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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Online Apps

    But if you check the numbers, applications do not go down. I think others think the same as you have outlined and think this is their chance to get a tag.
  2. DesertBull

    email from G&F

    Exactly. They sold out.
  3. DesertBull

    email from G&F

    That is the same one I received too.
  4. DesertBull

    email from G&F

    So, promise a few dollars and we all turn our backs on the real reason for this act? Global taxation. Are we whores?
  5. DesertBull

    email from G&F

    I think it is on my computer at home. I will look this evening.
  6. DesertBull


    But it is easier to justify tag numbers when the data is sketchy.
  7. DesertBull


    They could save a lot of postage if they would just put the survey online.
  8. DesertBull

    2GB SD Cards on sale

    Cool. Thanks I'm stocking up on 2GB cards. I hooked a 12v rechargable to my cams and put in the 2gb cards. You can get 1500+ pics without having to change cards or the battery, which saves alot of gas. It just sucks not checking them every two weeks like I used to.
  9. 2GB SD memory cards are on sale for $19.95 at Walgreens.
  10. Hiking into a very nasty canyon this morning to check a cam of mine. I'm standing on a big boulder, looking for a way down, and see a card board box laying near the stream below. It was in good shape and I knew it had not been there long. I had to go check it out. When I got there, it was full of styrofoam cups. What the ????. Then I noticed one of the cups had some dirt in it. That's when my heart jumped up into my throat. Pot farm! I thought for sure I was going to step on trip wire or some doper was going to jump down from a tree and stab or shoot me. I marked it with the GPS and snapped a few pics and headed down the canyon. 50 yards later, more pot. I finally got to my cam and switched cards and batteries and headed back up the canyon, a different route this time. I'm starting to feel a little safer now, but come around the corner and see MORE pot and jacket laying on a boulder. HO-LY-CRAP. I just put my head down and kept walking. I knew if anyone was near they already heard me busting brush on the way up. They were either tending other plots or hiding. I just kept walking like I did not see anything. I get back to the road and there is a car parked right next to my quad. SUCK! I look at it for awhile to see if anyone is around, but the windows are dark tinted. I had no choice, I'm out of water and it's way to long of a nasty hike to hiway where my truck is parked. I walked up and hopped on my quad and rode off. Should I turn them in now, or use the dope as a food plot? ALA Cheech and Chong?
  11. DesertBull

    Badlands packs

    I got tired of having to send my Badlands in every for repair twice a year. Got the J104 and have never had a problem with it.
  12. Where is the fresh velvet? Let's see some pics!
  13. DesertBull

    AZ Black Bears

    If you put a tight collar on that little bear, won't it choke him as he grows over the summer and fall?
  14. DesertBull

    scent control

    IMO, You are wasting your time. The only way to fool a deer while hunting on the ground is to stay downwind.
  15. DesertBull

    COME ON!

    O don't have any yet, that's why I am asking.
  16. DesertBull

    COME ON!

    Well....you suck.
  17. DesertBull

    where to find bear in AZ

    Look at the quotas for each unit. The higher the quota, the more bears. And if people would quit shooting the 1st labrador retriever sized sow they see, the quotas would be higher and the seasons longer for everyone.
  18. DesertBull


    I saw a pair with 6-8 little ones. Central and McDowell, downtown Phoenix.
  19. Wolves have a purpose. Here is one of them.
  20. Aug 1st I'll be in a blind over looking this bear's water hole. This morning, as I was hiking the dry creek bed to my camera location, I followed fresh bear tracks almost the entire way. You know the tracks are steaming hot when you are tracking a bear over solid granite and the the tracks are just wet paw prints on the rock. He would stop at every pool along the way and have a swim. Then, on the opening of archery deer season, I'll be in a blind over looking the main trail to this bucks bedding area.
  21. http://www.gopusa.com/theloft/?p=717 'Trouble at the border? I had no idea!' Posted by Bobby Eberle May 23, 2008 at 6:03 am
  22. I thought you had to have a passport now for Mexico, but I don't spend my money there, so I'm not sure.
  23. DesertBull

    Good Storm Coming

    Do you know how many weeds I will have to pick in the next 3 weeks. SUCK!
  24. At least oil companies are providing a product we all need and use. The people that want to shove the GW crap down your throat just want your money and they give you nothing back. Their answer to everything is to raise taxes and implement "fees".
  25. DesertBull

    Good Storm Coming

    Pigeon crap is wet and falls out the sky. Not much good in that.