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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    ADA statement

    The ADA paid their $10,000 SFW membership fee then got back doored? I would demand a refund.
  2. I agree with that also. It's a give and take. All precautions should should be adhered to in order to protect our lands, but we are on the verge of economic collapse and all jobs are needed. Don't let these recent job numbers fool you. It's an election year and the incumbents (be they R or D) always skew the numbers in their favor.
  3. Everybody wants copper, milk, pork, gasoline, prisons, etc but no one wants what is needed to produce these things (pig farms, mines, prison yards, refineries, mines) in their back yard.
  4. They are planning wolf releases in southern Colorado in 2012
  5. DesertBull

    ADA statement

    There is a check mark on your draw apps that allows you to donate DIRECTLY to game and fish. No raffles, auctions, platinum memberships, ect. I always throw in a few dollars, but if they keep stuffing those dollars up a wolfs butt, I will quit.
  6. DesertBull

    novelty wolves

    Feb. 3, 2012 Arizona wolf numbers are up Arizona Game and Fish Department conducts 2011 population surveys in state for multi-agency Mexican wolf program The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Arizona Game and Fish Department and other partners in the Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Project announced earlier today that the endangered Mexican wolf population count increased to a minimum of 58 wolves compared to last year’s count of 50. The increase is encouraging news for the multi-agency program, especially considering that the state’s largest wildfire, the Wallow, burned through three packs’ denning areas within weeks of pups being born. The wolf project stimulates high public interest, and the public often asks Game and Fish how wolf population surveys are conducted and what the department’s role in the project is. The Arizona Game and Fish Department dedicates five staff to the Interagency Field Team (IFT), the multi-agency group that oversees on-the-ground wolf conservation activities. Game and Fish’s IFT staff are responsible for the day-to-day management of wolves; coordinating and conducting the annual population counts; and, any helicopter-associated wolf captures in Arizona on public lands and on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. In addition, the department provides pilots and fixed-wing planes to assist in locating wolves via telemetry signals prior to the helicopter counts and any capture efforts throughout the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area (BRWRA), which encompasses parts of Arizona and New Mexico. This year the department conducted the surveys in Arizona, while FWS conducted them in New Mexico. Other specially-trained Game and Fish personnel that are not part of the IFT assist with capture operations in Arizona to ensure darting and net-gunning activities are conducted in the safest and most proficient manner possible. Even before aerial operations begin, Game and Fish’s IFT staff are involved in estimating the number of uncollared wolves present in Arizona. They begin surveying for uncollared wolves months earlier through howling surveys, track surveys, use of trail cameras and other methods. They also contact stakeholders, such as landowners and grazing permittees, in the wolf reintroduction area to advise them of upcoming surveys and collect any wolf activity information from them. “Developing partnerships with these critical stakeholders and implementing proactive management efforts to reduce wolf-livestock interactions on public and private lands is, we believe, the key to the long-term survival of the wolves in the Southwest,” said Director Larry Voyles of the Arizona Game and Fish Department. “Building public tolerance by those who live on the land and must coexist with the wolf is crucial to the success of the Mexican wolf program in Arizona. “Every biologist who works on an endangered species repatriation project prays for the day that wild-born progeny are on the ground,” said Voyles. “The IFT estimates that more than 90 percent of the collared wolves on the ground today in Arizona were born in the wild. Further, we have at least an 18 percent increase in total numbers and a 150 percent increase in breeding pairs over 2010 numbers. “Even though these numbers are below the target levels of the recovery plan, these elements exhibit a cornerstone achievement in Mexican wolf conservation,” continued Voyles, “and this year’s count gives credence to the fact that we are moving in a positive direction.” The IFT estimates the Mexican wolf population at a minimum count level because it is impossible to find and verify every uncollared animal that may exist in the wild. However, the 2011 population count is considered one of the most inclusive because the IFT trapped and collared 16 wolves this fall, allowing biologists to more accurately track and estimate the population than in years when fewer animals were collared. Population survey and management activities conducted by Game and Fish’s IFT staff are funded by contracts and grants from FWS; no sportsmen-generated funds are used for these count efforts. The project’s other cooperative partners include FWS, White Mountain Apache Tribe, USDA Forest Service, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – Wildlife Services, and Graham, Greenlee and Navajo Counties. For more information on the Mexican wolf in Arizona, visit www.azgfd.gov/wolf.
  7. DesertBull

    Where do we go from here?

    Yeah....all that stuff I said about giving this guy the benefit of the doubt.....screw that. I would vote for Nappy before I vote for this guy. At least with Nappy, we know where he stands on the issues.
  8. DesertBull

    novelty wolves

    Sounds like the morons back east that try to give contraceptives to deer. Actually that would be a good job for some of those guys in congress. Putting rubbers on bucks. That would keep them busy for awhile and out of our business.
  9. DesertBull

    novelty wolves

    We spend money on this crap?
  10. DesertBull

    2006 polaris 330 magnum 4x4

    This is a good unit. I've had my Polaris Magnum for 10 years and have never had any trouble with it and I use a lot.
  11. DesertBull

    Belize Bonefish

    LUCKY! I was all set to go to Belize last summer and the wife chickened out. Someone told her it wasn't safe. Have fun!
  12. DesertBull

    Where do we go from here?

    I saw this on another site. Is this really how we got the recommendation board? If so, our law making process is a joke.
  13. DesertBull

    New members

    What happened to that guy selling Viagra? I'm running out.....errr I mean ah uhm....Muskrat (Marshall) needs some more.
  14. DesertBull

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Non-typical, you sure did miss a doosey. It was like a mobile home fire. It started small, but got big and gone in a hurry. HAHA...save the Papst Blue Ribbon and the pork rinds....the rest can burn.
  15. DesertBull

    Where do we go from here?

    Cut off their money and they go away. Period. Any organization or publication that supports them will not see a dime of my money.
  16. I am for anything that gives us rights as opposed to taking them away. Just because something "can" be used to commit a crime does not mean that it must be taken away from everyone.
  17. DesertBull

    Show on the sportsmans Chanel

    Sounds like a weekend on the Rim
  18. DesertBull

    Lost bonus points?

    rub it in Lark! LOL! For Buffalo it might be a little different. They draw for buffalo twice a year, so you might have missed 5 consecutive drawings and they flushed your points. Not sure how that works.
  19. DesertBull

    Lost bonus points?

    if you miss a year, you lose your loyalty point. If you miss 5 consecutive years you lose everything except your hunter ed point. call the G&F. One time they transposed some SS numbers on my sons application and he didn't get credit for his bonus point. I called them and they were able to confirm the numbers were wrong and fixed it.
  20. Not surprising that 90% of all the lib--tards in America live in those red states.
  21. DesertBull

    Urban Predator Hunter

    He should have used the no gut field Dressing method
  22. DesertBull

    New Minimum Draw Weight

    I wasn't aware that believing mechanical heads shouldn't be used with a 30lb bow equate to hating kids. thanks for the lesson.
  23. DesertBull

    New Minimum Draw Weight

    I think they should be a little more specific and deny the use of mechanical broad heads on a 30lb bow. I'm not against mechanical heads, just not really made for a 30lb bow, IMO.
  24. DesertBull

    What Cell phone provider do you use?

    I do my best to find places with no coverage. Maybe I should switch from Verizon to AT&T? I heard there is no coverage in unit 30 - New Mexico. I will be there for week in Feb. Let's hope it's true.