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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    OCMS Mesa

    Saw them last year at the same venue. awesome show.
  2. DesertBull


    I bet you voted for Obama. Twice.
  3. The book is good for pointers but you have to get out there and do it as often as possible. It takes practice and patience. It's more important to know where to look for deer than HOW to look for them, IMO.
  4. Islams version of vacation bible school.
  5. The cartels don't hide the fact they are evil. Islam does it in the name of all that is holy.
  6. DesertBull

    Internet service

    I have century link. It's not as good as cable internet. For one, they like to tell you that you will get XXX MPS but when you actually check it, it's way WAY slower than what you paid for. When you question them they tell you it must me your wiring or that the speed advertised is a MAX speed and not available everywhere.
  7. DesertBull

    Blackberry Smoke - Tucson

    Don't be late http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/594775?__utma=1.1693903723.1402501174.1402501174.1402501174.1&__utmb=|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided)&__utmv=-&__utmk=72146323
  8. Sorry Dustin25, You are incorrect... I know to daym much about islam, I have read the quran many times (war 101, know your enemy)... muslims do live by the quran, death and maiming are delt to those that question or refute any of the 1400year old writtings of a mad man who raped, killed, stole and molested children across the middle-east... The quran DOES promote rape, child molestation, murder, thieft, lying, beheading, maiming, subjugation of women, suicide in the name of allah(jihad), child marrages, and a host of other acts, which are not only crimes in the civilized world, but also crimes against humanity... Calling islam a 'religion" is just another Lie, a deception to subjugate the population, it is clearly a Cult... A Cult of Death... 21 of the 23 major World conflicts today are under the banner of islam... Here's is alittle question for you... if islam is so wonderful, why must it be forced, under penality of death, upon people??? DANG...and I've been told saying "Merry Christmas" was hateful.
  9. DesertBull

    19A Thieves

    I'm willing to bet that 95 out of 100 stolen trail cameras and tree stands are taken by hunters, not granola munchers, hikers, anti hunters or bored kids. Hunters know what to look for and where to look to find them. Common no good thieves don't hike around the desert or up mountains in July for a camera they would be lucky to get $30 for at a pawn shop or craigslist.
  10. It's weird that libs will defend Islam to the last drop of blood but when you ask them how they justify Islams view of gays they quickly change the subject. Because evidently stoning gays to death is less bigoted than simply saying you don't agree with lifestyle. And we won't even mention how they treat women and they seem it acceptable for female children to be sold or just killed because the husband only wants sons.
  11. ISIS is marking the homes of Christians and Warning them to either convert, leave or die. The religion of peace.
  12. DesertBull

    19A Thieves

    According to this sites Tony Mandile...trail cams are huntings next perversion He had a comment on the ban trail cams Post on MM too.
  13. DesertBull

    19A Thieves

    According to some guys on monstermuleys Arizona forum if you own a trail cam you suck, your family sucks, you are a molester, you are a lazy POS, if you don't do it "old school" you are most likely a hippy homo and they hope all trail cams are permanently banned.
  14. I was just thinking about that guy the other day. Have not seen him on TV in awhile. Did he quit his show after got paralyzed?
  15. DesertBull

    Yellow ferret in the woods?

    Someone found the Peyote patch
  16. DesertBull

    Shopping for a meat cooler

    Home Depot, Lowes , Walmart, they are not special hinges. If you can't find any that the holes match up just drill new new ones and plug the original holes with epoxy. Those plastic hinges last about 1 of 2 trips before they start cracking.
  17. DesertBull

    Shopping for a meat cooler

    If you get the cheaper cooler, just go ahead and save your self the hassle and take off the plastic hinges and replace with metal.
  18. Where is the petition to water board him? I'll sign it twice.
  19. DesertBull

    Accessory Pouch for 15's for pack

    You don't need to sew it on. Eberlestock makes accessory pouches that attach to the outside of the pack.
  20. DesertBull

    Big Bull Down!

    Is this in the OTC area?
  21. DesertBull

    Spielberg incurs the wrath of fools

    in some cases multiple times.
  22. DesertBull

    Spielberg incurs the wrath of fools

    Just wait until I kill Sasquatch. Then you will really see the poop hit the fan.
  23. DesertBull


    In a few years they will be begging for world relief.