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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull


    Obama authorized the killing of an American citizen without trial. Where was the ACLU?
  2. DesertBull

    ATV Repair Help?

    A lot of people part out wrecked ATV's on Ebay. Might look there for some of the plastic, lights, etc that need to be replaced.
  3. DesertBull

    Back To Belize/Part 3

    I'm going next July. Can't wait.
  4. DesertBull

    Tough Question

    The person who did it needs to go to jail for a long time. That is sick. The dog should have been put down, IMO. I don't have a problem with people spending their own money on the medical expenses for the dog if that's what they want to do, but it seems cruel to put the animal through all that suffering just to give a human a warm and fuzzy.
  5. Breaking News - MSNBC, CNN and NBC reporting that President Obama has defecated and it taste exactly like Hagen Daz...only better. Chris Matthews is already on his second bowl.
  6. Any idea when the 6-24x50 model will be in stock?
  7. DesertBull


    The other day I had went to pick up some pizzas from Pizza Hut. I used my CC to pay. I had to show my ID to a 17 year old punk with greasy hair, a ring in his lip and more tattoos than brains.
  8. It's on! http://ktar.com/22/1573172/Judge-OKs-show-me-your-papers-of-SB-1070
  9. DesertBull


    He wants to hold hands with some countries but has no use for others.....like Israel. How many billions did he send to Egypt to influence their election of the muslim brotherhood candidate? Yeah...that was money WELL spent. In a few weeks the Israelis are going to rain fire on Iran if we do not take a stronger stance against them and support Israel. Obama is too busy with Letterman to even meet with the Israeli PM.
  10. I don't see how anyone could consider Obama a moderate. He might say the moderate things in public, but his actions and the people he surrounds himself with tell a much different story.
  11. Because "Husein's" (Hussein) college record would help determine what kind of president he would be? Does it matter if he has a Master's or Ph.D. or a J.D.? I thought the point was that he wasn't born here, not that he didn't go to school here. Or are you concerned about his grades? I remember your quote, "I would much rather have Hillary in the White House than this fool." As much as libertard as you may think I am, I, like many Americans, consider myself a raging moderate. Even I couldn't countenance Hillary. Geez. School and medical records - not important Tax records - are important got it. Thanks.
  12. I'll trade you 5 years of Romney's tax returns for Husein's college records. He still won't release them or his medical records.
  13. They have been sitting on that for months. Waiting until just the right time. Well, the middle east became a complete cluster hump over night and Obama was taking serious heat, so the media let's the video out, while Obummer was par-tay-ing in Vegas. They are protecting their messiah.
  14. The gov't is running ads encouraging people to get on food stamps. The more voters they have getting a check, the more that will vote for big gov't.
  15. DesertBull


    Islam.....the religion of peace. If you don't believe it, we cut your head off.
  16. DesertBull


    I would much rather have Hillary in the White House than this fool.
  17. September 13th, 2012. Obama has expanded civil-forfeiture rules making it permissible for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to seize weapons from citizens without the hassle of due process. This effectively gives Attorney General Eric Holder, of Fast and Furious fame, extended power over guns and gun-related property. The rules were broadened under the guise of giving the ATF authority "to seize and administatively forfeit property involved in controlled substance abuses." And if that doesn't strike you as extreme on first glance, consider the fact that this expansion of civil-forfeiture allows the ATF to forego almost all "due process" in making their seizures -- in effect, placing the burden of proof on the citizen instead of federal agents.
  18. DesertBull

    Obama - there he goes again

    I thought our "hag" governor was promoted to homeland security.
  19. DesertBull

    Obama - there he goes again

    Interesting. Have a link for that. I would like learn more.
  20. DesertBull

    Obama - there he goes again

    Why isn't Eric Holder in jail?
  21. DesertBull

    Obama - there he goes again

    http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?p=9319733 http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/12/Obama-Expands-Civil-Forfeiture-So-ATF-Can-Seize-Your-Guns
  22. DesertBull

    Obama - there he goes again

    REPORTS: No Live Ammo for Marines Marine blogs say U.S. embassy did not authorize service members to carry ammo U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition, limiting their ability to respond to attacks like those this week on the U.S. consulate in Cairo. We have Barney Fife running the country. EDIT - No, at least Barney had ONE bullet.
  23. DesertBull

    WOW What is it???

    Saw it on the I-10 this morning. I was hoping it was NASA sending Obama to Mars.