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About JstMe

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  1. I am new at posting here, but I have been coming to this site for months reading the posts, and thinking about what is said. I am a women hunter, and maybe some wont give my post much thought, but I love to hunt and am very dissapointed with the AZ ruleing! I was dejected again for bull this year and everything else, my whole family was dejected on everything for that matter. Its hard to accept sometimes, I dont like getting a not drawn response year after year. But I am thankful that I will still be able to do archery deer and turkey, at least its time spent in the woods!!! As I told my husband I should of started hunting years ago, as its becoming harder and harder here to get a tag, and I really hate to have to tell my Jr Hunters another big zero. So with that in mind I have been looking over different states and what rules they emplement if they have elk and here is what I found for the state of MI..... * New Ineligibility Periods for Elk License Recipients. * Beginning in 2004. the ineligibility period to apply for, obtain or purchase a future elk license has changed. A person issued an antlerless elk license in 2004 is not eligible to apply for, obtain or purchase an elk license from 2005 through 2014. In addition, any person issued an elk license for the taking of a bull elk after 2003 is not eligible to apply for, obtain or purchase an elk license for the remainder of his or her life.* Now why cant we implement something like this for NR? This is the rule that I found for the state of Michigan! Granted they only have about 800-900 elk in the state and only give about 140 some elk tags out for the year. Now please dont think that I am tottaly against NRs, I am not. I may not like USO, but I know that not all guides are like them and Taulman. Hes a shister, and hes tottaly distructed things! But this rule for Elk seems interesting to say the least, and maybe something could be said for deer also. I know others have said whats the use, USO is going after other states to, and I know that. But its just a thought, and somehow AZ just has to come up with a new ruleing and fix all that has gone wrong, and sometime in my lifetime would be really good!!!! Thanks for reading! JstMe