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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    New Swaro?

    Its $2200+ just for the eyepiece.
  2. DesertBull

    New Swaro?

    It is a new spotting scope. It has two eye pieces so you can use both eyes.
  3. DesertBull

    Utah Elk

    The bigger problem was when they took half of the NR tags and put them in a raffle.
  4. I hate that high temp cheese they put in sausage. Disgusting.
  5. Not Phoenix but Von Hansons in Chandler does good work as does Millers in Queen Creek.
  6. DesertBull

    New Swaro?

    My guess is 20x binos
  7. DesertBull

    Outdoorsman give away

    http://woobox.com/ic6dof/im336c The third give away is a new long range pack with all if the accessories
  8. DesertBull

    *Updated W/Pics *My Son Wants to Clean Your Skulls

    I have a javelina skull. Its frozen. I live in gilbert power and germann at power ranch
  9. DesertBull

    Outdoorsman give away

    http://woobox.com/ic6dof/ilqips They are giving away a new Swarocski Z8i scope
  10. DesertBull

    Annealing with salt

    Its the same principal as using molten lead but without the toxic fumes
  11. DesertBull

    Outdoorsman give away

    http://woobox.com/ic6dof/ilng1q As Trump would say, "What the heck do you have to lose?"
  12. DesertBull


    I ordered. bottom metal from them last year and was not even close to fitting the stock they claimed it was designed for
  13. DesertBull

    Outdoorsman give away

    First up is a tripod snd head of your choice http://woobox.com/ic6dof/ilj7s2
  14. DesertBull

    Annealing with salt

  15. DesertBull

    Big Browns

    Have a good one!!!!
  16. DesertBull

    Lake Pleasant Stiper Fishing - What to expect

    "What if I eat more than the recommended amount of fish and shellfish in a week?" One week's consumption of fish does not change the level of methylmercury in the body much at all. If you eat a lot of fish one week, you can cut back for the next week or two. Just make sure you average the recommended amount per week.
  17. DesertBull

    Feral Pig Eradication

    Some genius at the USFWS will probably suggest trapping a Jaguar and letting loose in the marsh.
  18. DesertBull

    finally took down the tree

    Hey Griswald, where are you going to put a tree that big? Bend over and I'll show you
  19. DesertBull

    Planting a Food plot

    When I said I wanted to attract wildlife... I didn't mean hippies and stoners. They would be fun to shoot though
  20. DesertBull

    Just ordered myself a new rifle

    Nice. Kimber has a Mountain Ascent rifle that weighs under 6lbs in short action that have been eyeing.
  21. DesertBull

    SLC hunt expo

    If you do, grab me a 72" 4K TV. And not one of those cheap Emerson or Visio models. Samsung or Sony
  22. DesertBull

    SLC hunt expo

    If they took 200 tags out of the draw here in AZ for raffles there would be a riot. Remember when SFW tried it a few years ago?
  23. DesertBull

    Feral Pig Eradication

    So the pigs will be gunned down but Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi get to live. Dont seem right
  24. DesertBull

    SLC hunt expo

    I need a goat tag.
  25. DesertBull

    SLC hunt expo

    Im sure its a great show and alot of fun but the number of tags that they raffle off is a disgrace. Last I looked it was over 200 tags that were in the public draw at one time. I would have had my Mountain Goat tag by now but some dude with a $20 bill and a plane ticket gets it every year. Ill stop crying now.