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Everything posted by Jcubed

  1. Jcubed


  2. Jcubed

    Hang Elk quarters in Upright Freezer

    Listen to this guy
  3. Jcubed

    36C Late December

    Good luck Kyle...lots of deer in that unit
  4. Jcubed

    Its over!

  5. Jcubed

    Saw this on Instagram...what’s your take?

    Just pay more taxes...gov will fix it
  6. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Thx non-typical
  7. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Are taxes voluntary? Askin 4 a friend
  8. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Is this guy serious? I'd bet the big bo got "leased"
  9. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    Cant corner cross in Montana
  10. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    State charges...thats a tax. Sorry to inform you
  11. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    More taxes...thats the answer
  12. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

  13. Jcubed

    Big Boguillas Gone?

    More gov is definitely the logical solution.
  14. Jcubed

    CCI Large Pistol Primers #300

  15. Jcubed

    Zenray ed2 spotting scope.

  16. Jcubed

    Zenray ed2 spotting scope.

    Works good. Made seller hike a loooooonnnnggg way for a deer. Great man.
  17. Jcubed

    Sig BDX

    Doesn't seem very popular here. Interesting... Buy it and report back with your successes or failures. Please and thank you!
  18. Jcubed

    New Member

    Someone is prob gettin a new account...
  19. Jcubed

    New Member

  20. Jcubed

    New Member

    Definitely stick around...
  21. Jcubed

    New Member

    Dude for some axis, I'll get ya on some Coues w a general tag in AZ lol. Sorry to hear about the troubles...
  22. Jcubed

    New pack recommendation?

    Enjoy the pack! You too Catfish!
  23. Jcubed

    New pack recommendation?

    Contact Kifaru ask about their veterans discount. If you can talk to Aaron Snyder do so and tell him what you are considering.
  24. Jcubed

    New pack recommendation?

    Most definitely not mad...hence starting with "lol."
  25. Jcubed

    New pack recommendation?

    Lol. We were talking packs and I stated an opinion that I, persionally, view it as an important and essential piece of kit. You came back with the sarcastic binos comment. Have a great day.