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Everything posted by kennyazman

  1. kennyazman

    interesting ear mark????

    That's pretty cool!
  2. kennyazman

    Spotting Scope/Bino Advice

    +1 on vortex binos. Awesome glass in your price range and the best warranty.
  3. kennyazman

    ORG-5 years ago

    Thanks for putting out such an awesome product. Your hard work has paid off.
  4. kennyazman

    2013 draw results ?

    I put in with a capitol one visa card. I never had credit cards before but after all the horror stories during the elk draw about Bank of America I wasnt going to chance it so I went and got a card specifically for the draw. I used it once just to make sure it was working and thats it. anyone had any issues with capitol one? I sure hope not. cant be worst than Bank of America.
  5. kennyazman


    Last year cards starting getting charged on July 17th. I looked through the old pages on this forum.
  6. kennyazman

    PSE Stinger 3G for sale

    Bump to the top for a good deal and a good guy. This bow is practically new guys. I tried to convert him to a bow hunter and i talked him into buying a bow but it turns out it just wasn't for him. He's a heck of a rifle hunter though. Someone is gonna get a good deal for this package.
  7. kennyazman

    Muley Crazy video I hate!

    I'm PRAYING for my Kaibab tag!! That video does not help at all. Haha! Awesome stuff
  8. kennyazman

    2006 Toyota Tundra SR5 TRD Package

    Sweet looking truck Tyler.
  9. kennyazman

    Took my boys to big lake

    Last weekend I took my oldest boys up to big lake. We had a blast! Caught a few nice trout and enjoyed the beauty of the white mountains. We took a drive into Greer one day to play in the little Colorado. We always have to eat lunch at the rendezvous and dinner at Molly butlers. Greer/ big lake is the best place in the world as far as I'm concerned.
  10. kennyazman

    Took my boys to big lake

    Thanks for all the replies. It was a lot of fun. Big lake and the Greer area are a special place for me and I'm glad I get to share this with my kids the way my dad did with me. My goal is to somehow have a cabin to spend our summers in Greer. It's just a dream right now but maybe someday.
  11. kennyazman

    Greer fishing

    You gotta try the prime rib at Molly butlers.
  12. kennyazman

    Greer fishing

    Big lake!
  13. kennyazman

    big lake 2013

    Anyone ever fished the west fork of the black river near Thompson trail? Thinking about camping close to this spot and hitting the lake and the river for trout. I usually only fish the lake so any tips on catching trout in these rivers would be awesome. I just want my 7 and 5 year old boys to land some fish.
  14. Vanguard makes an awesome tripod. That's what I use and I love it. Good luck on the sale Tyler.
  15. kennyazman

    suggestions on a good tripod?

    There is a vanguard for sale in the classifieds. That what I have and I love it.
  16. kennyazman

    Who loves Duck Dynasty?

    I do
  17. kennyazman

    big lake 2013

    This is my favorite spot and has been since I was a little kid. Me and my older two boys (7 and 5) are going up on May 15th. I saw this on the forest service website http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5415281.pdf. according to this map the area that I have been camping at for years is in the West Fork closure area due to the Wallow Fire. Im a little bummed and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on another spot within a reasonable drive from Big lake. I don't like staying in the developed camp grounds, just doesnt quite feel like camping to me. I like being out where we can see wildlife and still be within a five minute drive or so from fishing. if you look on the map the rd 249E that goes to reservation lake looks promising. anyone ever camp over there? thanks.
  18. kennyazman

    Draw results are out!!!!!!

    Nothing online or by phone yet. That's a bad April fools joke
  19. kennyazman

    Greer cabin rentals

    +1. I too have stayed at this cabin. Its amazing! Its called Johnsons breathtaking river retreat. Allen Johnson is the owner. awesome people
  20. kennyazman

    draw results?

    The only thing I see that is $30 is a trapping license.
  21. kennyazman

    draw results?

  22. kennyazman

    draw results?

    We need a screen shot of that! Its not my account info so I dont really think I should post it. but I wouldnt kid about this. Its for real. I saw the screen shot myself on a text.
  23. kennyazman

    draw results?

    Just got word that a buddy of mine got charged today. It starts!!
  24. kennyazman

    White mountains

    That's kinda what I was thinking too. It's my favorite place in the world!