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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull


    Well, so far so good. Still a little hazy but that's normal I guess. Not exactly as painless as they say but not bad at all. Valium + Demerol is your friend.
  2. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Then the commission should have said no to the hearing.
  3. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I guess I am in the minority on this. I do not think they should be able to put those apps in the draw, rules are rules, and I will be mad if they do get them in, but I am not going to hold a grudge against Cabela's for trying. They are only ASKING for leniency, it's up to the Commission to grant it or not. I do not see the harm in ASKING. If they filed a lawsuit and held up the process, set a bad precedence for future legal issues, etc, that would be a whole differnt issue. If one of us made a mistake on our taxes, had a auto accident that was our fault, made a bad financial decision in our life, etc, we would do everything we could LEGALLY do to try and resolve the issue in our favor or lessen the punishment, even if it were our fault. They made a mistake, like everyone of us has at one time or another, and are taking advantage of the system to try to get it resolved in their favor. They have already declared that they will not take legal action and will abide by the decision of the Commission. Maybe if Taulman had taken that stand when he was in court, maybe he'd still have his TV show and most of his customers. Cabela's has done a lot more good for the sportsmen and women of this country than harm, much more. Anyway, that's how I feel. I hope they get told no, but if they don't, it won't be their bad decision, it will be those in charge. Either way, I will still buy stuff, like salt blocks, doe wizz, corn and deercain, from Cabela's.
  4. DesertBull


    Awesome! I'm in the process of trying to get a appointment scheduled. I've got a real bad astigmatism and hope that I can still get it done. Just sucks that they don't answer any questions over the phone; I really don't want to drive down just for them to tell me that my astigmatism is to bad. Nathan I have astigmatism too.
  5. DesertBull


    Well, I am getting it done tomorrow afternoon Barnet, Delany, Perkins Eye center
  6. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Hopefully, it's a just formality and a courtesy they are taking to give Cabela's an official say in the matter before telling them to suck it.
  7. DesertBull

    "New" Coyote rig

    You got some BIG ARSE FEET BRO!
  8. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I will stop buying all of my salt and corn from Cabela's if this goes through.
  9. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    A class action suit against G&F should be pursued if this happens. You know that is what Cabela's is going to threaten if they are denied, why not us? Maybe Lark could be our lawyer?
  10. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    money talks and ..well....you know the rest.
  11. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Screw that. They would not give you or I a BP if we were late. Too bad, so sad.
  12. DesertBull

    Monster Archery Buck *UPDATED*

    An awesome, jaw dropping buck, regardless of score. Don't let the tape measure sour your achievment. Score cards are for golf and it looks as though you just shot a hole in one, enjoy it.
  13. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    It might have cost them $100K, but if they take those apps, they'll have 2x's that in lawyer fees when the law suits roll in. They should have asked that EVERYONE have an extra day to deliver as soon as it happened, just like what happened last year when they pulled the plug on the internet apps. Everyone got extra time, not just one group.
  14. DesertBull

    auction elk tag

    I've never heard anything else about it either. I was wondering if that rack was one of the sets going to be sold at the ISE this weekend by the G&F.
  15. DesertBull

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Hurry up and release the results, then it will be too late to even matter.
  16. 600 sounds a lot more reasonable.
  17. DesertBull

    Scored big today!!

    Yeah...me too....ON AN ELK!
  18. DesertBull

    One For Lark

    I don't get it. Why would the gunslinger want to kiss Lark directly on the ***?
  19. DesertBull

    Scored big today!!

    WOW! Great find! Too bad he is dead though.
  20. DesertBull

    Mountain Lion

    OUCH. Bad news for the kid. Painful series of shots ahead for him.
  21. Good news for us, but I think I have a hard time believing that Cabela's accounts for 1 of every 4 elk applications. I'll take anything that increases my odds though.
  22. Ok, so what is your take on this stance and who is pushing this amendment?
  23. DesertBull

    Good Survival Book

    Have you seen the Movie, Into the Wild, yet? Pretty good, but not a lot of Alaska. Holds pretty true to the book though, unlike a lot of movies.