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Everything posted by kennyazman

  1. I have leupold binos and I'm looking for a tripod for them. any body have any suggestions on what to get and where to find the best price? Thanks guys.
  2. kennyazman

    Not your everyday carp

    i saw a deer just like that. it was a young doe just the same. I'm wondering if its the same deer. The one I saw was in 20C. is that where this one was?
  3. kennyazman

    tripod for my binos

    Awesome! Thanks guys. I now have a much better idea of what I need. Finally drew a bull tag and I want to do it right. You guys were a great help.
  4. kennyazman

    tripod for my binos

    I mostly sit also. Will this tripod work for my binos? What kind of adapter will I need?
  5. kennyazman

    **Draw Results**

    22 North rifle bull in december baby!! Bonus point number 12 for antelope.
  6. kennyazman

    Finally They're UP

    does anyone know if they have ever had the results come out on the weekend?
  7. kennyazman

    Finally They're UP

    look at it this way guys , we still havn't heard those awful words " For the year 2010, you were NOT drawn for elk, you were NOT drawn for antelope. Thank you for calling the arizona game and fish department." I still have hope with no results.
  8. kennyazman

    picture of check

    after game and fish cashed my check i looked at the check on my online banking and i noticed some numbers written on the check. does anyone know what those numbers are?
  9. kennyazman

    Late Season Bull Elk Hunt

    way to go! Looks like scotty is happy.
  10. kennyazman

    picture of check

    eric, no i didn't notice any hunt numbers on mine. your probably right. I was just wondering about them. By the way, nice job on scotts bull. It sounded like a lot of fun. Kenny
  11. kennyazman

    picture of check

    hey sam I got my checks in really early and i noticed those numbers written on them way before the deadline so im pretty sure it has nothing to do with being drawn or not. but i saw those numbers and i was curious.
  12. kennyazman

    camping fun

    my wife and I and our 2 boys went camping this weekend to woods canyon lake. The weather was PERFECT!! I fished a little and caught a nice trout, but the best part of the trip was laying up at night listening to the elk bugle. I told my wife they might start bugling but we didnt hear them during the day, then at night I was woken up by my wife poking me in the ribs saying " honey, the elk are bugling really loud!" Man I'm glad she woke me up cause it was awesome.
  13. kennyazman

    Theyre up!!!!!!!

    32 coues late november for me and my dad. My little sister drew her first ever tag. she got 42 juniors only hunt. I'm excited to be drawn again, it's been a few years.
  14. kennyazman

    draw poll

    I cant remember what I do. Its been too long since I've drawn a tag for elk or deer. This is the year though, I can feel it. I put archery kaibab for my third choice so I expect to at least get that.
  15. kennyazman

    Is it raining where you live?

    It started raining this afternoon in Wickenburg and it's still going. Its coming down pretty good too. Its crazy how much the temps drop from the rain.
  16. kennyazman

    Unit Jumpers?

    Yeah I'm jumping. From desert mule deer to my first time putting in for coues. I'm really looking forward to a change of scenery.
  17. kennyazman

    First hunt(s)

    I grew up in Wickenburg and still live there. Grew up killing everything with my bb gun until my dad taught me the lesson that I could only shoot what was in season and I had to eat what I shot. My dad used to bring us to Big Lake, Az. every summer to go trout fishing and camp for about a week. I still try to go every summer. My first big game hunting experience was a 20C juniors only hunt. I shot a real nice mule deer buck on opening evening of the hunt. Ever since then I've been hooked. since then I've killed two more mule deer, one in 20B and the other my biggest yet in 12A west. I've only been drawn for bull elk once and I shot a nice 4x5 bull. I'm still young (22) so I still have lots of hunting left to do. This year I'm going for a coues deer.
  18. kennyazman


    I'm really torn on what to do this year for the upcoming deer draw. Normally I put in for mule deer in the desert units, but my work schedule is extremely busy this year from the beginning of october to almost the end of november. So, I have been looking at the whitetail tags for the southern units on the late november hunt. I have never taken a whitetail before but the more I learn about them the more I want to harvest one. What do you guys suggest for my first whitetail tag? I've done some research and I think I found the unit that I want to hunt but I want to see what you guys might have to say. If you guys have suggestions for me that would be great. Thanks.
  19. kennyazman


    Thanks everybody for your help. I think I've made my decision. I was 90% sure I was going to put in for this unit when I started this post now I know for sure. I've had more than one person tell me that I will be addicted to these deer after I've hunted them, I can see that happening. Thanks again.
  20. kennyazman


    TATAat27 I was really wondering how the illegals would affect those units so your information really helps.I was thinking I should stay in the units like 32 or 33. You say you didnt have any more problems with the illegals in 32 but how was your hunt? Thanks again. Kenny
  21. kennyazman

    They should be dropping antlers

    That is really cool! I have hunted unit 8 a lot for elk and I have never seen a whitetail deer only muleys. I have heard of other guys seeing them but I never have. Maybe you should put in there Gary since you seem to know where to find them. Too bad you didnt have a camera I would have loved to pics of that.
  22. kennyazman


    Yes I do bow hunt. If I was to get drawn I was going to bow hunt down there in august and also use that time to scout. It will mostly be scouting but I will bring my bow in case I get a shot at a nice buck. Why do you say 30B is my unit? Just curious. There are a few reasons why I am looking at the southern units over the northern units. One is the time the hunts take place. The Late November hunt is perfect for me and I will be able to hunt the entire time without taking off time from work. I work at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant and there are two times out of the year where it is hard for me to miss work (this year is October 3-November 26, the other time is just ending) after that I am free to take time off. The other reason is the draw odds and success rates are really good. Plus I always like to hunt a new unit and learn some new land.
  23. kennyazman

    These games are FUN! Lets sweeten it up!

    right, left, center, 965
  24. kennyazman

    Duwane Adams glassing class

    I just checked the site and he charges 250.00 per person for half a day of lessons. Or you can purchase the video for like 20 bucks. I think I will try the video to see how good it is. I have his video on "How to Hunt Monster Mule Deer on the Kaibab" and I really liked it. This is a new way of hunting for me and so far it has really payed off for me as far as the numbers of animals I see. I would love to take lessons on improving it.
  25. kennyazman

    They are up!!

    thats all i needed to hear to keep trying. thanks for the info johnny blaze.