shift the blame from yourself to those who caught you...nothing New
  4. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

  5. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    Hiding behind a meme. Pathetic.
  6. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    And that, my friends, is the attitude exhibited by every serial lawbreaker. Glad you lose no sleep over those you admitted to stealing from. Class act. Glad you represent "hunters." Literally pathetic response. Haha yes put words in my mouth. Because that's exactly what I meant. My point being I've made up for whatever mistakes I've made in my past and literally don't care what a couple dudes on an internet forum think about it or what they think of me. If I had to please everyone I deal with I'd be in trouble. You said it. In fact, I don't know if you know this, but you did it too. PS You did get in "trouble"
  7. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    As to ignoring "it"...xxxx off. I have more respect for my fellow hunters than that.
  8. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    And that, my friends, is the attitude exhibited by every serial lawbreaker. Glad you lose no sleep over those you admitted to stealing from. Class act. Glad you represent "hunters." Literally pathetic response.
  9. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    There never was a "fight" just bc777 throwing accusations around that were completely without base. Oh, and, being completely ignorant of the law as he showed recently on this forum. How he adds anything "useful" is beyond me. YMMV But what do I know?
  10. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    ETA: useful lol
  11. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    I'm so mad I don't even remember what we were fighting about. Only one I've ever truly disliked was that rifleman dude. He was nuts. Life on coues wouldn't be as exciting without a little arguing and name calling. Keeps things going during the slow times. Who's that coues33 dude by the way? Haven't ever seen him post anything useful around here. Calm down, I know you were going to ASU, but, due to your post, you may be having a stroke. Breathe brother. Perhaps, seek medical attention. Breathe. As to coues something...I assume he is a coues Hunter. Prob does stuff on a daily basis you would be pissed about...just guessing here. As to useful...could you post up a video, or post, as to the best way to find cams? I like to moon them when I find them close to the road. Otherwise I don't seem to find many. All help appreciated! Thanks in advance. J
  12. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    I do think it is time to come together as a hunting group and hate each other...
  13. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    I never said anything bad about this website. Just said about kids shouldnt be allowed on the INTERNET.only thing I dont allow on the websites I built and the ones I still have are porn and talking about peoples kids in a derogatory way. well I allow porn but its a private section How do I sign up??? Lol its pretty easy once I get nude pics of your wife Did you return to sender?
  14. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    Couldnt... they were locked up!! Lol You know, That truck is pretty distinctive...just sayin
  15. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    I'm your huckleberry. And your momma dresses you funny.Oh yeah???? Well Your son has a solid strong handshake.... TAKE THAT!!!!! Typical bp response
  16. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    Neither is stealing... i know he apologized and made things right... but what if he had never been caught. Once a thief always a theif. #shotsfired
  17. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    Why becuae you shot a big buck? Epic trip congrats again. I hope he doesnt except it. Who will we make fun of and call bonerdouche777 for the next 6 years See?! He's full of hate...
  18. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    I heard couescrazy33 thinks you stole his handle...fyi
  19. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    Good luck. May the hate be with you...
  20. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    No broke back. I just hope bonercollector777 will accept it. Regards cwt, it was a great year to be in southern Arizona!
  21. Jcubed

    CWT Feuds

    These threads, and my old age, have got me thinking about past wrongs. Bonercollector777, can I apologize to you? You guys get it done and I don't want any animosity here on the forums if I ever post again. I enjoy your posts about the law and perceived violations thereof. Please accept my most sincere apologies.
  22. Jcubed

    stolen Cameras

    And bonercollector777, in all sincerity, I hope you and your family are doing well... Happy hunting!
  23. Jcubed

    Who taught you to hunt?

    Honestly JLG. He taught me more about hunting than my dad ever did. Thanks John
  24. Jcubed

    stolen Cameras

    Brought me back, just like the cams...
  25. Jcubed

    stolen Cameras

    You're still alive jcubed? Haven't seen you post in a while. Glad I could bring you back. I missed you too.