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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. Hard to say, each state has their own issues to deal with. Some states are almost 100% private property, some only have 1 or 2 species of game to manage. I give them a A+ on fending off the land owner tag issues. I give them a C- on communication and relationships with the ones paying the bills...US! On dealing with the predator issues and anti-hunters in general. They don't seem to put up much of a fight. Maybe it's not a public fight though, maybe it goes on mostly behind the scenes, so I won't judge to harshly on that. Seems to me, that when most of the people moving here were from the north or midwest, there were not as many social issues regarding hunting and fishing to deal with. Now that a lot of those moving here are from Cali, Washington, Oregon, etc. things have turned more politically correct. Overall, I think the Dept does a great job. Can't really say the same thing about the commission though.
  2. I know the Commission was not happy when the the 10% NR cap was made a state law instead of a G&F rule.
  3. Does anyone know if there was a group such as SFW, ADA, RMEF, etc that started this push for the amendment and which groups support / oppose it?
  4. DesertBull

    Happy BD-DB

    Not if they read any of my comments on here! Thanks everyone.
  5. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Good, it might be the only input we give them that they don't stick in the crap can.
  6. WARNING- OFF TOPIC Hey Bownut, Brett Fav-rah retired today, FYI.
  7. DesertBull

    No point

    Maybe he thought it was an air freshner.
  8. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    You know, as well as I, that the meeting will be in some far corner of the state, on a Wednesday, at 8:00 am. http://www.gf.state.az.us/inside_azgfd/mee..._schedule.shtml The april meeting is in Phoenix, every time I have went it has been on Saturday when this stuff is discussed and public input is allowed. I know before on some issues they ask for public input on a thurday at 2:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds and they let you know wednesday at noon, This should be different. The Animal rights people will be there, they always are, and I would bet if there is blood in the water they will attack as well. That poor deer just wanted to get a drink and BANG bambi is dead, or it just wanted a little salt and BANG bambi was murdered. I personally don't give a dang what these people think, I haven't protested them picking soy beans or killing all of those plants that are minding their own buisiness, so I think they should stop protesting what we do, but they won't because they think how they live is how everyone should live, where as I think to each his own. If we allowed the world to not hunt and fish, and to not raise animals for food, and not manage them at all we might as well plan on the end of the human race, which would make a lot of those types happy. Of course they also believe in live and let live and that the animals would not harm a human if there was no threat (Tim Treadwell), there is probably a huge list of people that are attacked by wild animals and I would be willing to bet that the majority said they didn't know it would happen. The last time I checked wild animals are WILD, and the only thing we have over most predators is Brains, but listening to some of these idiots we could argue the fact. Sharks, crocs, and gators kill people we build boats, lions, bears, tigers, and wolves kill people we use weapons, or we domesticated some and used them as we see fit, because a human against most animals in a straight up fight is getting killed. The funny thing is that hunters do more than anybody in the World to protect species, either as a huntable species or as something that benifits from our hunting dollars and restoration efforts to save habitat, and restore others. That is the one for the upcoming hunting season. I believe they are supposed to have a separate time for public input on new rules, as Outdoorwriter outlined in a previous post.
  9. http://www.y2y.net/ Another scary group. What is even more frightening is that a lot of hunters believe these groups are doing great things. Some even say, " I'd give up my right to hunt the y2y, to know that at least some place in the lower 48 besides Yellowstone won't be developed.. There are other places to hunt." http://www.monstermuleys.info/cgi-bin/dcfo...umID5&omm=0 Something tells me, if one of these groups came up with a "survey", the G&F would fall over themselves trying to implement their recommendations, unlike their response to the the ADA provided, which basically got archived in the round file.
  10. Way to go! If karma is real, that dog is quail pointin' fool!
  11. DesertBull

    Rio Grande Turkeys Released in AZ

    3 feet of that is neck.
  12. DesertBull

    Taxidermist Help

    Greg McBride at Trails End in Gilbert.
  13. DesertBull

    fall-away rests

    Trophy Ridge Drop Zone.
  14. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    You know, as well as I, that the meeting will be in some far corner of the state, on a Wednesday, at 8:00 am.
  15. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    "Ya officer that white crater in the ground that my stand is exactly 20 yards from is one of those naturally occurring salt craters. Yea it is right next to that naturally occurring Apache corn. " Are you being serious or just being a funny man? A great majority of water sources in AZ has salt on it or near it placed by ranchers so if I choose to sit water with salt present that doesn't mean I placed it for the SOLE purpouse of hunting. There is naturall salt all over the dadgum place so I guess I can't hunt those areas as well. heck I guess if I kill a buck and there is salt within a mile of me I better get my buck and get the heck out of there before they ticket me. Well officer I am sorry this is my first year hunting and I didn't know that there hole in the dirt was chuck full of salt and minerals! Why are you giving me a ticket? No when I shot that buck from 200 yards ( first time hunting this unit) I did not realize or KNOW that someone had placed salt there on that ridge that I HAVE NEVER HUNTED BEFORE!!! NO I AM NOT A LIAR! Why are you giving me a ticket??? O shucks my physically handicap friend can't sit that water hole with easy access because there is salt on it or near it. Yes officer I know my tree stand is over this water source because I placed it here but I did not put that salt out that has all those cattle track around it. Why am I getting a ticket. So I guess maybe you can sit the naturall salt and the salt put out by ranchers but just don't put out salt under a tree stand off a game trail. They won't have a hard time proving/enforcing the Apache corn though. Like I said way to many variables! IMO You don't think they know that? In 2-3 years they will start the process of stopping us from hunting water too. That's what I'm talking about. I could give two rips about corn or salt, it's the progressive regulations that have me deeply concerned.
  16. DesertBull

