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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    3 UTAH residents

    You really think these guys were only shooting rabbits. If a deer would have presented itself to them, they would have shot. No doubt in my mind. When you go poaching on the Strip, I doubt if your main objective is a friggen rabbit.
  2. DesertBull

    forest fire

    Lark: I agree that the bureaucrats want to eliminate as many roads on forest service land as they can. Every time we turn around there's a new berm or barrier across roads we've used for 50 years. The final straw came when they spent a small fortune putting in a paved parking lot and toilets and blocking vehicular access from Squirrel Springs to Benny Creek ... just so a handful of pathwalkers could traipse on what used to be a perfectly good road. And look at what they've spent on Pole Knoll to entice a few cross-country skiers to play there when there's a good winter. That expensive bicycle path from Sheep's Crossing to the highway is another waste of our money. Has anyone ever seen someone riding a bike on the damned thing? I haven't. Bill Quimby If I were a bear,I would be waiting along that path for an easy meal.
  3. DesertBull

    Vortex Vulture binos?

    Just get what you can afford and go hunting. That is what is all about. Don't get glass envy!
  4. DesertBull

    more wolf whinin'

    Big Science is a religion all it's own. AlGore is their messiah The internal combustion engine is their Satan The tax code is their bible.
  5. DesertBull


    Not me either Rocky Mountain Goat - Unsuccessful Limited Entry Deer - Unsuccessful
  6. DesertBull

    Spring Snow Melt and Global Warming

    Well, I will admit one thing. Units 9,7W and 10 are bone friggen dry. Dusty and no green anywhere. I thought we had a good winter?
  7. Endangered Species Act has nothing to do with Endangered Species anymore. It has to do with identifying which species will yield your particular group the most power over others and adopting that species to your particular cause. 21st century mascots Condors - Gun grabbers Lions and wolves - Anti-hunters Baby Seals - Animal rights Grizzly and wolves - What ever those people who want to shut off all public access to federal land call themselves Spotted Owl - Anti-loggers Dolphin - Anti commercial fishing
  8. DesertBull

    Sheriff Joe

    So, you like it that we exploit cheap labor, let the thugs in right along with those that are actually trying to work, so hamburgers and hotel rooms are cheap? Not to mention that we encourage them to cross the desert on foot, endangering their lives. All for cheap labor? How about we lock down the border and let those in that can prove they are not criminals and just want to work and blend in with the rest of us? Then, as people here legally, they don't have to worry if Joe is going to round them up, if their employer is going to cheat them because he knows they cannot say anything and all the other stressful things that go along with living on the run from the law? I get tired of hearing how those that want the laws enforced are inhuman and lack compassion. What is so humane and compassionate about enticing people to walk through the Sonoran desert, hire dangerous coyotes to bring them over, who often steal from them, beat them and rape them? What is compassionate about having 35 people crammed into a house, no water, power, a/c? It is the Gov't on the other side of the border that lacks compassion. If they really cared about their people, they would improve things on that side instead of telling them to risk their lives to come here.
  9. DesertBull

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    I thought Choppers closed down.
  10. DesertBull

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    I received a flyer in the mail. Call or email and I'm sure they will give you the details. The only danger with Feb/March is the strong possibilty of rain/snow, severely limiting the areas you can hunt. I have been in December, Feb and May and saw multiple hogs each time. June will be Africa hot but most likely dry.
  11. DesertBull

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    So what do you say DB, want to carpool? I wish I could, but I'm going to Alaska in July. Need to save my pennies.
  12. DesertBull

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    Tejon is having a $300 archery only hunt in June. Can't beat that. $150 off almost pays for the gas to drive over.
  13. http://www.americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE/Grijalva-Raul.html
  14. DesertBull


    Taco heck and Hel Taco both suck. Filiberto's!!!!!!
  15. DesertBull

    Why can't I find any sheds?

    To discredit God and his holy word.
  16. DesertBull

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    If it rains, you'll die
  17. You know why this Grijalva guy is trying to get this new wilderness area right? It's right on the border and a wilderness area will keep border patrol out.
  18. DesertBull

    Hamas Endorses Obama

    I had a democrat, who is a good friend of mine, tell me that the reason Hillary is not winning is because she is to far to the right and Obama is a moderate.
  19. Can we get Tice Suplee back as Game Manager?
  20. DesertBull

    Hamas Endorses Obama

    Agree, but I don't like any of the 3's stance on gun control
  21. DesertBull

    Global Warming Test

    I will believe in man caused global warming long before I ever believe in evolution. http://www.expelledthemovie.com/bigscienceacademy.php
  22. Agree 100%. The process is a fraud and waste of time and commission is 100% political
  23. DesertBull

    Hamas Endorses Obama

    It's a vast right wing conspiracy! Here is something that cannot be denied. Obama has sponsored a bill in congress, as we speak, that will levy a $800 billion (with a tax on our citizens and all of the money will go to foreign aid, administered by the United Nations. Here we are, on the verge of recession, and this idiot wants to take billions of our dollars and send them to Africa, Asia, etc. This is on TOP OF the billions in aid we already dole out to everyone with their hands out. This guy is the most dangerous candidate that has ever made it this far in the process and it has nothing to do with his color, race, religion, etc. He is more worried about the World's view of himself than the welfare of his own country. Oh and by the way, he is on record as saying that he supports the outright banning of ALL semi-auto weapons. That includes your Remington 1100 and Browning Buckmark. There is no snopes needed on that issue, it's all there for everyone to see. Check out his website sometime and read about all the wonderful programs he has planned with your money and it does not include paying down our debt, which is the real reason that gas is $3.40 / gallon. So, instead of tackling the huge dept W and congress has given us, he tries to buy votes with the promise of all kinds of free crap from the Gov't in the form of handouts, pork barrel spending, etc with no mention of how to pay for them. Know why? Because he won't mention the tremendous tax raise it will take to pay for all his knew crap, pay off the debt, and still manage to give away billions to "end poverty" He thinks he can end poverty? What a joke.
  24. DesertBull

    CWT.com Archery Hog hunt?

    It's well worth it. It is a real hunt and the terrain is NASTY. It's perfect for glassing. the canyons are huge.