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Everything posted by DesertBull

  1. DesertBull

    Shelby's Buck of a Lifetime

    I hope she used a 7mm/08
  2. DesertBull

    AZGFD License "Simplification" Bull****

    I do agree that the online system should know if you have a valid license or not. Especially when this is the third draw application period of the year. I have used the same license 3 times now. I do not think the current system is any better or worse than the old one, just different. When I apply in UT it tells me if I need to purchase a new one or not.
  3. DesertBull

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    Dudes wearing lipstick and nail polish offends me.
  4. Just curious as to what your step by step procedure is.
  5. DesertBull

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Inspiring! Can he still 360 degree, tomahawk dunk?
  6. DesertBull


  7. DesertBull

    What is the best scope

    Nightforce has s new scope called SHV in that price range.
  8. DesertBull


    I get letters from The HOA if Ieave my trash can out in the curb too long but neighbor has weeds knee high and trash hanging from tree limbs. Other neighbors were tweeters staying up all night and playing music, fighting, dog barking, era. HOA said all they can do is ask them to be considerate. I guess they got the message when their dog dragged a rag into the house that was soaked in skunk cover scent. They never did figure out how a skunk got in their walked in back yard.
  9. DesertBull

    My $2.35 digiscope adapter

    1-1/2" male DWV coupling fits on my Vortex Viper HD spotter perfectly. Female treadled coupling glued to camera makes the connection. Same exact principal as the Tinesup adapter.
  10. DesertBull


    If Tebow was gay he would be a hero.
  11. October 10th – Only 36% can name all 3 branches of government. Now 3 more reasons to be depressed: 1) Recently Jimmy Kimmel asked Americans on Hollywood Blvd. this: “Who is Joe Biden?” Answers included “I don’t know,” a “movie star” and a “terrorist.” Used to think these clips were “funny.” Not anymore. 2) Our national security has never been more endangered and we have 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. But in the latest MTV “Rock the Vote” PSA these are 3 reasons why “hipsters” like Lena Dunham are “turning out” to vote: Global warming awareness, marriage equality and the legalization of marijuana. & 3) Attending this week his umpteenth Hollywood fundraiser, gushing actress Gwyneth Paltrow told O this: "You're so handsome that I can't speak properly.” Paltrow added: "It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass." And her vote counts just as much as yours! We shouldn’t hate these people … but we can’t stop fighting their weapons-grade ignorance. It’s destroying America! P
  12. DesertBull

    Looking For an Outdoorsman Adaptor

    What was thd total $?
  13. If it is spread by fluids then wouldn't mosquitoes biting an infected person be able to spread it?
  14. DesertBull

    Got some bear questions

    After the upcoming cow hunt find a gut pile or where someone has boned out an elk. You could put z blind on it or s tree stand and still use your bow.
  15. DesertBull

    Bummed Out!... but Fortunate.

    Road hunt!
  16. DesertBull

    Border units

    The State Dept says a terrorist attack is EMINENT in the southwestern United States. Ft Bliss, TX is preparing for it. Anyone second guessing their upcoming border unit hunts? http://www.judicialwatch.org/bulletins/imminent-terrorist-attack-warning-feds-us-border/
  17. DesertBull

    Wy Mule Deer

    No idea. This was a left over tag.
  18. DesertBull

    Wy Mule Deer

    I saw a buck I shot it
  19. DesertBull


    Short, but very cool video.