    Mother knows best

    Yeah, not only that, but the mutt was probably licking his butt two minutes before sticking his tongue in your mouth.
  17. look at our newest commissioner. His pet project is Condor restoration. Which means no lead ammo and no humans in the Grand Canyon.
  18. DesertBull

    Fly fishing

    Great looking fish! Especially the rainbow. Just put the deposit down on the rental house in Ketchikan. July 24th - 29th. Now to find a charter. If any of you want to go to Alaska, but it seems out of your reach, here is a helpful tip. Bank of America has an Alaska Airlines CC. For every dollar you spend, you get 1 mile. Plus, you get 5,000 mile bonus every year and a 2 for 1 coupon that lets you buy 1 ticket at full price and another on the same flight for $50. We buy everything we can, gas, groceries, etc on the card then just transfer the money from our checking account to the credit card. 2-3 times per month. No interest charges if you pay it off in 30 days or less. In 3 years, we have racked up 120,000 miles, have a zero balance on the card. That's enough miles for 6 round trip tickets anywhere Alaska Airlines flies in the Continental US and Alaska. At $600 a ticket, that is a huge savings.
  19. DesertBull

    Fly fishing

    Couple of questions for the experts What weight rod/line do you get the most use out of here in AZ? I'm thinking a 4 or 5 weight but if I wanted to go after bass or pike once in awhile a 6 weight might be better. I am going to Alaska this summer, can I fish it with a 5 or 6 weight? Probably trout and dolly's mostly but I'm sure the sockeyes will be available too.
  20. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    I know of no ballot initiatives to stop hunting water, bait or salt either, so evidently there is a whole school of red herring swimming in these waters.
  21. DesertBull

    New Ride

  22. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Well, since you chose to turn this personal.... First off, I have no "personal" relationships with anyone at G&F. In fact, I've met the person I cited as a source face-to-face only once, and that was years ago. Any other contact with him has been via phone for research purposes either for management or issues such as this. If anything, you should be dang thankful that I try to provide as much FACTUAL information as possible. And I certainly have no "political agenda" that needs to be "leveraged." I leave that sort of stuff to politicians. There is absolutely nothing arrogant about trying to convince anyone of something. If there was, those here trying to convince others that baiting is a wholesome family activity to be enjoyed by all are no less arrogant. If you wish to support baiting, knock yourself out. Second, it seems you're saying that you're allowed that "one voice," but I'm not allowed my "one voice." If so, thatis arrogance at its finest. I have bought hunting/fishing licenses every year over the last 45 and many tags in this state. That alone qualifies me to have as much say on any issue as you do. The members of this forum are but one VERY small segment of total hunters in this state and a minuscule segment of the general population. That's something to keep in mind when suggesting that hunting rules/laws should be passed only with the majority's blessing. Other states have already discovered the results of that foolhardy notion. Remember that, especially if G&F doesn't put the bait ban in effect; it could be coming to ballot near you as an initiative soon thereafter and be a LOT more restrictive than one G&F puts on the books. And you can bet more than 50% of the voters -- including those "nonhunters" who aren't supposed to have a say -- will pass it. Pogo once said..."We have met the enemy... and he is us." Have a great day! -TONY So, what you are saying is that it is better for us to take it away from ourselves than to let others take it away from us? Well then, why don't we just go ahead and turn in our guns and hounds too and save us all a bunch of time and money? And how can an outright ban of any substance used to attract game be anymore restrictive? I agree with the quote you gave. We are our own worst enemy. We give away our rights and priviledges too easy for fear it might offend someone.
  23. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Public outcry my ***. And how many tags and hunting licenses do the "non-hunting" public buy? ZERO! We are asked to pay more and more for tags and licences, and continually get less and less in return. Unless you call getting kicked in the sack or stabbed in the back something in return.
  24. DesertBull

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    I have a poll for ya. After they force this through, what will they go after next? 1. Hunting man made water sources. 2. Hunting with hounds. 3. Outlaw ultra-mags and other super long range rifles. 5. all electronic devices, including radios, range finders, cameras, etc 4. All of the above. Have you noticed that the same people that are all gung ho on telling others what are ethical hunting practices are also the ones that have no problem keeping every two track and goat road open so they they can drive right into their hunting areas instead of having to walk? What gives with that? If you pack a 5 lb bag of salt and a camera 3 miles off the road and check it 2 times per month, you are cheating, but if you drive your F250 10 miles off the main road and right up to the ridge you plan on hunting opening morning, you're a true sportsman.
  25. DesertBull

    New Ride

    You just don't want anyone to hear your Culture Club's Greatest Hits cd playing.