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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull


    Yes, we are spoiled. We don't have to report our hunt success like MANY other states require.
  2. DesertBull


    How come it's "jumping through a hoop" for rifle deer, antelope and elk hunters to have mandatory reporting, but not for archery deer, all bear, lion and sheep hunters? That is my only question. If it's good enough for one group, it should good enough for all.
  3. DesertBull

    gould's turkey poacher

    His excuse was he was under much stress at the time. I had much stress this morning when I filled up my gas tank, but I didn't wack a Gould's to relieve it.
  4. DesertBull

    Kiabab Shutdown

    I think it is more like 10% are the knuckleheads and are doing 90% of the damage. As soon as the all the roads are closed, you will see the Forest Circus start wolf and Condor planting in those "roadless areas". Wolves are coming to both the North and South Kaibab, watch and see. Then comes the total lead ban. Already in the works. Then grazing allotments will be stopped. Then areas totally closed off, including foot and horse traffic, in areas that the wolves and buzzards need to breed and rear their young.
  5. DesertBull

    Start The Wait,Does It Make A Difference ?

    I am not 100% positive but I am pretty sure we are in a recession. It takes 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth to be in a recession. We have not even had one yet.
  6. DesertBull

    Start The Wait,Does It Make A Difference ?

    The economy is not devastated. We are not even in a recession. Is money tight, yes, but the economy is still growing, despite what Keith Olberman and Nancy Pelosi want you to believe. I work in the engineering/construction field and work is coming in at a very good pace.
  7. DesertBull

    1st trail cam pics...

    I sold it on EBAY and bought the I40
  8. DesertBull

    1st trail cam pics...

    I had the same cam as you and could not get it to take night pics either.
  9. DesertBull

    Draw Results

    Well, I was hoping that the NM results would be out before I had to turn in my AZ app. Guess not.
  10. DesertBull

    Trail Cams

    I have a home made one and a few moultries. They all work, some better than others. The Moultrie I-40 is the best I have. The Moultrie D40 the worst. The home made one is a pixcontroller. It's ok if you have the time to gather the parts and put it together, but I won't buy another one as long as I can get the I40 for less than $200.
  11. DesertBull

    Unit 22S Bear scouting package

    6 days of not seeing a bear this time of year is nothing. Look for sign around water. Take your time. Bear tracks can be hard to see unless they are in soft dirt. They often just look like a depression in the leaves and pine needles.
  12. DesertBull

    Kiabab Shutdown

    So, instead of enforcing the current laws, they make new ones to screw us all? Typical Gov't response.
  13. DesertBull

    still no bucks

    You guys are on the wrong site. Try www.wearecornholers.com
  14. Will deer avoid areas with an abundance of bears?
  15. DesertBull

    Your next President?

    If he wins, and that is a big, big if. To me I am glad he got the nomination instead of hillary, I could be wrong, but I think he is easier to beat. He will only get the liberal vote in my opinion, McCain will get the conservative and the moderate vote. There are probably about 80,000,000 gun owners in the U.S., I wonder how many of those vote. Not enough Obama is going to win in a landslide.
  16. DesertBull

    Your next President?

    He is, by far, the most liberal, socialistic, candidate to ever win nomination. He will have a liberal congress to work with. He is going to get whatever he wants, for at least the 1st 2 years of his term. One of the things he wants, is your guns.
  17. DesertBull

    email from G&F

    It will be back and probably even worse than before.
  18. Did everyone receive a strange email from G&F asking us to support a climate change bill in Congress? Not only that, the bill also inlcuded support for the Kyoto Protocol, which if you do not know, is the UN's way of crushing American business / economy.
  19. DesertBull

    Your next President?

    That ain't cool.
  20. DesertBull

    Spanish songs

    You should watch Caliente on UNIVISION. They speak the universal language.
  21. DesertBull


    Do the Commissioners tell you to sit down and shut up before or after the hissy fit?
  22. DesertBull

    Your next President?

    Anyone know where I can buy a camel and a turbin.....cheap?
  23. DesertBull

    Your next President?

    Anyone know where I can buy a camel and a turbin.....cheap?
  24. DesertBull

    Vortex Binocular Super Sale

  25. DesertBull

    Draw Results

    AZ doesn't matter anyway, everyone is getting drawn. NM application deadline was so long ago, I can't even remember what I applied for. I think 2b Mule deer and Burro Mountain Coues, unit 17 elk, and IBEX. With these gas prices, I really won't be that disappointed if I don't draw NM.