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Everything posted by deserthntr

  1. deserthntr

    Next Weekend

    maybe we'll see each other, i think i am camping on one of the beaches there for a few days before i make a trip to catalina island for scuba diving!
  2. deserthntr


    i want to get a long range gun, but i dont know hardly anything about the loads for them, barrels, etc. so if any of you have some info for me that would be great, hopefully i can land a summer job and get started on this gun this summer. but i just want to get as much info as i can. hopefully when im done this gun will be capable of being accurate out to 1000 yards. thanks. my budget wont be as high as i would want it, but it will just be however much money i can make, and this will probably be quite a long project
  3. deserthntr

    Honda 200 ATC

    i have a old honda 200 atc that im selling, the back left wheel fender isnt there but the rest is fine and it runs really well, starts on the first pull. the front left hand break doesnt work but the back foot break and the front wheel hand break works. im lookin for about $300. it sounds high but they dont make these anymore and on craigslist for some in the same condition they are charging $600 so i just cut in half and figured i would see what i could get.
  4. deserthntr

    Round One

    def a lion, look at the ear just to the left of the right of the pic
  5. if i was you, this is what we do with pointing pups, well atleast me, but i forget the e-collar there first year/season. let them just have fun, if they mess up oh well, and be careful with the dove hunts with young pups. all the shooting going on can be hard on them and they may go gunshy, so make extra sure they are TOTALLY fine with guns, and they like to hear gun shots go off. but i would let her just run and have fun, if it means you get less birds. if she listens to your comands then you should be fine. and the way i intro'd my gsp to it was just starting off with the buzz and when she was used to that work your way up. never use more than the vibrate unless you cant get their attention. it shouldnt be a teaching/punishment tool, just to break their attention and get it on you... unless you use the smith silent command system then you can use the e-collar to be used for commands
  6. deserthntr

    Honda 200 ATC

    flag ive pm'd you a few times and no answer. so its still for sale.
  7. deserthntr

    87 Chevy Mud Slangin' Machine

    i am interested, turning 16 next week.... my buddy may be too
  8. deserthntr

    Nice to finaly meet you

    its alright amanda the gray hair isnt a give away, i have some from my dad, he started going a little gray in high school so i picked it up to , and im only a sophmore! have like 2 little patches in the back, my sisters think its funny to point it out to people
  9. deserthntr

    2 birds opening weekend again!

    me and my buddy both got our birds this weekend. we went up wednesday night and they were gobbling pretty good, thursday me and my buddy went up 1 canyon and my dad checked out another. we were hearing gobbling and came to a clearing with about 200 elk in it, no antlers and it was to dark to check for bulls, but we were listening to the birds and pin pointed them so we went to a different part of the canyon, we sat down to listen and a gobbler landed on the other side of the draw and started working his way towards us, we were gunna leave so we didnt booger him but we were sorta in the open so we just stayed put, he ended up walking about 5 feet from us gobbling his head off, and it was the day before opener he didnt bust and walked on by over the little ridge, we went back to camp and then went to roost the birds that evening. i glassed about 12 birds up a little before they started gobbling. they were lightin it up so we didnt sleep much that night, we got up and set up in a little field we had heard them gobbling the morning before. real early a gobbler flew down to us and was spitting and drumming and strutting for us. i thought he was close to my friend so i was waiting for the gun to go off but it never did and he started to leave, it was about 45 yards from me but i let one off and it hit him but he took off so i booked over to him and put another one in him on the run and he was down for good, he has 1 inch spurs and a 7 inch beard he had broke off you could tell. my dad and friend went to go get one for him when a little after they left i hear some hens and see a gobbler behind them working there way towards me. so i ran and got my dad and friend and me and my dad started calling, i kept cutting the hen off making the most noise and she started getting mad, i looked and saw a gobbler strutting in and told me friend, he goes where?! and stepped on a branch and spooked him off. so he blew it for himself then. there was about 3 gobblers in this group and 1 or 2 were kinda working there way up the hill, well me and my friend backed out and started climbing up the hill while my dad stayed at the bottom, we were almost to the top, which was climbing the rim, and we heard some gobbling up at the top so i started calling and they were hammering my call, but a hen showed up and kept them from keeping coming in but soon a jake popped up and my buddy couldnt see a beard when he was about 10 yards away cause his body was behing a log so i was telling him-shoot it shoot it- but he couldnt hear me and the jake alarm putted and so i said louder kill him! but my buddy stayed sitting there when he couldnt see it so i said stand up and shoot it! and finally he did but the bird was gone, so he blew it again. we went back to camp and he had a headache that evening so my dad checked out a spot and i went up the canyon on my own to roost the birds. i glassed up the same group of birds just before dark and roosted them up. nothing was gobbling cause they got boogered from the morning. my dad found some birds so we went after those, they were gobbling like crazy and we called one in real early and my friend finally popped one. this was his second gobbler and this was my 5th. we had breakfast in heber at 7 am. his beard was about 9 in. and had maybe 1/2 in. spurs. we both got some nice birds. we stopped in at the game and fish camp for a little bit on sat during the seminars but we left after we talked to jerad mcfarlan a game and fish guy who we made friends with. but we had a great weekend. ill post pics soon but i dont have them loaded on the comp yet
  10. deserthntr

