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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Big mountain lion

    If that cat was 500 lbs, do you think that guy would be holding it up off the ground like that? Only Lark could do that.
  2. Saw a big non-typical rack in the back of an older white pickup today in the parking lot at Walmart, in Payson. Anyone know the story on it? I didn't take a pic out of courtesy, as there was no one around. It had points going everywhere.
  3. Old timers wiped out 90% of the elk and buffalo in this country with open sighted black powder rifles.
  4. McCain says that they should change the name of the bill to "the Rescue Plan" and try again. WTH? Does he really think we are THAT DUMB?
  5. and 99% of you will vote for one of the two gas bags that represent the same philosophies that got us where we are today. So don't whine when DC bends us over again....and again........and again.......
  6. I thought W was too dumb to tie his own shoes? Now he gets credit for drawing up the plan, over a weekend, that will save us all and he also must be the one to make sure everyone votes for it? You people are too much. Here's some news for you. The American people don't want this bill passed. They contacted their elected representatives and let them know that they will be thrown out of office if they pass it.
  7. Pelosi should have done a little research on who really got the ball rolling on the collapse of Freddie and Fannie before running her mouth.
  8. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Inves...-recession.aspx
  9. keep voting for the same good ol' boys, but don't cry when our country continues to deteriorate at an alarming pace. Obama and McCain both suck.
  10. Yeah, we all lived the high life, now someone has to pay for it. That will be everyone but the people that caused the mess. In the long run, we would be better off letting it run it's coarse instead of digging a deeper hole. At some point in time, bills have to be paid.
  11. Marshall, I'm pretty neutral on Ted and his mannerisms, but that was spot on.
  12. We need to clean house in DC and the state capital. Vote everyone of these leeches out. Start over from scratch. Institute term limits and get a balanced budget amendment passed. We obviously cannot trust these dill holes to balance it on their own. Hate to say it, but maybe a long recession or deep depression is what it will take for people to wake and take their country back from people that have only one agenda.....getting re-elected.
  13. Look who wanted more regulation and look who didn't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs
  14. At least one person gets it.
  15. 100% correct. These morons treat these issues like it's a freakin game. They can't vote yes or no until they figure out how many political points they will score and how much blame they can shift. This all started in 1999 when Fannie and Freddie were being sued because they didn't give enough loans to minorities. That forced new credit lending standards and ushered in the sub-prime loan. Some banks were accepting welfare and unemployent income as earned inclome on the loan applications. Can you believe that? Now they cry because the loans went south? Screw that, eat your loses like the rest of would have to.
  16. Just say no to socialism. INvestments are a risk and I don't really feel like having to pay for others mistakes. Let the markets sort it out the natural way. When you are in a hole.....STOP DIGGING!
  17. I took it. This was my result - "Screw both of these clowns"
  18. John McCain - Gun grabber http://www.gunowners.org/mccaintb.htm
  19. You can still write his name in on the ballot. It's not throwing away your vote, it's voting for the person who YOU want to be President.
  20. Way to go! I'll bet it was HOT!
  21. DesertBull


    MANBURGER? Are you sure you are in the right thread. This is the PETA thread, the gay marriage thread is down the page.
  22. If Obama would have done it, they would be carving his face in Mt Rushmore right now.
  23. I grew up in the midwest and squirrel hunting was a passion. the best way I found was to find a place where they have been feeding by looking for the acorn shells on the ground and then just sit down and listen. You can usually hear them dropping the acorns or parts of the shells as they eat. You can also hear them jump from branch to branch.