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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    I have a hard time with the comparisons of quads and planes. Quads are limited, legally, to established trails and roads. Yes, people break the rules, I know. Planes have no limitations, in fact they can go into wilderness areas where no vehicles are allowed at all, as long as they do not land. To each his own, but for me the thrill of the hunt is in the chase, not the kill.
  2. DesertBull

    Just a reminder

    1. they need to make that mandatory. 2. they need to make it so you can either call it in or do it online. More people would do it.
  3. DesertBull

    Pop's Last Day Muley

    OLD DUDES ROCK! Awesome buck.
  4. DesertBull

    What's Scarier?

    Perhaps I worded my last repsonse wrong. I am not for raising the min wage. I was trying to say that min wage jobs were never meant to be a career type of employment. They are entry level jobs with expectation of you improving your value to your employer with more experience. Sorry for the confusion. I am not a liberal, I promise.
  5. DesertBull


    That's still a nice buck. Congrats. One time I was hunting antelope and the area I was hunting was not a place that had a lot of goats. Well, I finally found a herd at the very end of the first day, watched them bed down right at dark, and snuck out so I could come back in the morning. There were two bucks in the herd, a nice 14"er and a really nice 16" or so buck. Next morning they were right where I had left them. I got in front of them and waited. The herd kind of spread out and I saw the bigger buck walk behind a juniper about 300 yards in front of me. I got on the shooting sticks and waited for him to walk out from behind the tree. A buck walked out, I shot, he died. As I was walking over to him, I see a big buck hauling butt across the praire. I'm thinking, ok, that smaller buck was bigger than I thought. Wrong. The small buck been behind the same tree I saw the big walk behind. The small buck came out first and sacrificed himself!
  6. DesertBull

    What's Scarier?

    Minimum wage type jobs were for kids looking for spending money and a way to get some real world work experience when I was young, not for families of 8 (with the 9th on the way) living in a 2 bedroom apartment.
  7. I was lucky enough to draw an archery bear tag in unit 22, after many years of applying. Have any of you ever been successful on a spring hunt in AZ ( not including the res)? I know the odds are long, but what are tactics that might produce? I love glassing and spot and stalk type hunting, but I am thinking a stand near water or a food source might be better in the spring? I would think a big ol' boar would be mighty thirsty after a couple of months in the winter den. I also know that not all bears in AZ hibernate. Any thoughts?
  8. DesertBull

    The statement of a lifetime

    What happened with SFW AZ? Have not heard anything from them in awhile now. I think that group was going to speciffically deal with the politics of sportmen's issues.
  9. DesertBull

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    The fact is, that this post has evolved from a discussion about Mr Ulmer into a debate about chute planes. People use chute planes, that's a fact. A certain percentage of the hunting public thinks that is wrong, another fact. Truthfully, I don't see anyone running down Mr Ulmer. If a person is going to use controverial methods, they have to prepared to accept a certain level of criticism from those that are opposed.
  10. DesertBull

    The statement of a lifetime

    Yes, you are correct, but if you have noticed the developers are trying hard to change that. Every election, they put up ballot initiatives to ease the restrictions. They usually disguise it as a "help conserve nature" law, when in actuality it is nothing more that a land swap or power shift that will result in more golf coarses and tract homes and the public is left with 10,000 acres of waterless creosote flats in exchange.
  11. DesertBull

    36 A Jr Hunt

    NICE! Congrats.
  12. DesertBull

    Blacktails Part II

    That does looks like she has the squirts.
  13. DesertBull

    The statement of a lifetime

    We have always had commissioners appointed by the Gov. That's how they become commissioners. We need to elect a different Governor.
  14. DesertBull

    My Bull Elk hunt

    That is a great story. Congrats. God Bless.
  15. DesertBull

    1st muzzleloader suggestions

    There are no restrictions in AZ as far as scopes, sabots, exposed primers, etc. However, ther might be some restrictions on muzzleloader design in Ill. I have a Knight and it shoots good. I do not like the little plastic jackets you have to use on the primers though. If I were buying a new ML'er, it would be a Thompson Encore.
  16. DesertBull

    The statement of a lifetime

    Maybe there are more big deer being killed in the earlier hunts because there are more people in the field?
  17. DesertBull

    Scouting does PAY....

  18. DesertBull

    Scouting does PAY....

  19. DesertBull

    The statement of a lifetime

    I'm not a biologist. I just know that the ADA spent a lot of money doing a deer count on the Kaibab last year and the numbers they came up with and the number the G&F had were way different. Seems I remember that the G&F uses models to determine deer estimates and not actual counts. http://www.azdeer.org/kaibab_article.htm http://www.azdeer.org/kaibab_trip_summary.htm
  20. DesertBull

    Spring Bear?

    Thank you, I appreciate that.
  21. DesertBull

    The statement of a lifetime

    From what I have read and heard, the way the G&F estimates deer numbers is a joke. If you do not have a reasonably accurate count, how can you calculate the correct number of tags to be issued.
  22. DesertBull

    Which release?

    Tru-Ball Diamond Pro
  23. 4 years ago I lost a Garmin GPS on Red Butte in unit 9. Yesterday, while driving up there, I was thinking about that and wondering if anyone ever found it. I was scouting for a client at the time, and had to hike back to the truck, drive all the way back to Flagstaff and buy a new one, then drive back and start scouting again. So, I was scouting for a new client this weekend and I parked on the south side of the mountain and started hiking up. I usually park on the east side and hike up a ridge that tapers in that direction, but I decided to take a different route this time. As I was hiking, I thought about the GPS again, and at that precise moment, I looked down, and there it was. AMAZING!
  24. DesertBull

    2b Muley hunt pics

    I think that late hunt is not until December. Should be enough snow by then to bring some more elk into the unit. It is an easy draw.