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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    General Spring Bear

    I'm no bear expert or guru, but when the temps get into the 90's, bears need water daily. Glassing and/or calling around water sources that you have found tracks at would be a good bet. They won't stray too far from that water, especially if it is the only source close by.
  2. DesertBull

    dad not letting me hunt

    You should have thought about that before hand, IMO
  3. DesertBull

    19A Onion Mtn Velvet Mule Deer Found

    Isn't this the same situation with the 7E bull that was found after the season? Don't you have to go through G&F to tag the buck and take possession? Just askin'
  4. DesertBull

    Z7 Extreme

    Shorter than the Z7? That would be a slingshot then, right? The eZ7 looks most appealing to me, but the "longer ATA" is still only 32". I'm still looking at the Hoyt Alphamax 35
  5. Jaguar to force road closings in So AZ http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_centr...-border-habitat
  6. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    because we were out spent 10 to 1
  7. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    http://media2.abc15.com/NWT/electionresults/race107.htm 109 will not pass but Raul Grijalva is a in a FIGHT for his job.
  8. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    getting trounced now. http://media2.abc15.com/NWT/electionresults/race303.htm
  9. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    YES TAKES THE LEAD! http://media2.abc15.com/NWT/electionresults/race303.htm
  10. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2010/results/ballot.measures/# 3 other states have "right to hunt" measures on the ballot and they are passing easily. AZ's law is losing.
  11. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    http://media2.abc15.com/NWT/electionresults/race303.htm You can check on Prop 109 voting here. No results in yet.
  12. DesertBull

    Hunting and Fishing

    I hope I am wrong, but I see little chance of this passing. I just voted and voted YES, but we are way out spent on this proposition I'm afraid.
  13. Pack out a javelina in the same pack. You'll never smell the deer blood again.
  14. DesertBull

    Harvested 2 Bucks…& saved well over 50

    That's awesome. Congrats! I was not able to get it done on the west side. Saw 4 bucks I was willing to shoot, with 2 being LARGE but was not able to get the shot. Trying to shoot through the thick burn these bucks were holed up in proved too much for me. Has one buck at 150 yards with absolutley no shooting lane. I think I saw a 2 point hanging in every camp. PS. I think I might have been sitting right next to you at the Jacob Lake Lodge counter one day, but not sure. If not, it was your better looking twin.
  15. DesertBull


    The general rule is south and east facing slopes in the morning and north and west slope during times you expect deer to be bedded. A good time to be glassing bedding areas is just after the sun goes to the west of straight up. That's when the shade start changing and the deer often get up to reposition for the afternoon. Sometimes bucks will surprise you and bed right out in the open, especially if it is very cold.
  16. DesertBull

    338 edge

    I see. That's not what you said in your post however. That's why I was confused.
  17. DesertBull

    338 edge

    So, your groups get SMALLER as the distance increases? That must be the magic bullet that killed Kennedy?
  18. DesertBull

    I'm looking for a good Elk Tenderloin recipe

    I don't like to grill game meat. Not enough fat, especially on the back straps. Let it set out until it's room temp. Slather it up with a liberal amount of olive oil. Season it lightly, put it on a big sheet of thick foil. Throw some fresh herbs on. I like rosemary. Squeeze a lime on it. A squirt or 3 of Worchestrireierier Sauce put 2 or 3 slabs of butter ( I said REAL BUTTER) around the meat Wrap it up tightly with the foil. Put it in a shallow pan into a 500 degree oven for 30 minutes. turn down the heat 300 and cook until it's done way you like. Test with a meat thermometer but Don't open the foil. When it's done the way you like it. (I would never go past medium with game meat, medium rare would be better) take it and set it on the counter...BUT DON'T open the foil for at least 20 minutes. You open when it's hot and all the juice is going to run out. If you cut the meat while it's still steaming hot, you'll have a dry arse piece of meat.
  19. DesertBull


    Looks like we are getting ready to witness UFC 122 live on CW.com.
  20. DesertBull

    Kaibab Hunt

    That's what I plan on doing. Leaving for 12W in the morning and hopefully dropping of a big ol's CARP buck at JeremyB's next week on the way home. JB, can you make CARP taste good?
  21. DesertBull

    Rio Salado/Usery range

    I've never been treated bad there and have always felt safe shooting there...until the other day. A man and his two son's come to shoot hand guns and take the bench next to me. I didn't think anything of it. After the RM announces that the range is hot, I sit down and prepare to shoot and notice the guy has 3 or 4 targets out and one of them is clear over on my side. In fact, it was blocking my path to my target that was set up at 200 yrd. I didn't say anything because there was nothing he could do about it now that people were shooting. I just took a couple of shots as the steel targets and waited for the next break. I'm sitting there at the bench getting ready to shoot and BOOM, the guy starts shooting his gun and I swear it' 2 feet from my ear. What the ****? Before I could get up, he starts going wild...shooting his 9mm as fast as he can pull the trigger and with each shot the gun is getting closer and closer to me because he can't keep the thing under control. When he is empty I jump up get behind the bench and see that one of the range dudes are standing there looking at him and didn't say a fricken thing. Just walked on by. Next up is his son. Looks to be about 12 years old. He tries to mimic his dad and by the time he is empty the bullets are hitting the dirt 3' away and the gun is almost completely out of his hand. One or two more shots and I know the gun would have been hitting the ground. Gathered up my crap and left.
  22. DesertBull

    An Ethical Hunting Dilemma

    I have heard of corn fed deer...but not cornholed.
  23. DesertBull

    New Hampshire Student Nipple Clamp Zap

    yes, but did you clamp the 460v to your nipples? I guess you would need 3 nipples to hook yourself up to 460v though, huh?
  24. DesertBull

    Missing Grandma

    I hope you kill grandma.
  25. DesertBull

    State land access closed in 36b

    If the quail take hold and actually thrive, the tofu crowd lose their grant money. It's all a big game.