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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    There is not one penny of tax money going to that. The media is spinning that as a "bail out". Read the actual truth and you will see that the only thing happening is that the banks are voluntarily extending the current financing terms on some ARM's. One stipulation for even being considered is that you cannot have missed even one payment. The Gov't is not making anyones house payment. If all of the houses went into foreclosure the rest of us that have no problems with our motgages would be the ones suffering with collapsing property values. Imagine what your house would sell for if there were 18 other houses on your street for sale by the banks, who would be selling at rock bottom just to keep from having to pay insurance, taxes and maintenance on those properties.
  2. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    People that are raised in an urban enviroment are more likely to be acceptable of socialistic gov't programs, where as rural people are more self sufficient. It's not always the case, example - farm subsidies.
  3. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    Next up is universal health care and you will not have a choice as to whether to participate or not. You will be enrolled, against your will, and the cost automatically deducted from your wages. That way, they can get tax payers to pay for drug/alchohol treatments, abortions (oh, I'm sorry. I meant reproductive health), AIDS/HIV treatment, etc.
  4. I'll bet you a cup of coffee the next one will be a bunny hugger.
  5. DesertBull

    more on Calif. condor issue

    Let's put some wolves in the Grand Canyon. Maybe they will eat the Condors.
  6. DesertBull

    Bass Pro Shop

    Their prices are the highest in town.
  7. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    Candidates Split on Pro-Gay Book for 2nd Graders By Pete Winn CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer November 29, 2007 (CNSNews.com) - Presidential candidates are split on whether a controversial children's book that promotes or endorses same-sex marriage should be read to second graders. Republican hopefuls Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney don't think the book, entitled "King and King," should be read to children, but Democrats John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton give it a qualified "thumbs up." SECOND GRADE CHILDREN?
  8. DesertBull

    Northern Arizona Winter Sunset

    Wow, that looks awesome. Are those Canada Geese?
  9. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    Or maybe they think....Wonder what time little Johnny gets out of class? Political Correctness means always having to say you are sorry.
  10. DesertBull

    Mock Scrapes

    The dripper I have runs on batteries and 4 oz of whizz last about 5 weeks.
  11. DesertBull

    Mock Scrapes

    Have any of ever used a mock scrape on Coues with success? If so, what's your procedure? Do you wait until you see fresh scrapes before making your own or do you just go ahead and start them before the Dec bow season? What brand of scrents are you using? Code Blue...Wildlife Research...??? Some of that stuff is pretty pricey for deer wizz? Thanks Jeff
  12. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    Great, my tax dollars going to corn holers.
  13. DesertBull

    more on Calif. condor issue

    So now you cannot even posses lead ammo in these areas. Still think it's only about buzzards?
  14. It's not about Condors anymore, it's about guns.
  15. Sounds like a backhanded attempt to end hunting and gun use. Basically, California has now banned the time honored American tradition of small game hunting in 1/4 of their state.
  16. DesertBull

    Mock Scrapes

    I just bought some deer whizz and a dripper and made a scape next to a trail that was getting used a lot. There is good info here - mock scrapes
  17. DesertBull

    Mock Scrapes

    UPDATE - Two weeks ago I set up a mock scrape on a dripper. Went to check it out this weekend and there was a fresh rub on the tree next to it and deer whizz in the snow all around the scrape. I put a camera on it, so in a week or so I will check it out again. SWEET!
  18. DesertBull


    Found a very fresh scrape near my tree stand yesterday. I smelled it before I saw it. PS..Don't eat the yellow snow.
  19. Our great Governor just declared that the tree in the Capital building is no longer a Christmas Tree, it's a Holiday Tree. Thanks, I feel so much more secure now that you clarified that.
  20. DesertBull

    Ameristep Doghouse Blind

    I picture a scene like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation when Clark Griswold finds out he got the Jelly of the Month Club for a Christmas bonus.
  21. DesertBull

    Did anyone notice?

    Since you asked---- Santa now banned from saying Ho Ho Ho. It is offensive to women!?!?! Wouldn't it only be offensive, if he calling was you a ho ho ho?
  22. DesertBull

    lion kill

    I would get a lion tag, my .270 and sit 100 yards from that deer.
  23. DesertBull

    ASU vs UofA

    ASU will get left out of the BCS I'm afraid. Oklahoma vs Kansas Fiesta Bowl
  24. DesertBull


    It's a beautiful thing. Is it snowing anywhere close to the valley?
  25. DesertBull

    Learning the Hard way

    That's why it's called, "getting nailed".