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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    New Tax Loophole

    Water board her
  2. DesertBull

    New Tax Loophole

    I plead the 2nd
  3. DesertBull

    Utah CC Hits...

    I now have 11 points for mnt goat and 12 for deer. Getting close for both.
  4. DesertBull

    Fracking Pros and Cons

    it's a vast right wing conspiracy
  5. DesertBull

    Colorado boycott

    I have several points built up but will not be applying any longer. Even if they reverse the law. they have shown their true colors.
  6. DesertBull

    New price increases from G&F?!?!

    Keeping Wolf/Dogs alive in the wilderness is expensive.
  7. DesertBull

    Tea Party vs. IRS

  8. DesertBull

    Wtb 7mm rem mag bullets

    I know that. According to them they are 3800 orders behind and will take weeks if not months for your order to ship, assuming that they still have them in stock when they get your order.
  9. DesertBull

    Wtb 7mm rem mag bullets

    They have a website, but good luck with that......just sayin. http://www.brunoshooters.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=SFNT&Store_Code=BSS
  10. DesertBull

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    Part of the healthcare bill was to hire 15,000 new IRS agents.
  11. DesertBull

    Eastman's bowhunting

    Most likely the Baca Float in unit 18B
  12. DesertBull

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    Paula Priesse May 16th Well that didnt take long. ABC News - IRS Official in Charge During Tea Party Targeting Now Runs Health Care Office: The Internal Revenue Service official in charge of the tax-exempt organizations at the time when the unit targeted tea party groups now runs the IRS office responsible for the health care legislation. Sarah Hall Ingram served as commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012. But Ingram has since left that part of the IRS and is now the director of the IRS Affordable Care Act office, the IRS confirmed to ABC News today. O, you really need a new playbook. Youve gotten SO predictable! P
  13. DesertBull

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    I say we put those two "rogue" IRS agents on the witness stand with immunity and hear them sing. Richard Nixon was going to be impeached for FAR FAR less than what has been revealed this week.
  14. DesertBull

    Tea Party vs. IRS

    Dems in congress blocked an investigation today. Pelosi called it a GOP conspiracy
  15. DesertBull

    Agave going to Seed

    Dude, I think she is using your Viagra to fertilize it.
  16. DesertBull

    Custom Charcoal BBQ

    At least ask for Shiner. Same price.....10X better.
  17. DesertBull


    Like this guy wasn't taking orders from the White House.
  18. It's working exactly as they planned. Bankrupt the insurance companies and force everyone into a single payer system. We gots ta be more like Europe ya know.
  19. DesertBull

    Catch and release

    Looks like a cross between a crappie and a sunfish.
  20. DesertBull

    State to enforce offroad rules or not?

    Remember, the DOJ has the opinion that the State of AZ has no authority to enforce federal law.
  21. DesertBull

    Bonus Points for sale

    On the agenda for next weeks G&F meeting Briefing on a Coconino County Sheriff's Office proposal to award a bonus point to individuals who purchase a retail discount card that benefits an Arizona county search and rescue organization.
  22. May 9th – Chief Executive Magazine released this week its annual rankings of the best & worst states to do business. The ten best states in order were: 1) Texas 2) Florida 3) North Carolina 4) Tennessee 5) Indiana 6) Arizona 7) Virginia 8) South Carolina 9) Nevada 10) Georgia All currently with Republican governors. Libs will insist this is just a coinkydink. Okay, as this must be. These are the ten US cities (population over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate in 2010. In parentheses is the last time that city had a Republican mayor. 1) Detroit – 32.5% (1961) 2) Buffalo – 31.5% (1954) 3) Cincinnati – 27.8% (1984) 4) Cleveland – 27.0% (1989) 5) Miami – 26.9% (never) 6) St. Louis – 26.8% (1949) 7) El Paso – 26.4% (never) 8) Milwaukee – 26.2% (1908) 9) Philadelphia – 25.1% (1952) 10) Newark – 24.2% (1907) What was that Albert Einstein quote again? Oh right: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Kind of like re-electing a president with the worst economic record since the Great Depression.
  23. it's directly out of the Karl Marx book - Socialism for Dummies.Literally.
  24. DesertBull

    Bonus Points for sale

    Instead of expanding the BP system they need to start phasing it out.