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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Rem 7MM-08

    It's not just a "kids and ladies" gun.
  2. I don't like it at all, but if they are going to open up new units for late hunting, then that is something to think about. If they would start a 37B early archery hunt, I would burn bonus points on that. A unit 12 late archery hunt would be cool too. I say leave it as it is, but if that is not possible, then open up more units for archery draw hunts.
  3. DesertBull

    12a junior hunt

    That is cool.
  4. DesertBull


    I wanted to go, but had too many things to do at work. I'm torn between scouting for my antelope hunt or going to my bear spot in 23S. Sounds like alot of people are going to 23S, so I might skip it. I have a feeling the quota will be met real soon though.
  5. DesertBull

    More Of OW's Dead Critters

    8' black bear! WOW! That's awesome.
  6. DesertBull

    Over the counter deer tags

    Well said, but they have other sources of $$$ besides tag and license sales. They get money from federal excise taxes, matching fed funds, lottery, etc.
  7. DesertBull

    37a mulie sheds

    Yeah he has alot of mass, a very nice desert mulie, we hunted him and another monster that ran with him for a few years, until they were poached. It broke my heart, I haven't been back to the area since. Looking at his sheds I know I need to go back, cause he's got to have offspring. That stinks. Did they catch the poacher?
  8. DesertBull

    Over the counter deer tags

    That was my first thought also. If there are 30,000 OTC tags sold every year, that equates to an extra $210,000 per year in app fees they are missing out on. I'll bet that 99% of all hunters applying for an archery deer tag would get their tag. Next up - fall bear hunts, lion, and archery turkey.
  9. DesertBull

    Over the counter deer tags

    The above is a quote from the letter. Maybe G&F needs to do what a couple other states now do: no report, no permit the following year. That should increase compliance for better harvest stats, huh? And yes, it SHOULD include ALL hunts so the stats are accurate. Here's why: In the How To Hunt Coues Deer book, I explained how the harvest stats are derived from the mailed survey cards and why they can be really skewed, especially in units with a low number of permits. The stats are taken from only those cards that are actually returned. So if a unit has 100 permits but only 20 get returned and 10 people report killing a buck, the success rate is put at 50%. Of course, no one knows about the other 80 permits holders really did, but the assumption being made is they had the same average success rate. The problem is the statistical base to conclude that is really too small. -TONY I just finished reading the entire letter and saw the recommendation for manadatory reporting/no license was indeed suggested in it. Bingo! Then all they would need to worry about is hunters telling the truth on the survey cards. -TONY NM does that and it's not a "barrier" to hunter retention there, as far as I know. In fact, why does it have to be limited to just reporting harvest? Why not make everyone return the card, even if they did not harvest an animal? Then there is no excuse for not complying.
  10. DesertBull

    Spending time in a tree stand ?

    Good stuff!
  11. DesertBull


    I'm not an expert, but I have seen them in the mesquites in years where the pears and acorns are a bust. They eat the mequite beans when all fails, I think.
  12. DesertBull

    Mess of Carp!

    I would shoot it if given the chance. You can get an Oct tag just about any year. Most don't get a bow shot at a buck like that every year though.
  13. DesertBull


    In the pears or oaks? I'm not hunting 27, for what it's worth.
  14. DesertBull


    I will be in unit XX on the 10th. Saw 3 last year in the same spot last year. Hope to get one with my bow this year. Pears are looking mcuh better this year.
  15. DesertBull

    Auction Hunt

    Plenty of people get fined every year for shooting doves, squirrels, rabbits, quail, etc too close to buildings and across roads. If the guy didn't break any laws, then he should absolutely get the bull. If not, then he should be treated like everyone else.
  16. That 1st one is amazing. I have a handful of tadpoles in my daughters fish bowl right now that I grabbed out a trick tank. Funny thing is, they have been in there for 6 weeks and are not changing at all. I guess they don't want to be a frog.
  17. DesertBull

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    If we hunters won't police ourselves, who will? Sweeping things like this under the rug in the name of being united is wrong. I don't give a rip about the auction tag, how much it cost, or how much the money the buyer has, it's none of my business, but it's still supposed to be a "hunting permit", not shooting fish in a barrel. IMO, the tape measure and scoring sheets have done much more to harm huntings image in the general public, than any guy with a fat wallet. Why was it so important to kill this elk is such close proximity to a building? Did it never leave this area? If so, I could imagine that it was not really all that scared of humans.
  18. DesertBull

    saw a sticker

    I think I saw that same truck going about 93 MPH up the Beeline on Friday afternoon.
  19. DesertBull

    Pretty impressed..

  20. DesertBull

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Not quite. If the property owner gives permission, you can legally shoot off the back porch, as long as there are no OTHER houses within 1/4 mile of that porch, where the owners HAVEN'T given permission. Pertinent part of A.R.S.17-309 below: Violations; classification A. Unless otherwise prescribed by this title, it is unlawful for a person to: 4. Discharge a firearm while taking wildlife within one-fourth mile of an occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident. -TONY Thanks! That makes sense.
  21. DesertBull

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    For what it is worth, it does not matter if the home owners agreed to let them shoot less than 1/4 mile from the house or not. The law, to my knowledge, does not allow for compromise just because the owners of the building(s) agree to it. My only question is, did this bull never wander away from these houses or what? Was this the only way to get him?
  22. DesertBull

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    WOW. How would you like to drop $100K on a tag and end up shooting a sub division bull infront of an audiance?
  23. DesertBull

    New Items this year in field?

    I got me a brand new, still in the envelope, unit 18A muzzleloader antelope tag. Only cost me 7 bonus points and $77. Great deal!
  24. DesertBull

    What Would You Change???

    I would like to see them implement a "Dedicated Hunter" program here in AZ. You apply for a spot, if chosen you MUST attend all funtions, volunteer and SHOW UP for "x" amount projects, etc for 2 or 3 years, attend ALL commision meetings in your district, do "x" amount of ride alongs with a WM in your district, etc etc etc. Allow this small group of people to sit in on certain G&F meetings (observation only) and day to day operations that the public would not have general access too, in order to better understand what goes on in the department. If you don't meet all the requirements, you get the boot. Make it tough to weed out people just looking for a bonus point or tag, but reward those that complete it with something. Just a thought.