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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull


    June 7th – America’s never had a president quite like this one. All O quotes: 2007 - “Every place is Barack Obama country once Barack Obama’s been there.” 2008 - “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors.” 2008- “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.” 2010 – (comparing Obamacare to Hillarycare) “Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.” 2013 – (on Syria) “I have had my military and our team look at a wide range of options.” & Yesterday, after being asked on NBC why he kept Congress in the dark about Bergdahl: “It was a unanimous decision among my principals in my government, and a view that was shared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.” “My military.” “My government.” O’s narcissism is obnoxious, but coupled with his incompetence it’s downright dangerous. And there’s little doubt he will only become more dangerous in the next 2½ years. P
  2. more like a reach around
  3. DesertBull


    June 20th – “I don’t think an apology is owed,” IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at this morning’s hearing on Lois Lerner’s “lost” emails. Lerner’s computer “crashed” a mere ten days after the IRS received its first letter questioning its tactics from House Ways & Means Chair Dave Camp. Yet Dems today insisted Americans should believe Lerner’s story and (cough) the similar lost email fables of her six accomplices, sorry … fellow workers. Of course we do Dems, it’s not like the IRS (in order) had told us: 1) They weren’t targeting conservatives (a lie) 2) It was just a few Cincy rogue agents (a lie) 3) They also targeted libs (a lie) & 4) They had & would provide all of Lerner’s emails (a lie) In his statement Koskinen wondered if these emails even qualified as “official records.” From the IRS Manual: “Email messages are official documents and should reflect this perspective. The Federal Records Act applies to email records just as it does to records you create using other media.” So another lie. Bigger than Watergate, yet O’s bootlicking media remains silent (NOT A LIE). P
  4. DesertBull


    Hence the...... BUTCH
  5. DesertBull


    When you said Old Butch I was thinking it was a story about Hillary.
  6. DesertBull

    Happy Birthday Kaffer62

    Won't be long now until you need some of those antler pills.
  7. and a tree hugger for desert. They are probably soft and sweet.
  8. DesertBull

    anyone hiring?

    My cousin got hired at the new Apple Plant (GT Advanced) in Mesa. The prisons are always hiring guards. Its a good way to get something to put on your resume for BP or FD. Most likely you would start in Florence but they have shuttle vans and car pols set up for Valley residence.
  9. I keep hoping they will delist the Griz in Montana, Idaho and WY like they did the wolves. How awesome would it be to get a lower 48 Griz? Not sure there is enough truly remote areas in the SW to support a population of grizzly bears. I would rather have them than wolves though. Prefer neither.
  10. You could be the next Timothy Treadwell, Brother to the Bear. Now better known as Bear Poop.
  11. DesertBull


    It's the same principal. Do gooders in other peoples business. MLB banned it in the minors.
  12. DesertBull


    Now MLB is talking about banning chew. A grown a s s man should not have his hand held by another grown a s s man in the United States of America. I am so tired of these bed wetting, mouth breathers with not enough to do trying to protect me. Leave me the #%## alone.
  13. DesertBull


    So, let me get this straight. The govt voided the patent protection for the word redskins because it is offensive. Which means that anyone can now make shirts, hats, banners, etc with the with the word redskins on it. Therefore there will be more use of the offensive word redskins. Liberal logic on full display.
  14. DesertBull


    Hillary said I am a terrorist yesterday. Maybe Obama will trade me to Belize for some lobster tails?
  15. DesertBull


    The thing is....... he doesn't act like that. At least not in that neck of the woods? He probably saw your "liberals make good targets" bumper sticker and doesn't want to risk it.
  16. DesertBull

    phoenix ponds/golf course fishing

    That's a private pond owned by some baseball players. It does have HUGE Bass, but also HUGE fines if your caught fishing it. They patrol the lake on a regular basis. I used to have contact info for the lake, but no longer do. I fished it one time with the owner. It sucked that day, but I did see the largest Bluegill I've ever seen. Adam There might be holes in that fence. I have lunch there and see a few who fish it. I did some work on the roof of one of the industrial bldgs to the south of the pond last year. While on the roof i saw a guy trying to get through the fence. It took him awhile but he finally found a hole in the fence.
  17. DesertBull

    phoenix ponds/golf course fishing

    Anything you catch them on in the daytime will work at night. Fish find prey with their lateral line as well as their eyes.
  18. DesertBull


    Because they are elitist. They think that because they crap $100 bills they are smarter than everyone else.
  19. DesertBull

    phoenix ponds/golf course fishing

    I remember Terry Mulholland being a darn good LH pitcher. He pitched for several teams but I remember him with the Phillys and Cubs. I think I remember Davis pitching for the Yankees and Twins.
  20. DesertBull

    phoenix ponds/golf course fishing

    The only reason they caught your son is because you didn't learn him up in the art of stealth properly.
  21. DesertBull

    phoenix ponds/golf course fishing

    Sounds like the chase is a big part of the FUN.
  22. DesertBull


    June 15th Happy Fathers Day! In Iraq, 4,500 American lives were lost and many times that were wounded. But the National Reviews Mario Loyola reminds us that when President Obama took office Iraq was relatively stable, and laments that MINIMAL engagement by O would have prevented whats occurring today. Loyola: By the summer of 2007, when I was embedded in Iraq, U.S. and Iraqi forces had utterly defeated al-Qaedas Iraqi offshoot, ISIS, in a series of massive joint operations adding that Obama inherited from the Bush administration the framework agreement for a long-term alliance with Iraq. But Loyola then points out that O has visited Iraq only once during his presidency, early in 2009; but even then he only visited troops, and declined to meet with any senior Iraqi officials. The writer wants America to remember that the worlds finest men & women in uniform did not fail, and that whats happening now is the direct result of Obamas criminal negligence. Thats why Loyola now insists: The president didnt end the Iraq War. He restarted it." P
  23. DesertBull

    Buffalo Hunting in Grand Canyon National Park

    It's just an amendment to a Sportsmans bill those bills usually pass, especially in an election year. After it passes Harry Reid will call McCain a buffalo hater and all will be good.
  24. DesertBull

    WTB 7mm-08

    Did you try gunbroker?
  25. DesertBull


    Hahaha. Don't eat a banana while looking at another man.