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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Its got me worried

    I don't think anyone is getting 4% interest these days.
  2. maybe they should keep those things in a zoo or in an enclosure at the GC visitors center and they wouldn't eat lead. Then they could name them and talk to them and put little sweaters on them and take them for a ride in their Subaru.
  3. DesertBull

    How many zeros in a billion?

    The U.S. government this week reported a record monthly budget deficit for February 2010 of $220.9 billion. Total tax receipts for the month were only $107.5 billion compared to outlays of $328.4 billion. The total U.S. deficit for the first five months of fiscal year 2010 was $651.6 billion, with tax receipts of $800.5 billion and outlays of $1.45 trillion. The deficit was up 10.5% for the first five months of fiscal year 2010 over the same period in fiscal year 2009. We are now at a point where if the U.S. government taxed Americans 100% of their income, the tax receipts generated would not be enough to balance the budget. Likewise, if the U.S. government cut 100% of its spending including defense, but kept paying Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we would still have a budget deficit. NIA believes it will be impossible for the U.S. to have a balanced budget ever again. The U.S. national debt is now $12.55 trillion of which $8.061 trillion is public debt.
  4. DesertBull

    Happy Birthday Desert Bull

    22.5 x 2
  5. DesertBull

    Toyota Recall

    That is true and the people have responded. GM is still in the crapper while Ford is recovering nicely. I would have no problem spending my money on Ford. GM and Chrysler will never see a dime of my money.
  6. DesertBull

    swaro 15X56 SLC or Vortex Kaibab

    Just my opinion, but I have had two Vortex products and they both sucked. I did not have the Kaibabs though.
  7. DesertBull

    Calculating Draw odds

    You have to select a unit with a ML'er hunt. For example, 6A elk.
  8. DesertBull

    SB1200 HR2189

    If the Commission is against it....then I am for it. they have not listened to one thing the general hunting/fishing public has said to them in decades. Now it's time to pay for that arrogance.
  9. DesertBull

    May 2010 Archery Hog Hunt at Tejon Ranch

    It's a great hunt. I've been several times. Not canned. You will have to hunt and be good shape because it's friggen steep. Unless they have changed the rules, you can't use a 2-day non-res license and you must have the pig tag and license before you reserve the hunt. It's been a year since I have been over there, so maybe they changed the procedure. Good luck.
  10. DesertBull

    Toyota Recall

    I bought a Ford once and all my money to my American auto mechanic.
  11. DesertBull

    Toyota Recall

    Except that Fords are made in Mexico and Toyotas are made in Tennesee.
  12. DesertBull

    Local Carp are Dropping

    Who is drinkin that hippy beer? You drive a Subaru too I'll bet.
  13. DesertBull

    Toyota Recall

    Prius does not have a key
  14. DesertBull

    Interesting chase

    Was it Casey?
  15. DesertBull

    General consenses

    I think we should have a whole division of gays in the armed forces. After we get done kicking some thug dictators butt, we send in the gays to tidy up and redecorate the place.
  16. DesertBull

    New Campaigne Platform for Al Gore

    Right now, DC is scrambling to figure out a way to tax earthquakes.
  17. DesertBull


    Russian mail order bride?
  18. DesertBull

    Thank you for praying for me

    WOW, cool story. Did you fight Mike Tyson? Alex...hope all is well.
  19. DesertBull

    You be the POLITICIAN

    Socialized medicine sounds great until you realize that the Fed Gov't will be running it. Social Security - broke Medicare - broke Amtrak - broke Post office - broke The Federal Budget - broke What makes you think they get this program, the biggest of all, right? I could fix this country in one day. No lobbyist Term limits for every elected official Bring all the troops HOME and put them on the border...protecting OUR nation. No private campaign funds. You get "X" amount of dollars from the Gov't to run your campaign and when it's gone...too bad. No donors...no fund raisers.....no behind closed doors glad handing. You get caught taking funds for your campaign....waterboarded. Balanced Budget Amendment. If you don't have the CAAASHE MONEY to pay for a program, a bridge, a fricken bucket of fricken fried fricken chicken, you don't get it. PERIOD. The tax payer is not your giant VISA card. If you try to sneek some pork through, especially in an election year....prepare to be waterboarded. You commit a crime...you go to jail. No therapy or rehab. Get in the slammer and DON'T DROP THE SOAP. When you get out, you have paid your debt. If you should return for other crimes......prepare to be waterboarded. Repeal the Patriot Act.....TODAY. If you think you want to strap a bomb in your underwear....you better hope it goes off....because if you get caught....prepare to be waterboarded. Every elected official will be required to stand up in front of his constituents and repeat the following, "I WORK FOR YOU." YOU ARE MY BOSS. I AM YOUR SERVANT. IF I SHOULD FORGET THIS...FEEL FREE TO WATERBOARD ME UNTIL MY MEMORY HAS BEEN RESTORED." You must pass a drug test to receive any gov't assistance. If you try to collect assistance, but fail your drug test. Prepare to be waterboarded.
  20. DesertBull

    Who's got Direct TV????

    We were thinking of switching to DTV, but their prices SUCK.
  21. DesertBull

    Barbary Sheep

    Sounds like a fun hunt. Is this public land?
  22. DesertBull

    Sportsmans Expo

    Randy Ulmer will be giving a presentation on Sat morning. Cameron Hanes will do the same on Sat, but don't know what time of day.
  23. DesertBull

    Best stool for a ground blind?

    armless camp chair. I put an old blanket or canvas tarp on the ground under the chair and where my feet are to help with noise.
  24. DesertBull

    Southern AZ Bear

    Once the temps get into the 90's and above, the desert bears will spend most of the day very close to water. Not just to drink either. They like to get in the water in the middle of the day to cool off.
  25. DesertBull

    Game&Fish - Operation Photo date check

    Wow str8 You are really a glass half full if you think there is any collaboration coming from the G&F for anything other than busting hunters. But seriously, you ask why are people on the defensive, well I for one don't live in a "glass palace". What I mean is I "might" have a couple lion kill skulls with no tag. I "might" have expired tags on my Samurai. I "might" not have a Copper tag on my motorcycle. I "might have too much gun powder for reloading. I "might" have more venison than a G&F think I should have. My kid "might be shooting his bb gun as we speak. Heck, my dog "might" not even have a license. Of course this is all hypathetical. Great points made. I don't buy into the police state, and the end justifies the means mentality. If they have REAL evidence get a warrant and make an arrest, or write the ticket. I am all for stopping poaching and support the fish cops in that regard, but I don't want some yahoo knocking on my door fishing for evidence. That is wrong no matter how you try to justify it. Because you are defensive about this kind of behavior, does not mean you have something to hide, it might mean you enjoy your freedoms and would like your country to remain free and un-invited guests to stay off your doorstep. Awesome! Some people think the Patriot Act is Patriotic too.