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Everything posted by Jcubed

  1. Jcubed

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    This is about as good as I have heard on the issue
  2. Jcubed

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    Simplifies the license structure
  3. Jcubed

    AZGFD Public Meeting On License/Tag Fees

    Anyone else going to the Tucson meeting? I'm going to try and make it as well
  4. Jcubed

    Southern left over tag questions

    MRL is correct about 36c and the lions. He is also correct that it isn't the illegals but the drug runners and their guards that are the danger esp in 36c. Personally I love unit 36c because it is beautiful and every time I climb a peak I can look out over the flats and mountain ranges and wonder what it was like in the 1800s. Having said that when I go into the unit I leave detailed directions as to where I will be at and when I will be back. I always ask the BP what the activity it like but I never get a straight answer.
  5. Just ordered the new led lights for the boat so we can stop using flashlights.. How bout next weekend? Sounds awesome
  6. Jcubed

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    Class is in session
  7. Jcubed

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    Actually, we don't. AZGFD doesn't receive any taxpayer money for game management. It's all through licenses and tags. And, in lean times, the Legislature sweeps their funds for the general fund. As to only going up a few percentage points each year. Okay. With no changes since 2007, what would a 3% increase per year over the course of 7 years look like? North of 20%, Let's not all forget that none of the proposed increases are above the fee caps the Legislature already had in place. In other words, the Department had authority to raise tag prices even higher than this before the "simplification" bill. They're just doing it now because they can also change the licensing structure. And to the guy complaining about they "keys to the Kingdom" license for resident and non-resident youth. Youth have always paid the same price for youth licenses, regardless of residency. Its in place, in part, to encourage new youth to try out our unique hunting experiences, but it also allows Arizonas resident fathers with children living out of state to bring their kids here for the same price as if they lived with the full time. I haven't made up my mind about all the other changes, but I support the $5 youth license 110%. They're our future hunters (and voters), and we should make it as easy for them as possible to get into the field and have a positive experience. Thanks for this response. Might be an interesting question... how many here have actually gone to an AZGFD meeting where they hear public comments on proposed changes?
  8. Jcubed

    Latest Challenge

    NTS those are awesome!
  9. Jcubed

    FS Coleman Scanoe

    Pictures? Location?
  10. Wally if you come down this way (36s) for scouting drop me a line. I can bring some 15s out and we can do a little glassing.
  11. Jcubed

    Best Italian Restaurants

    Spinatos is good as rossislider said
  12. Jcubed

    Best Italian Restaurants

    Rosa's Little Italy in Bisbee
  13. Jcubed

    Topic about corrupt AZGFD is pinned at the top of the page

    I think that there is still a lot to say about the AZGFD post. All I will say about it is that there is no place for the kind of ad hominem abusive attacks that appeared in that thread. If you can't debate your position without attacking others then please don't bring up the topic. Please see this link (#4 especially) to understand: http://www.olemiss.edu/courses/logic/fallacies.htm Further, Stanley and Amanda, since this is a family site I would like to see the AZGFD thread not pinned to the top of "The Campfire" page.
  14. Jcubed


  15. Apparently a rock that protected my head better than tinfoil Actually, it is pretty faulty logic if you claim the legal system protects criminals and then in the next breath claim a person is GUILTY until proven innocent. You can have one or the other but not both at the same time.
  16. I'm not holding a hand. Never met the guy and never will... I don't usually make comments on this forum and use it as a release and for pure enjoyment to see other hunters and their hunting success. Occasionally, I make a hunting friend and we enjoy the outdoors together. However, it pains me to see these lynch mobs form. This entire thread has evolved into the trampling of rights. We as hunters need to be very careful about this subject. If you open the door to the mob mentality and the trampling of individual rights guaranteed in this country, then you must ask yourself where does the trampling stop? Regan: good luck with your studies! I am in a similar field.
  17. Actually, what he was trying to guarantee was his right to DUE PROCESS. The whole innocent until proven guilty concept, instead of the lynch mobs that form with insufficient evidence to comprehend the points at issue and just determine guilt because it feels good and fits there agenda (kinda sounds like a certain political party, doesn't it?). I know it is hard to comprehend but in American we have a pesky document called the Constitution that GUARANTEES citizens certain rights... Our legal system protects the criminals! You are GUILTY until proven innocent. It's a game of who you know, what attorney you hire and/or how much money you have. Wow. That is some statement. If you are "GUILTY until proven innocent" then how does the legal system protect criminals? Seems like there is some faulty logic there.
  18. Actually, what he was trying to guarantee was his right to DUE PROCESS. The whole innocent until proven guilty concept, instead of the lynch mobs that form with insufficient evidence to comprehend the points at issue and just determine guilt because it feels good and fits there agenda (kinda sounds like a certain political party, doesn't it?). I know it is hard to comprehend but in American we have a pesky document called the Constitution that GUARANTEES citizens certain rights...
  19. So if we just be quiet and not talk about it everything will be just fine right? All I am sayin is if what I quoted is correct......what would have happened to me as a hunter, that is all I am asking. Would I get that same due process??? Yes, you as an American under the Constitution would have the same due process. Better ask if you would rather be judged in the courts or by the lynch mod that has formed on this forum? Cheers
  20. Non-Typical It is called due process.
  21. I would say.."some people on this forum"..."some" Ernesto C Ernesto, You are completely correct! "Some" is what I should have said...call it a lack of clarity! My apologies to the cwt community and my friends on here!
  22. Jcubed

    36C Oct. Questions

    If you need help with this unit let me know