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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Freedom lost again

    Why didn't they just buy a fruit cake ?
  2. DesertBull


    What he really means is he wants to squash those that do not believe exactly as him. Pro gun control Pro Islam Pro abortion Wealth redistribution Anti Israel
  3. Things are getting worse every day. New report says Berdahl renounced his citizenship in his farewell letter. The letter that the military won't let anyone see and made those that knew sign a non-disclosure statement.
  4. It keeps getting worse. Today the State Dept announced the the US will give aid and support to Hamas Israel is thrilled.
  5. Remember, last week the White House "accidentally" gave out the name of the CIA chief in Afghanistan.
  6. This guy was not a pow , he was (is) one of them.
  7. Today the White House refused to call the Taliban terrorist. WTF is going on?
  8. I agree everyone should get a trial. I hope he gets one.
  9. Traitor Bob has been talking non stop about freeing all the terrorist in Gitmo. Traitor Bob has sent links to stories that claim the the Boston bombers were framed Traitor Bob's traitor son sent emails, while on active duty, saying that he hates America. It would be awesome, Dustin, if we could get due process. You wake me when Obama allows the military to investigate this guys story. It will never happen. If anything, his story will scrubbed clean.
  10. Lets just throw Holder in. And by throw him in, I mean into a dumpster fire.
  11. Dad just had a presser. Some weird stuff coming out his mouth. Bergdahl's dad says to son: I'm proud of how much you wanted to help the Afghan people and what you were willing to do to go to that length. Bergdahl - Idaho is so much like Afghanistan. Bergdahl - The team helping you in germany........we hand picked them. we" hand picked a team of US military doctors? You mean ones that won't blow your cover as an enemy combatant?
  12. DesertBull

    AZGFD website what the heck?

    Almost sounds like some hackers have broke into the website on the weekend when no one is working and are jacking your SS and CC numbers.
  13. I've been sick for the last week or so. Sleep is messed up.
  14. DesertBull

    AZGFD website what the heck?

    Do you really think G&F host their own website in house? If there is a problem it's with the web host server , not the "IBM" at G&F
  15. http://soopermexican.com/2014/06/01/american-soldier-who-served-with-bowe-bergdahl-casts-doubt-on-official-story-fears-reprisal-from-obama-administration/ Soldier who served with the released soldier says is not just a deserter, but a traitor. He bought an AK-47 to "train" on shortly before disappearing. Mentioned that his deployment was lame he would "get lost" in the mountains. Shipped all his stuff home mid-deployment. Asked several people what would happen if his 9MM and nightvision would "get lost" Was constantly studying the language that the local taliban spoke. Was constantly asking locals about terrain and travel routes. During the search, the locals said an American was wandering around town asking for water and to talk to the taliban.
  16. Maybe he was thinking.....America SUCKS.
  17. Wow, should have expected this....... Released soldiers father is a Taliban sympathizer. https://twitter.com/JoanOfArc1909/status/472920180842958848/photo/1 Father has also linked several articles from taliban supporting websites. And notice the "ameem"? that is not a typo. That is how the Muslims say Amen.
  18. DesertBull

    VA scandal

    May 31st – Four earlier quotes made sometime after O took office: 1) NY Times “economist” Paul Krugman: "We actually have a real live case of impressive cost control in health care: the VA system." 2) Howard Dean: “The Public Option is just like the Veterans Administration." 3) Slate Magazine (on the VA): “The Triumph of Socialized Medicine. Right here in the USA." 4) The WH itself: "Vets' health care is safe and sound." Fast forward to Politico yesterday: “The audit, issued as VA Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned Friday, found that 64 percent of the 216 VA facilities reviewed had at least one instance where a veterans’ desired appointment date had been changed. The review found 13 percent of schedulers had received specific instructions to misrepresent wait times.” 64 PERCENT. 13 PERCENT TRAINED TO COMMIT FRAUD. Three things we know: 1) Krugman & Dean are fools. 2) Obamacare is building its own army of corruptocrats. & 3) With all of O’s delays, the real “fun” hasn’t even started. See you in November Dems! P
  19. VA scandal is on the front page of every news site in the country on Thursday. Even libs are pissed about it. Mass shooter strikes before the Sunday news shows can discuss it. Coincidence?
  20. DesertBull


    Can everyone just please vote for Rand Paul in the primary? The closest thing to real conservative since Reagan. These establishment RINOs and Marxist liberals are the same. He's not perfect but Jeb Bush / Hillary....really?
  21. DesertBull


    The President of the United States of America blew a kiss to another man for the whole world to see. W T F
  22. DesertBull


  23. DesertBull


    I think he got tired of being Obamas Sacraficial lamb and can see this is not going to end well.