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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    D'Backs done.

    They gave up too much for Shelbie Miller.
  2. DesertBull

    Help please

    That bullet was deseignec specifically for the 300 savage shorter neck. If you want to shoot the SST in the win mag I would use the 180 grain.
  3. DesertBull

    6.5 LRAB

    I listened to a pod cast at work this week with the Gunwerks guy. He said in so many words they sucked.
  4. DesertBull

    Spare tires

    I saw a car on the free way the other day with 3 of the 4 tires being a "donut" spare. He was haulin' a$$ too. Probably didn't have the money for real tires because of the cigarette that was hangin from his lips and the full sleeve tat on his left arm, which was hanging out the window, most likely because the AC didn't work in the car. At least there were no Feel The Bern stickers on the bumper....probably because he had no bumper. probably sold it to buy cigs and tats.
  5. DesertBull

    Declaration of Independence- Have you read it?

    But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. 240 years later.......Time for new Guards
  6. DesertBull


    She probably has already been told they won't recommend a grand jury.
  7. DesertBull


    So the Beast has asked a judge to delay the release of anymore emails until after the election. What a joke. .
  8. DesertBull


    If you think the media is going to push this you are crazy. They can't stand to even think of anyone but The Beast winning this election.
  9. There is a show on the Sportsman Channel right now featuring.......Vaquero Outfitters. no shame
  10. DesertBull


    . There were 14-15 candidates running. Including some very conservative ones. The people picked Trump. Second place was Cruz. Two guys the establishment hates. That is a good sign to me.
  11. DesertBull


    Our govt is not fine IMO. We are $20 trillion in debt We have an executive branch that writes its own rules and refuses to enforce the law. Obama just said he does not care what the Supreme Court says, he is not going to pay any attention to their ruling on his immigration policy We have a judicial system that rewrites the Constitution. We have a congress that only cares about the next election. Trump might be a total disaster. He might be great. Hillary WILL be a complete disaster.
  12. DesertBull


    if I were Bill Clinton I would be asking Lynch to please please please arrest Hillary
  13. DesertBull

    Coues in 4K

  14. DesertBull


    The pulled a preworkout product off the shelf called "Craze" because it had meth in it. HAHA....Heizenburg's pre-pump http://www.statejournal.com/story/23721958/workout-supplement-craze-pulled-from-shelves-after-research-shows-meth-like-chemical
  15. DesertBull


    a .223 or 5.56? Which would you buy / build?
  16. DesertBull

    WTB Acurracy International 300 WM mag

    Yeah i saw it.
  17. A long shot but does anyone have a 300 WM AICS or compatible mag they aren't using. Paying $100 for a new one is BS.
  18. DesertBull

    Az Deer Association....Winner Posted........

    A freakin foreigner
  19. DesertBull

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    They have currently processed 20% of the applications https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/draw/statusbar/
  20. DesertBull

    CWT First "Card Hit" Contest for Raffle Tickets

    July 15 2:30 pm
  21. DesertBull


    Sweet thanks BB. #ghostgun #molon labe
  22. DesertBull


    Anyone know where to get an 80% lower milled?
  23. DesertBull

    Obama's America

    Modern Day America | | | | V
  24. DesertBull

    Obama's America

    Who wants to be on the front lines of a war with a shemale next you.