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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Buy American

    We won't mention the tactics that unions use to "negotiate".
  2. DesertBull

    2072 not dead

    They never read any of the bills. They figure out which bills to support by how many votes they are likely to get or lose. The only thing that is important to a politician is getting re-elected enough times to qualify for pension and life long benefits.
  3. DesertBull

    2072 not dead

    These D-bags are never going to give up?
  4. DesertBull


    From twitter this evening ‏ @ncaabballrumors wait, what? #arizona #wildcats HC #seanmiller places call to #illini AD #mikethomas: I'm interested. Sean Miller is interested in the Illini job. Smart man.
  5. DesertBull

    Buy American

    It's less about the taxes and more about having to provide healthcare insurance for employees, the power of unions, etc. Whoever it was that came up with the lame idea that your employer should be mandated to provide your healthcare coverage was a moron. Your employer should have to provide a safe work place and coverage for anything that is work related, but why should they be liable for all or a portion of your healthcare?
  6. DesertBull

    The Draw Is in Progress

    Do I hear a little remorse on the Tundra purchase! That was for my lawn mower
  7. DesertBull

    The Draw Is in Progress

    $114 charge for me too..... ah crap, that was the gas I bought yesterday. Never mind.
  8. DesertBull

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    March 28th, 10:15 am
  9. DesertBull

    Buy American

    There are no TV's or DVD/Blue Ray players made in the USA.
  10. DesertBull

    Wet couple of days!

    are you at the Chicken Ranch?
  11. DesertBull

    Buy American

    I just bought a 2012 tundra 4x4. Made in USA. Ford F150 made in Mexico.
  12. I got a response within minutes of sending them an email about elephants not being endangered. It basically said they didn't care if elephants were officially on the ESL, we all know they not supposed to be hunted.
  13. When the President of the ADA is one of it's biggest supporters, the battle will be hard won.
  14. Coincidence that this is also the home of our President? The same President that has put two Supreme Court Justices on the bench that do not only discredit the 2nd, they don't even believe you have a right to self defense. They would rather you be required to call Paul Bart, the Mall Cop than defend yourself or your family.
  15. email I just received from the ABA.
  16. The ISE is the same way. I went twice and it was BORE - ING both times. There is no way those things bring in $25,000,000.
  17. DesertBull


    They just got butt stomped by the power house Bucknell Bison
  18. DesertBull

    Gateway Outdoors March Meeting

    Marshall, better bring your popcorn. John Koleszar is the speaker. I know. I booked him lol
  19. DesertBull

