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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Best GPS?

    My fav is still the garmin 60 or newer 62.
  2. DesertBull

    Son of a &*^$ing *$^#!

    Sorry, I put the blame on the banks.If they see charges that MIGHT be suspicious they should call you before cancelling your card. What if you had an automatic deduction for life or auto insurance and had an accident? Or were out of town and using your credit/debit card to travel and got stranded with no money?
  3. DesertBull

    draw results?

    Between this and the NCAA's I have done JACK squat to contribute to the economy today. Oh, by the way.....BULL!
  4. DesertBull

    We lost seven Marines today.

    March 20th – We’ve come not to expect much from our politicians. But is it too much to ask of them not to be sub-human dirtbags? It is if you’re talking about Dem Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In a training exercise Monday night in Reid’s home state of Nevada, a mortar shell explosion took the lives of eight Marines, wounding seven others. Reid implied several times yesterday this was due to the sequester. This is offensive on many levels, the top level being the implication that the USMC would cut corners putting Marines at risk. Is there one, just ONE, Dem willing to denounce this maggot? Apparently not. Guess it’s up to the residents of Nevada. From Reid’s contact page: “Everything I do as your Senator in Washington is shaped by your input.” What a guy. Hey Nevada, time for your “input” on this soulless piece of filth. As for the fallen and wounded Marines, their families and all those serving our country both home & abroad, it can never be said enough. You are the very best of America! May God Bless You All. P
  5. DesertBull

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    Didn't know Bill Clinton hunted
  6. DesertBull

    draw results?

  7. DesertBull

    WTB Case Tumbler/ cleaner

    I tried the sonic thing and it wasn't worth it to me. It's more work and messy and I still had to brush out the primer pockets.The brass comes out clean, inside and out but not shiney. In fact, dull. Not that it matters, but I don't think having the cases clean inside is an advantage either.
  8. DesertBull

    That Monster Feinstein

    just heard a rassmusen poll and it said that 36% of people polled in good ol' USA, think that socialism is a good thing. so 4 out of 10 people are nuts! James Tell them to look at Europe where they are now confiscating money out of peoples bank accounts to pay for that crap.
  9. They only dropped the AWB part. They are still going for expanded background checks and magazine limits with the possibility of adding the AWB back in as an amendment at the last minute. You know, one of those we need to pass it to see what is in it kind of things. Do not trust these people or let up on your reps. Especially guys like Flake and McCain.
  10. DesertBull

    draw results?

    BULL as in BS or BULL tag? LOL! james BULL!
  11. DesertBull

    draw results?

  12. DesertBull

    That Monster Feinstein

    Feinstein / Reid pulled the AWB from the bill and will ofer it as an amendment late. They will now use this "concession" as bait to try and get expanded federal background checks and data base.
  13. DesertBull


    Blue helmets make great targets
  14. WOW, thanks....I just barfed all over my desk.
  15. DesertBull

    Ben Carson again......

    March 17th ? Dr. Benjamin Carson, Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, spoke at CPAC yesterday. This will never do with those on the ?oh so tolerant? left. Nothing scarier to them than when a highly successful, non-government dependent & non-teleprompter dependent black person starts getting uppity. Phrases from libs describing Dr. Carson on Twitter included: ?Uncle Tom,? ?Oreo,? ?House Negro,? and the old reliable ?Right Wing?s Black Token.?
  16. DesertBull

    Rings & Base ?'s,

    I have an EGW 15 MOA base and Warne Rings on my PST. NO complaints. The Warns are rock solid and when used with a picitinny style base automatically center the scope laterally on the base due to the vertical split design. They are however, almost impossible to lap if you intend to do that. Most say it is not needed with the Warnes. If you get the Warnes, do yourself a favor and get the Warne torque wrench to install them. I tightened them down too much one time and tweeked the scope a little. Vortex fixed with no questions asked.
  17. DesertBull

    UFO Tonight 3/16/13

    the drones are honing in on you. You must own a rifle or have a pro-life bumper sticker.
  18. and if you re-elect the same idiots, time after time, you might be a country OF idiots.
  19. DesertBull


    Youngs farm in P valley used to sell rabbit. I knew a guy that raised rabbit in his back yard for personal consumption. Rabbit is awesome but the rabbit around here taste nothing like what I ate as a kid in Illinois.
  20. I see that neither of these bunny's is a Tyson protege. They both have their ears fully intact.
  21. DesertBull

    That Monster Feinstein

    I know 3 GOP senators will support it. 2 from AZ. Senator Flake and Senator McCain are working with the libs right now to take away your rights.
  22. DesertBull

    Cedar Flats 1950's

    Its even harder when you use a lever action to cut it. Nice pic. Don't see too many color pics from the 50's.
  23. DesertBull

    WTB Savage Striker in 223

    If the Striker has the barrel nut like a regular Savage bolt action rifle it's pretty easy to swap your barrel out for a .223. http://www.mcgowenbarrel.com/catalog6.htm