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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    Sounds delicious, especially since you don't list dove as one of the ingredients. :D :D
  2. DesertBull

    lions without a dog...can it be done?

    TJ must have a pocket full of catnip.
  3. DesertBull

    Big Boy Down!!!!

    Looks like he ate too many doves. They will do that too you. Bloat you up like a road killed moose.
  4. Bullet selection is more important than caliber IMO. .284 - .308 both have a large variety of bullets to choose from and short action chamberings to build on. Savage or Remington action Vortex or Zeiss or Leupold scope. McMillon or HS Stock (HS is cheaper but heavy) Your best investment will be in the scope and reloading equipment.
  5. DesertBull

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    I sent 2 dozen dove breast to Ethiopia....they returned them with note that said, "WTF?"
  6. DesertBull

    Speaking of recalls......

    Libtards are whining that recalls are wrong. funny, they were not singing that tune when Scott Walker was recalled in Wisconsin.
  7. DesertBull


    I remember wishing I was still in the Army on 9.12.2001
  8. Rub some dirt on it
  9. DesertBull

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    Covered in gravy and mixed with hamburger. It's the only way my dog will eat them.
  10. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    He's a turd covered in burnt dog hair
  11. It's the bill of RIGHTS not the bill of NEEDS. No one knows what I NEED.
  12. DesertBull

    Will forest service shut down roads due to mud?

    If they did it would probably help your hunt in some ways. Nothing like an opening morning 4x4 convoy to shut down the bugling for a 3-4 straight days.
  13. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    Well. I have news for Obama. I have read the book and know the ending. Israel will not be defeated. In fact, Israel will demolish Russia.
  14. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    Syria has little oil. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, etc hold the oil.
  15. DesertBull

    Polaris Quad problem

    I have an older Polaris quad. It has always ran great. Never been in the shop. All of a sudden it has no power when going up hill. On flat surfaces it runs perfect. Once you start going up hill it still runs, but no power. On a steep hill it sputters a little. I have cleaned the carb, changed the spark plug, added fuel conditioner, etc and it helped, but still not right. ????
  16. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    You only have to be a registered voter in AZ to sign.
  17. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    I say concentrate the recall on McLame. If that does not scare Flake back to the right then go after him.
  18. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    Why do China and Russia back Iran and Syria? My guess I'd they are the money behind the puppet leaders of these cess pools.
  19. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    You have to start a recall petition. The signature total must be 25% of the number of votes cast in the last election. The petition must be filed at the same the office that McCain filed for nomination.
  20. DesertBull

    Recall McLame

    Is he up for election next year or no?
  21. DesertBull

    13A Strip DIY

    A can verify that a toad lives at the White House.
  22. DesertBull


    If they really wanted to improve the system they should do what some other countries do. Eliminate insurance all together. You deal directly with your local hospital and make a monthly payment to them. Cut out the insurance company mark up.
  23. DesertBull


    The frustrating part is if you are healthy and rarely need medical attention you have to pay more so that beer guzzling, Doritos munching, meth heads can have a better policy.
  24. DesertBull

    Be CAREFUL people

    Good thing it was a Rage.