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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    skull cleaning?

    Thanks! Do you have a contact? WWW.ASU.BEETLERESEARCH.COM Where did you get that address? It's gay midget porn. You must have had it bookmarked.
  2. DesertBull

    skull cleaning?

    Thanks! Do you have a contact?
  3. DesertBull

    san carlos whitetail

    That's at least 1/2 the cost and MUCH, MUCH less hassle than going to Mexico.
  4. DesertBull

    Went bowhuntin' in unit 22 today

    Day one - 28 degrees when I park the truck and unload the quad. Ride 2 miles up the mountain and the whole way I feel something isn't right with the quad. It doesn't seem to have much power. Stop and get off at the trail to my stand and hear a hissing noise. Back tire is FLAT. No time to worry about that now, I have a hand pump and some tire plugs, I'll fix it later. Get in the blind and settled in. Snap my release onto the loop and my friggen trigger on my Scott Silverhorn is GONE. ARRGH! What else is going to go wrong. I find a small stick and whittle it to the right size and rig the release to work pretty good. It's friggen COLD in the blind but there are fresh tracks all over the place. Sit for 5 hours and only saw two does. Decide to step outside and check my trail cam. 236pics in the last ten days! I decide it's not that cold and go back in the blind. Nuthin for the next two hours. I go back down to the quad to fix the tire. Yeah right. The flat tire is now frozen to the ground and when I try to move the quad the tire rips a gash about a 1" long. No way a tire plug is going to work now. The tire is toast anyway, so I nurse the bike back down the mountain to another spot I have a tree stand. Sit for two more hours and see one doe. Day two - 30 degrees but breezy. Go to the tree stand because I wasn't able to get my tire fixed. Sit for about 1/2 hour and 3 does come in. They leave another one comes in. It's only a matter of time until a rutty buck follows one of these does down the trail. Another 2 hours and leave to go get my tire fixed in Payson. Two hours later I'm back in the tree stand. 1 hour later, a doe comes in and mills around in the acorns for awhile. She keeps looking down the hill from which she came, but it's too brushy for me to see. About 5 minutes later, I see movement in the brush and out steps a decent 3 point. He goes right up the doe and just stares at her. The whole time this doe is around the stand, I'm thinking, "if this deer had horns, I'd put the pin right there on that tuft of hair and squeeze the trigger. Now, with a buck in the picture, I'm struggling with my composure. As soon as the doe turns I start to draw. I level my site bubble, place the 20 yard pin directly in the middle of his lungs and PUNCH the trigger , err I mean stick. Not only that, but I KNEW he was only 15 yards away, not 20. The Slick Trick parts the hair on his back. I'm not sure if I missed because he gave the classic mule kick before leaving. I'm thinking I might have hit him high. I'm hoping it's a complete miss because he ran straight to the bottom of the canyon and it sucks! After about 5 minutes, shaking like a leaf, I get down and find my arrow. Clean miss. Back in the stand for 5 minutes when I see another deer coming down the trail. This one stops short and stays in the brush. I'm thinking this is the doe that I just scared off when shooting at the buck. Wrong. He sticks his neck out and I see horn. I'm back to shaking now, but not as bad. There is NO WAY, I am screwing this up again. He comes out and turns and this time the pin is on his brisket. I think I still punch it, but not as bad and I follow through and see the arrow disappear in the sweet spot. The Slick Trick left an awesome blood trail.
  5. DesertBull

    Went bowhuntin' in unit 22 today

    Not a big one, but my 1st with a bow.
  6. DesertBull

    Dads new project

    That's really cool. Did he make the stock himself or buy it? Does anyone make triggers, barrels, custom scope mounts, etc for the H&R's?
  7. DesertBull

    Bighorn Sheep

    There is a picture in the Mesa Sportsmans Warehouse of a HUGE ram killed just a few days ago. The note on the pic says 184" from unit 24B. Anyone see it? I don't know anything about sheep, but that ram is a BRUISER!
  8. DesertBull

    The Bionic Buck......'07 Late Hunt

    Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I hit a buck high at 340 yards with a 7 mag and he rolled down the steep hill about 40 yards and piled up under a juniper. As we were getting our packs prepared to go down the canyon to get him, I looked up saw him standing by the tree. He then took off at a FULL run. Little blood was found even though there was 6 inches of snow.
  9. DesertBull

    So how much rutting are you seeing?

    Saturday we saw 8 bucks; 3 muleys and 5 WT, all with does, in unit 22.
  10. DesertBull

    WTB - ATV Ramps

    Some loser stole my ramps out of the bed of my truck in unit 22 Saturday - (I hope they break while you are loading your stolen quad into the back of your stolen truck and you break your pencil neck. :angry: ) If anyone has a set they are not using, I'll buy them.
  11. Park next to an electric fence and run your jumper cables from the fence to the ramps. Then sit back and wait.
  12. Probably the same cornholers that stole mine on Saturday at the base of Mount Ord. How many ramps do these flamers needs?
  13. DesertBull

    Late Bull

    Congrats! That looks like it was an awesome hunt. A little snow can turn a tough late season elk hunt into a great one.
  14. DesertBull

    Whats the dumbest thing you've done?

    I second that. Hunting is supposed to be fun and a stress reliever, not cause more stress. The smartest thing I ever did was throw away my tape measure.
  15. DesertBull

    Anyone heard this?

    Yes, that does stink, but maybe if shooters would pick up after themselves, quit shooting things they shouldn't be (signs, cattle, cactus, ect) things would be different.
  16. DesertBull

    Swaro 15X56

    I buy about 90% of everything off of ebay; scopes, binocs, spotter, rangefinder, tents, ect and have never been burned. 99% of the stuff on there is not a deal though, you have to be patient and pay attention to the shipping costs.
  17. DesertBull

    WTB - ATV Ramps

    I had my trailer with me, so I put all the stuff in the bed and the quad on my trailer.
  18. 1. Do they cut arrows or just sell full length shafts. Cabela's catalog only sells full length, that's why I ask. 2. Does anyone know a shop in the East valley that sells Beman arrows?
  19. DesertBull

    What is the best hunting show on TV

    Best of the West. The host goes to our church in Gilbert.
  20. DesertBull

    Governor executive order

    71? You are just now hitting your prime.
  21. DesertBull

    What Shotgun?

    I too vote for the 20 ga. Not because he is 15, but because it more enjoyable to carry and shoot.