    2 birds opening weekend again!

    here are a few of my bird off my phone, so their not the best quality, just cant my pics uploaded from my camera yet so more will be coming.... just click on them to make them bigger
  11. deserthntr

    **Draw Results**

    unit 1 early rifle bull!!!! haha jk i got the jr cow hunt again in 1 for oct 8. gunna try to take it with my bow this year. houston your more than invited to come have some fun
  12. deserthntr


    i have a SDP and today when i shooting i noticed my 80 pin was all the way down. so i tried to move it back and the screws just go all the way in without tightening on each other and when both are all the way down the pin still moves. can i just send it in to spott hogg and get a new one or it fixed for free?
  13. deserthntr

    Honda 200 ATC

    someone offered me $200 for the ATC and i cant remember who it was, but price drop to that
  14. deserthntr

    Turkey Hunting

    ill be out on my own this year for turkey for the first time! just me and my friend while my dad trys to get my lil sis one, we'll see if i can call one in.
  15. deserthntr

    Muzzleloader and laptop

    both are sold! thanks makaio333
  16. deserthntr

    Muzzleloader and laptop

    i am putting my stuff back up for sale, i am breeding my dog soon and i need to get her registered, didnt know it was important for breeding till recently so i didn think much of it, but i need to make some money so i am putting my CVA wolf muzzleloader and ASUS eeeCP laptop up for sale, $100 for muzzleloader and $150 for laptop, but i may be nogotiable on the laptop. it has a charger and works great, if in mesa can meet up or meet up at ISE on the saturday. i will post pics if people are interested
  17. deserthntr

    Muzzleloader and laptop

    yes has wifi and play movies, but you have to download them, doesnt have a cd port. but its easy to do
  18. deserthntr

    Honda 200 ATC

    ill clock it tomorrow. but my guess would be around 35-40? we can get flyin down our street haha. and its easy to pull wheelies on and hold decently. im not set on that price but i dont think im gunna go a hole lot lower, i want to get as much as i can.
  19. deserthntr

    Honda 200 ATC

    ya i know, hope it didnt come across that i was being defensive
  20. deserthntr

    Honda 200 ATC

    i had a neighbor that had one of these in worse condition he put on craigslist and got 300 for it a couple days ago cause they dont make these things anymore. a guy drove over 6 hrs from new mexico to pick it up.... i have no idea what i could get for this. so i figured i would use that as a starting price as he got that much. just thought i would give it a try. not gunna sell it w/o advertising. but i figured it wouldnt sell for that much but idk, maybe it will. and the only reason it isnt in great condition is becuase the body, thene engine is great
  21. deserthntr

    Muzzleloader and laptop

    ttt. come on guys someone wants these, down to 100 for the laptop
  22. deserthntr

    Called in 4 foxes....

    i was wondering the same thing. i can call in foxes easy but i have yet to call a coyote, and ive seen coyotes where im callng but they dont come in. i like to have a high pitched call for the foxes so maybe should i be focusing on something lower pitched?
  23. deserthntr

    Muzzleloader and laptop

    ive had alot of interest and ive pm'd everyone but noone has pm'd back. first person to pm back gets them
  24. deserthntr

    Night time coon huntin

    just shine them with a headlamp. walk or canoe down a river at night and shine, look for blue eyes. the spotlight seemed to scare them when i used it a few times and sometimes we wouldnt get shots
  25. how do you want the theme to be? i got some friends at school that are gunna be tat artists when they get out of high school.... but i go to a ghetto school haha but they could turn out really good. if you want send me a pic of what you want to have drawing you want to have drawn and i can have them get something up if you want