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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull


    This is from Sheryl Adtkinson.....former CBS investigative reporter who quit because CBS would not let her go public with details she found out about Benghazi. These are the questions she would like congress to ask about the so called computer crash.
  2. DesertBull


    Today, under oath, IRS claims they lost all of Lerners emails for the exact period of time that congress has asked for They lost them. Backups and archives too.
  3. DesertBull


    June 14th - Techies are going berserk over the ridiculous IRS claim that two years of Lois Lerner’s emails were lost due to a computer crash. Scratch that not all of her emails, just ones to outside agencies and the White House. The corruption is so systemic within this administration that they don’t even bother hiding it anymore. In March the acting IRS commissioner testified that all of Lerner’s emails were archived. And at “The Blaze,” former Microsoft program manager Norman Cillo lists 6 reasons (server backups & redundancies) of why the IRS is full of it. If a special prosecutor is not appointed, Congress should withhold all funding for the IRS until every Lerner email is delivered. But since we can never count on them, every American who is being, or will be, audited should now feel free to tell the IRS this: “Dear Sir/Madam: Unfortunately a computer crash has erased the documentation that you have requested. Since records no longer exist, any audit at this point is totally unnecessary. Have a nice day and please send our appreciation to Ms. Lerner.” P
  4. Amazon website runs 24/7 worldwide handling thousands of transactions every minute Healthcare.gov........not so much.
  5. The dad has sympathetic conversations with known terrorist and Obama stood by his side on the fricken White House lawn. I'm hoping there was a red Lazar dot on his forehead the whole time.
  6. The effort to raise the minimum wage is backed heavily (and secretly) by big box. They can absorb the cost. Mom and pop cannot.
  7. It's probably run by one of Obamas many "non profit" groups the OFA.
  8. DesertBull

    Common Core

    Why do you think the left is adamant about removing God from society and in particular the schools but love to teach 1st graders about gays and evil guns.
  9. DesertBull

    Common Core

    Christine Jones is one of the only candidates running for who has vowed to get rid of it in AZ. Several RINOs have backed it. She is also 100% on 2A and securing our border. You can she scares the RINOs because they have already started running smear ads against her. They have a new claiming she endorses Hillary for Prez. LOL. These old crusty big spending, big govt dudes are as bad as liberals.
  10. There is a site called Bergdahl is not guilty?
  11. Have to McCain props when due---- Grand Canyon Bison Amendment, S.A. 3240. Over the years, bison from the House Rock Wildlife Area on the Kaibab National Forest have migrated to Grand Canyon National Park, where bison numbers have grown to more than 300. Hunting is prohibited in the national park, which has become a safe haven for an expanding bison population that overgrazes and damages the parks natural resources. The National Park Service (NPS) during the past decade has had limited success removing the bison. Earlier this year, NPS, in collaboration with other agencies (including the Arizona Game and Fish Department), initiated an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with a public scoping process to develop a range of alternatives for managing bison at the park. The amendment proposed by Senator McCain would allow the Secretary of the Interior to authorize highly regulated lethal removal of wildlife inside a national park where wildlife is causing habitat or cultural resource damage. Federal regulations make it difficult to convey ownership of the carcass to the hunter who harvests wildlife on NPS land. The amendment allows authorized volunteer hunters who harvest bison from Grand Canyon National Park to take ownership of the bison carcass.
  12. DesertBull

    high quality clothing

    Cabelas has their microtex on sale right now. Online only.
  13. DesertBull

    Zero stop setting

    200 yards is what my zero is for 7mm mag with z Viper PST.
  14. DesertBull

    WTF is going on???

    Lefties claiming guy in your photo is not the one released. Lol.
  15. DesertBull


    June 13th DC Press Release: Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement regarding the Internal Revenue Service informing the Committee that they have lost Lois Lerner emails from a period of January 2009 April 2011. Due to a supposed computer crash, the agency only has Lerner emails to and from other IRS employees during this time frame. The IRS claims it cannot produce emails written only to or from Lerner and outside agencies or groups, such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices. Vets neglected and dying, 5 Taliban leaders traded for a deserter, waves of kids overwhelming our border, Iraq collapsing and the IRS wants us to believe the dog ate their homework. As for Os plans for the weekend, this tweet yesterday from Mark Knoller, CBS News: From ND, Pres Obama heads to CA for a long weekend that includes golf in Palm Springs, another commencement & Dem fundraiser on Saturday. Good thing nothings going on FORE! P
  16. DesertBull


    There is no way they were lost. All of that stuff is archived and backup constantly. Do you reall think if there was a computer malfunction it would delete the the EXACT driers of emails that were requested? The emails they asked for were a specific date and sent to / from the DOJ, White House, FBI, etc. that means that computers on BOTH Ends would have to crap the bed, at all agencies. Someone needs to rot in jail until those emails are produced.
  17. DesertBull

    WTF is going on???

    Today Obama called out Iraqi troops for abandoning their duty. (And making him look bad) Same guy that called Bergdahl a hero and let his father claim the White House for Allah
  18. DesertBull

    Acceptable COAL tolerances?

    I purposely seat my bullets a few thousandths long then measure, then adjust die down to get the exact seating depth I want. A micrometer seating die helps but not mandatory. Yes I measure every round for seating depth. A typical shooting session for me is 15 or so rounds because I let the barrel cool between each shot so leading 15 rounds in this manner does not take too long.
  19. DesertBull

    Acceptable COAL tolerances?

    If you are trying to measure coal from the tip of the bullet you drive yourself batty. Get a comparator and the hornady overall Length guage. With modified case. This will allow you to measure where your bullet is in relationship to the lands of your barrel. Berger bullets tend to be most accurate very close to or into the lands.
  20. DesertBull

    Deer Draw

    You can check now.
  21. DesertBull

    Healthcare Cost

    See what happens when free markets rule and govt regulation is minimal?
  22. DesertBull

    ATV in white mountains

    Slightly off topic but I saw that Amy Van Dyken was nearly killed on an ATV in Show Low over the weekend. Multiple Olympic Gold medal winner.
  23. DesertBull


    Check it out...
  24. DesertBull


    Meanwhile Iraq has fallen to Al Qaeda while President Mom jeans talks about disarming us and freeing Taliban generals. Obama won't even give the Iraqi leaders the drones they have asked for. I guess he needs them here to monitor us. But we gave the Muslim Brotherhood tanks and F16s.
  25. DesertBull


    That's what they said in Australia and England.