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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Changing Seasons

    High draw odds hunts Oct and Nov General Deer ML'er deer Archery draw unit deer Cow general elk Cow ML'er elk Cow Archery elk Limited Opp Elk Archery Javelina HAM Javlelina Gen Javelina Spring Turkey Fall Turkey ---- Over the counter OTC Fall bear OTC Spring bear OTC archery turkey OTC Archery deer OTC Elk Duck, quail, geese, rabbit, squirrel If someone is complaining about no opportunity to hunt, perhaps they can't read or maybe they don't really want to hunt?
  2. DesertBull

    America Remembers!

    Ditto! Sorry, but in todays PC world, if you mention these events you are labled a fear monger and a racist.
  3. DesertBull

    This crap ticks me off

    Almost certainly they shot the buck and left, hoping that it would still be there later at night so they could come back and grab the rack and leave undetected. I'll bet this happens on an almost daily basis and only a very few even get reported, let alone solved.
  4. DesertBull

    Muzzleloader Antelope

    AWESOME! That is EXACTLY what my ML'er buck did last year. Ran straight at me from 100 yards out and I had just enough time to cock the hammer, find him in my scope and shoot.
  5. DesertBull


    Congrats to the hunters. Let see some pics.
  6. DesertBull

    Palin killing Alaska's wolves from airplanes...

    I wish we would go aerial on some coyotes here, like we used to before all the huggers got their lacy thongs wadded up.
  7. DesertBull

    The Truth III

    I have one of Anderson's videos. I have only watched it once. In all honesty, it's a little over the top, if you ask me. It's all about the "money shot" and very little about the hunt or the calling. I don't mind seeing animals get shot, I fully understand that is hunting, but when each scene is 60 seconds long and 50 seconds of that is seeing the animal exploded from 3 different angles, in super slow motion....well, that's not why I hunt.
  8. DesertBull

    New State Land Fees

    Why would the outlaws stay home? They don't play by the rules as it is. They already don't give a rip and it's already illegal to litter.
  9. DesertBull


    After sitting in the treestand for 6 days, sunup to sundown,I had the biggest buck I have ever seen, without a doubt, at 15 yards right at dusk. Turn right he is broadside, turn left and he over a little rise and out of my life forever. You know already know which way he turned. :angry:
  10. DesertBull


    I have no more time. I'm on him like flies on a Gila Bend resident in Jan though.
  11. DesertBull

    New State Land Fees

    Nappy has run the budget so far into the red they have to resort to this crap to pay it off.
  12. DesertBull

    Changing Seasons

    No disrespect, but I've seen some whopper 3 year old bucks and many 3 point 2 year old bucks. IMO, point total is not about age. Tine length, mass, etc come with age, genes, and health of the animal. There are some that think...once a spike, always a spike. Not sure about that one though.
  13. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin

    McCain Palin down 4 points in the polls since last night. Not that I believe in polls, especially by media types, just saying. Is Palin the odds on favorite to be the GOP nominee in 2012? Even if McCain wins, I don't see him as a two term Prez.
  14. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin's Speech

    Look at the MSM today. They are frothing at the mouth. Keith Olberman looks like blood will squirt out of his eyes at any momemt.
  15. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin's Speech

    Actually, she was using the prompter, they showed it several times when camera view was from behind. Doesn't matter, they all use them.
  16. DesertBull

    Changing Seasons

    General and ML'er tags cost more plus they get a app fee for all of the people that apply but don't get drawn. Gov Nappy takes millions from G&F every friggen year and never gives it back. They have to make up the shortfall somehow. Follow the money. Man i'm gonna make a fool out of myself on this thread. However, I know many archery hunters that already hold a rifle tag for the year, or apply for a rifle tag after being unsuccessful on the January archery hunt. Are not archery hunters as a whole pumping more revenue into the AZGFD than the rifle only hunters??? The less deer archers kill, the more rifle tags they can sell. Why do you think they took the Dec archery hunt away from unit 22, yet issued 650 rifle tags?
  17. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin's Speech

    I wish she were on top of the ticket. She tore Hussein a new one.
  18. DesertBull

    Let the saving BEGIN!!!

    HUH? So they put $5 on your CC, and collect interest on any unpaid balance, or in other words, extra interest on the extra 80 cents charged if the balance is not paid in full. What a deal for BofA. Not on the CC, debit only. They round up the purchase price, then transfer the difference into your savings account. So if you spend $3.50 they take $4.00 out of your checking, pay the store $3.50 and put the other .50 into your savings account. Everytime you use your debit, you end up throwing some change into your savings.
  19. DesertBull

    Changing Seasons

    General and ML'er tags cost more plus they get a app fee for all of the people that apply but don't get drawn. Gov Nappy takes millions from G&F every friggen year and never gives it back. They have to make up the shortfall somehow. Follow the money.
  20. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin

    View from the left - Pelosi, Hillary, Boxer, Feinstein, Reno - Heros! Palin, Rice - ZEROS!
  21. Obama's liberal politics makes Clinton look like a Newt Gingrich conservative. I would take 20 years of Slick over 20 days of Obama.
  22. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin

    :lol: What ever
  23. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin

    Bill Clinton had no experience at the Federal level when he ran for President.
  24. DesertBull

    Sarah Palin

    What experience does Obama have dealing with any crises? At least she has been the Gov of a state, not just a one term senator that misses 1/2 the votes in Congress. Being raised as a child outside the country, does not qualify for international experience. He just went to the middle east a few weeks ago to add to his resume and help diffuse some of his lack of experience criticism. She has more experience than Obama and he is at the top of his ticket. What does her husband have to do with anything? He isn't on the ballot? I wonder if this is the 1st time he has ever been "proud of the country" like Obama's wife? Obama has said repeatedly that he would not want his kids "punished with a child", those are his exact words, and has voted for abortion on demand, no matter the circumstances and at any time during the pregnancy, including partial birth. So no, my comment was not stupid. In fact, it is right inline with everything that Obama has ever said or voted for. Obama and his VP have been in many scandals, Wright, Rezko, plagiarisms, etc.