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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull


    Crude is traded as a commodity on the free market, basically the same as stocks and bonds. With China, parts of South America, and Asian countries all expanding, they are buying up a lot of the crude and gas, forcing prices higher. It would be easy to blame OPEC and the American Oil companies, but they ae pumping oil as fast they can. The real problem is refining capacity and the fact that there has not been an American refinery built in over two decades, even thought hey 40% more cars on the road and American cars tend to be real big with big fuel appetites. There has been a guy in Yuma trying to get a refinery built down there for 20 years and can't get past the enviro-wackos.
  2. DesertBull

    Phoenix Gun Stores??

    Bear Mountain used to be really good. That guy that runs the place now needs to either learn some "people skills" or just let one of those young chicks that work the register run the joint. 2 weeks ago I was in there, just browsing and killing time, and he looks at me and says "WHAT do you want?" I said, " I want a lot of things, but nuthin' from here." and walked out.
  3. That poor ranger probably had to take a "mental day" after viewing that. Does the G&F have a shrink on staff?
  4. DesertBull


    I don't see why we can't have cars that run on 80-90% alchohol. We could end almost all dependency on imported oil and make our farmers rich. Maybe they would be able to keep their farms instead of selling out to the developers. What happened the fuel cell that was supposed to bankrupt the OPEC countries? Runs on hydrogen and it's only by-product is water? That's was supposed to be the next big investment opportunity 5 years ago. Bio-diesel http://www.freep.com/news/statewire/sw120272_20050823.htm http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html http://www.biodiesel.com/ I've heard that some people are getting their oil from fast rood joints and when they drive down the road the exhaust smells like a Double Whopper with Cheese!
  5. DesertBull


    Hawaii will run out of fuel. The oil companies will just not bring them fuel if they can sell it for more in another state. Plus, that is bording on Socialism.
  6. are online now. Can I please get a Turkey tag? Just once?
  7. DesertBull

    Phoenix Gun Stores??

    LOL! I think I am taking my 7mm/08 to Alaska next month for Bear and / or Sitka Blacktail.
  8. I got this email the other day. I don't have any sheds right now or I would send him some. Maybe some one could help him? I didn't want to post his address on here, but I have it if you want it or email him for it. Thanks Jeff ------ Hi. I noticed on your website that you have quite a few antlers. Well I too, am a antler collector. I have been collecting now for about 3 years. I am 15, and I thought that collecting antlers would be something good to collect. I am an avid hunter, so thats got some effect on why I collect them. I have a lot of whitetail and thats about it. I am from Indiana, so thats all I can find around here. Last year I found out more about the Coues' deer. They are the top on my list of antlers to get right now. I have been trying to add one to my collection since last year. So far I haven't been able to find any. I was hoping if you could that you would send me one. It honestly doesn't matter too me how big it is. I just would really like one, even a set. Wow, I never even thought about owning a set of coues deer antlers. Well I hope you would please send me one. Thanks a whole lot. This would really mean a lot too me. God Bless you. Thanks very much again, I would appreciate this very much! God Bless You! Daniel Johnson
  9. I grew up in southern Illinois. Some of the communities in the area were named: Hole in Rock Skillet Fork Walnut Hill Kinmundy (I can't pay you today, but I kin Monday) Germantown Shady Rest (bootleggers and gambling hangout during the prohibition) It was Hillbilly Heaven!
  10. I will guess the Apache Mountains in unit 24A.
  11. DesertBull

    nice bucks

    If it's MiniDV, you can save clips to your hard drive and then email it to whomever you want. Microsoft MovieMaker is good for just saving the clips from your camera to your HD.
  12. DesertBull

    Help out akid?

    Well, I guess he didn't want it too badly then. I'll see if I still have his email and send him a reminder. Thanks!
  13. I was quail hunting with a friend of mine in Goldfields, outside of AJ. He spent the ride over telling me how good of a shotgunner he is. We got into some birds right away but half the covey goes one way and the other goes the opposite direction, so we split up. I hear him shoot about a 1/2 dozen times, while I only got two shots. When we met up, he looked mad. I asked him how many he got and he said none. So, I show him two birds and he just walks away. He got about 5 steps away and a bird flushes right at his feet. He shoots twice and misses. Just as it clears the last Palo Verde, I dropped it. It was a long shot and I was lucky, but oh well. Later we came to a fence and I hold his gun while he crosses it. He put his foot on the middle strand, grabbed the T-bar post, and swings his leg over. Well, seems a prankster has hack sawed 99% of the way through the post and when he swung his leg over, the top half of the post snapped. He ended up hanging on the barbed wire, upside down, head bobbing up and down against one of those furry little cactus that looks like a snowball. Oh yeah, he had a smoke in his mouth that was now trapped between the rim of his hat and his forehead! I have not seen that guy since. Probably because I couldn't help him get off the fence because I couldn't breath....I was laughing too hard!
  14. DesertBull

    Food Plot!

    Wonder if the deer hit the 7-11 for cheetos and Slurpee's after visiting this food plot? http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/hourlyupdate/88933
  15. DesertBull

    meat processor in Flagstaff

    All I can say is, I used Broadhead Processors in Parks....once
  16. DesertBull

    Sportsman's Warehouse

    Yep, they changed it. Now it says it opens the 18th but the GRAND OPENING is tomorrow.
  17. A new Sportsman's Warehouse in opening in Mesa tomorrow. Greenfield and the 60. I'll probably check it out. I am looking at a new Springfield XD40 and they have the best price by far. The other stores just cannot keep them in stock. Next year the BPS and the Cabela's should opening too. I'm going to need a 3rd job!
  18. DesertBull

    Sportsman's Warehouse

    WHAT??? I just checked to website and it still says tomorrow is the day! LIARS!!!
  19. Faded Wranglers and a white t-shirt. Is there anything more American than that?
  20. I look pretty cool in this though. http://www.cafepress.com/cp/browse/store/t...dotcom.26256395
  21. I think that's a great idea, but it would take a lot more than a shirt to make me look cool! LOL!
  22. DesertBull

    Scope Mounting

    Get the Leupold or Burris dovetail bases with the Burris Zee rings. It's idiot proof.
  23. DesertBull

    Help out akid?

    Thanks, that's great.