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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    High Country Cats

    That's awesome and good eating. Beware of mercury levels in some of those lake though.
  2. DesertBull


    Your not supposed to use camera flash near them. I have some pics I will post when I get home
  3. Baiting does not cause or spread CWD. Texas, with a corn flinger on every section, has never had a case of CWD either. New Mexico, right between Texas and Arizona, does have it. You can debate the ethics of baiting all day and night, but save the disease excuse, it don't fly http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Chronic-wasting-disease-not-found-in-Arizona-deer-or-elk.shtml
  4. DesertBull

    G&F Update Regarding Draw Results

    I put for Utah in January and don't get results until May. they dont even telll you how many tags sre available for each hunt.I think AZ does a better job than most.
  5. DesertBull

    iPad for checking trail cameras.

    I just switch the card and look at them when I get home, with a frosty beverage.
  6. The exact reason that the founders gave us the 2nd. It is not about hunting, as the lefties want everyone to believe. "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome."
  7. DesertBull

    King of the swamp, Troy Landrey.

    "i got my arm ripped off by a gator" - chick magnet
  8. DesertBull


    NO worries at all. I'm just saying it the red tape that prevents common sense from taking care of things. Too much bureaucracy.
  9. DesertBull

    Jojoba beans

    Don't they make cosmetics out the beans? I know if you eat too many of them they give you the squirts.
  10. DesertBull


    The United States Government - Protecting and Serving the S**T Out of You.
  11. If Obamacare is so great, why are the President and his family, congress, unions, muslims, and over 800 big money liberal donors expempt?
  12. Not true. The AZGFD did manage to hire the OHV officers and they have been working in the field. That department is headed up by Jimmy Simmons, who at one time was a WM in unit 23, then over to I think DPS and finally back to the department a couple of years ago. So the money that came to the department has stayed. The OHV grant money always has been sent to State PArks, but they continually sweep the funds to pay for their own personnel. The OHV boys need to play tough...BPJ But in reality, they removed someone from another job to do this job, right? No the net increase in expenditure is probably little to none. Does the money these guys generate in the form of fines get swept away too?
  13. What a joke!! u probably own a business and pay the employees 8.00 an hour... Ron Most cities just layoff the employees they can't afford to pay. At least by keeping these people on at min wage, they get to keep their health coverage and other benefits.
  14. DesertBull

    The anti-corn flingers need a new excuse

    You know what, it's funny that the G&F put this out today. After doing a quick search, I found that the FIRST case of CWD in Texas was confirmed YESTERDAY. So, yes you are correct. As of YESTERDAY, Texas had two cases of CWD. Sorry for the confusion. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/newsmedia/releases/?req=20120710a
  15. DesertBull


    He can't sign the treaty if the Senate does not get 2/3rd votes for it. That is not going happen unless our Dictator in Chief bribes them like he did several congresspersons during the healthcare debate.
  16. If you're a libtard you go ask China for a few coins to keep getting your weeds pulled. Then come back home and tell everyone it's a stimulus.
  17. If they quit on their own, they can't file for unemployment.
  18. So then, if there is no money, how do you pay them? It's easy to say it's wrong to cut them or fire them, but you can't just write checks without money in the bank. Unless you're the Federal Gov't who somehow gets away with operating without a budget.
  19. When cities are out of money they have to make cuts. They cannot print or borrow money to pay their bills like the Fed Gov't can.
  20. DesertBull


    Did you know that unions are by and large, exempt from Obummercare.
  21. If you can catch members of the Eric Holder cartel, you could buy next years Mule Deer and Coues deer Gov tags. and put some scum bags away. http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_central_southern_az/tucson/fbi-names-4-fugitives-wanted-in-brian-terry-murder-case?asdf
  22. If only the federal Gov't would do that. But, it's hard to buy votes at $8.00 an hour.
  23. and they don't spend a dime on enforcement.
  24. I knew when they started the stupid law that none of the money would ever go to OHV projects.