    Gateway Outdoors March Meeting

    Marshall, better bring your popcorn. John Koleszar is the speaker.
  20. Nothing is stopping them from directly donating their money to the causes without having to cut to the front of the line every time they want to hunt. So yes, I believe it is an effort to get more tags for themselves. Why else would they write into the laws the part about THEIR tags not counting against the bag limit? More auction tags means the price for these tags is going drop, which means they get their tags for less money. It's a Win Win if you got the green.
  21. Please support this bill for the future of Arizona wildlife. If you have any questions about the bill call me or go to arizonasportsmenforwildlife.org. Read Jim's letter below and he shows you how you can reach out to our House of Representatives and Governor Brewer's office. It only takes a few minutes... Thank for your help, Jay Lopeman mossbackarizonahunts.blogspot.com www.triclawps.com (480)209-9535 Friends, I am sorry to interrupt your busy life with a special request. This is not some virus that hacked into my email list. I am only sending this to people that I consider my friends. I am asking for your help with the support of House Bill 2072 which will help secure long term funding to make sure that our wildlife are protected for the future generations. This bill creates a much needed firewall to ensure the protection of Arizona's wildlife. It will help if Governor Brewer's office, and our House of Representatives were to hear from as many people as possible in support of this bill. Please send an e-mail and feel free to ask friends and relatives to contact them as well. I have included some talking points to use in your e-mail, but your letter needs to be in your own words!!. It does not need to be long, it just needs to communicate your support. It can be as simple as "I care about wildlife and support HB 2072". There is a very vocal minority that is trying to oppose this bill. We need to be more vocal and let those in charge know that we support HB2072 and how passionate we are about protecting Arizona's wildlife. Attached are all the email addresses in a word document that you can copy and paste directly into your BCC field on your e-mail. PLEASE SEND IT AS A BLIND COPY. That way each recipient cannot see who else it is being sent to. It should be received as a personal e-mail and not read as just a form letter with a massive distribution list. When you send the email to these people, I will also get a copy because I have included my name in the list. Thank you in advance for your help. This is an important issue to me. Please do not wait. Send your supporting e-mail today. Thank you! Jim Hamberlin Dear Representative, HB 2072 is good for Arizona, good for wildlife, good for youth and good for sportsmen. · The proposed sportsmen's expo will be a $25 million dollar annual economic / tourism driver to our state at a time when we need to help our economy. · Our wildlife herds are steadily declining and more money is needed to offset issues related to the decline- revenue from the tags will help rebuild our herds · There is not enough money to deal with the public lands access problem which is ever increasing - We need the additional revenues that will be generated by this legislation · The department needs more money for youth recruitment- this is the future of our Game and Fish Department · The auctioning of tags is not commercialization of wildlife. If so, then the department has already commercialized it with their existing special tags program. · The number of tags is not have a statistically significant affect a sportsmen's ability to get drawn – one tag out of one hunt unit has a negligible impact. There are only 54 auction tags; the remainder are draw tags. The additional venue for raffling the tags will give sportsmen additional opportunities to be successfully drawn. · The department currently pays for tags to be sent out of state to help other out of state sportsmen's banquets be successful; these tags need to stay in Arizona and be an economic draw for Arizona's economy · Earlier criticisms of the bill are no longer valid as solutions to fix the concerns have been identified and will be added to the bill · The criticisms about it benefitting only the rich man is ridiculous. The wildlife and the state of Arizona are the ones who benefit. All of Arizona's sportsmen will benefit. Most of the habitat projects in this state would not be done if not for the current limited special programs To copy and paste the email addresses below by follow these directions: . Highlight the list of email addresses . Left click on the mouse and select "copy" . close this page and open a new email : The subject line of your email should be, Please Support HB 2072 .click on BCC (which stands for Blind Copy) you may have to click on CC and the BCC will pop up. My system had a small arrow that gave me the options of CC or BCC .left click the mouse and select "paste" .write a short letter expressing your support eableser@azleg.gov, lalston@azleg.gov, barredondo@azleg.gov,cash@azleg.gov, bbarton@azleg.gov, kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov,chcampbell@azleg.gov, hcarter@azleg.gov, tchabin@azleg.gov,scourt@azleg.gov,ccrandell@azleg.gov, jdial@azleg.gov,kfann@azleg.gov, sfarley@azleg.gov, efarnsworth@azleg.gov,jfillmore@azleg.gov, tforese@azleg.gov, rgallego@azleg.gov,sgonzales@azleg.gov, dgoodale@azleg.gov,dgowan@azleg.gov,rgray@azleg.gov, ahale@azleg.gov, jharper@azleg.gov,mheinz@azleg.gov, khobbs@azleg.gov rjones@azleg.gov, pjudd@azleg.gov, jkavanagh@azleg.gov,dlesko@azleg.gov, plovas@azleg.gov, ssmith@az.gov, kkinsall@az.gov, pgonzales@az.gov, mhunter@az.gov, , Suzane@capitolconsultingaz.com, Jimhamberlin@me.com ddavis@azleg.gov, nmclain@azleg.gov, jmesnard@azleg.gov,emeyer@azleg.gov, cmiranda@azleg.gov, smontenegro@azleg.gov,jolson@azleg.gov, lpancrazi@azleg.gov, dpatterson@azleg.gov,jpierce@azleg.gov,fpratt@azleg.gov, tproud@azleg.gov,areeve@azleg.gov, brobson@azleg.gov, msaldate@azleg.gov,cseel@azleg.gov, dsmith@azleg.gov, dstevens@azleg.gov,atobin@azleg.gov, atovar@azleg.gov,mugenti@azleg.gov,surie@azleg.gov, tvogt@azleg.gov,jweiers@azleg.gov, jpweiers@azleg.gov, bwheeler@azleg.gov,vwilliams@azleg.gov, kyee@azleg.gov,
  22. DesertBull

    More emails I received

    Keep your friends close Keep your enemies closer
  23. DesertBull

    San Diego fishing advice?

    You now must posses a Visa to fish in Mexican waters.
  24. Just got an email from AZSFW asking I support setting aside less than 1% of the tags. The only reason I voted No was because they didn't give an option for F no. Something tells me they are going to bring the results of this poll to their next govenors meeting and try to Backdoor us. Literally.
  25. Saw this on another site and thought it was interesting. All monies were "donated" on December 16th. Bold names are affiliated with AZSWF and/or AZSFWC The AZ Secretary of State keeps records on all political contributions. This is from the Jerry Weiers 2012 political committee. The same Jerry Weiers who sponsored HB2072. These contributions totaling over $6000 were all made on December 16, 2011. 3 weeks before this emergency bill was created/made public. Coincidence? Maybe some of these names look familiar? CORONA, EDWARD 12/16/2011 $100.00 DENHAM, CHRISTOPHER 12/16/2011 $250.00 Evenson, Jared 12/16/2011 $424.00 GILSTRAP, HAYS 12/16/2011 $200.00 GREEN, FLOYD 12/16/2011 $400.00 HAMBERLIN, ALAN 12/16/2011 $174.00 HAMBERLIN, DEBORAH 12/16/2011 $424.00 Hamberlin, Ryan 12/16/2011 $424.00 HICKMAN, BILL 12/16/2011 $200.00 HICKMAN, CLINTON 12/16/2011 $200.00 HICKMAN, GLENN 12/16/2011 $200.00 HICKMAN, LISA 12/16/2011 $200.00 HICKMAN SILVA, SHARMAN 12/16/2011 $200.00 HULM, TODD 12/16/2011 $50.00 Katz, Andy 12/16/2011 $424.00 KELLY, CHARLES 12/16/2011 $150.00 KING, RHONDA 12/16/2011 $35.00 KINNEY, DONNA 12/16/2011 $424.00 KOLESZAR, JOHN 12/16/2011 $100.00 MAGURA, JACK 12/16/2011 $410.00 MARVIN, J.W. 12/16/2011 $100.00 Mings, Brian 12/16/2011 $424.00 NELSON, KAREN 12/16/2011 $50.00 Pearce, Arthur 12/16/2011 $424.00 Stinson, L Gary 12/16/2011 $50.00 Thomas, Bob 12/16/2011 $50.00 UNMACHT, JAMES 12/16/2011 $100.00 Verifiable here ( 2012 - January 31st Report) http://www.azsos.gov...x?id=200693346#