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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    2nd Amendment rally

    I want to know why no one is talking about the fact that almost every mass shooting we have had in the last 20+ years, the shooter has been on at least one anti-depressant medication. Some of them have been on multiple ones at the same time, prescribed by Dr's. If you listen to the commercials for these meds, they tell you that thoughts or acts of suicide are a possible side effect. No calls for banning Prozac or limiting the number of pills per prescription.
  2. Eric Holder has testified that he believes the 2nd only applies to the govt.
  3. DesertBull

    Hunting in a Post Obama/Biden/Feinsten World

    This is the looney left's vision of the world.
  4. Just goes to show you cannot trust anyone.
  5. DesertBull

    2nd Amendment rally

    It's a no win. If no one shows up, the media will procliam the president has a great majority of support on gun control If 1,000's show up, they say - look at all these dangerous yahoos. We must control them.
  6. DesertBull

    GoPro to Spotting Scope?

    There is no zoom or focus on a GoPro. Not sure if it would work.
  7. I wonder why this jackwagon does not parade kids in front of the camera when the discussion is about abortion?
  8. DesertBull

    Final wording for the Bait Ban

    Are they going to change the name to COWCAINE? Cause deercain does not sound like a livestock product. That said, deer are raised as livestock in some places. There is a DEER FARM in Williams. If you ever order venison or elk in a restaurant it is almost certainly farm raised.
  9. DesertBull

    Will 9pts. do it ?

    10 points for 27 11 points for 3a/3c Those are the min points to get into the 20% pass portion of the draw where almost all NR tags are drawn for those units. There is still a chance with the bonus point system to draw a tag if the tag numbers were increased or some hunters switch units this year.
  10. DesertBull

    2nd Amendment rally

    It's a national rally, not just AZ
  11. DesertBull

    "Pat" Madden Nominated

    I would rather have them appointed by Jan Brewer than elected by the same people that voted for Anne Kirkpatrick and Janet Napalitano.
  12. DesertBull

    2nd Amendment rally

    Someone invite Piers!
  13. DesertBull

    I lost my GPS

    Bummer I once lost a GPS up at Red Butte in unit 9. 5 years later I was walking the same route up the hill and I looked down and there it was. Chewed up by rodents and waterlogged but still a neat find.
  14. Dr coldfimgers - Mr DB do you happen own guns? DB - bend over and I will show you.
  15. "Tom Gresham ‏@Guntalk Special $300 NRA Life Member deal is for my friends. You are all my friends. How long? Don't know, so don't wait. 1-888-678-7894"
  16. the lefties are all bent out of shape about this ad.
  17. Lifetime memberships are $300 if you call. Normally $1,000
  18. This moron just paraded a bunch of kids in front of the cameras to sell his anti-gun agenda. What a complete disgrace.
  19. Tell them to keep their cattle on deeded land and off the checkerboard or pay a small fee per head....say $60.
  20. DesertBull

    Final wording for the Bait Ban

    I would call that jail bait
  21. A congressman from New York has already crafted a bill to amend the Constitution to end term limits. It has zero support as of now but the thought process is already there.
  22. This SOB thinks he is all 3 branches of Government.
  23. http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/takeAction.html Very easy and takes very little time.
  24. DesertBull

    Final wording for the Bait Ban

    So, a salt block is placed on the ground and 50 elk, 20 deer, a bear and 47 cows all lick it but it is not a threat to spread CWD, which is passed from animal to animal by saliva. But grain, which the animals eat and therefore leave little or no saliva for the next visitor, is a threat?