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Jay Scott

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About Jay Scott

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    Hunting and Flyfishing

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  1. Jay Scott


    Catfish- I appreciate you listening to my podcast and hope that you will be able to pick up some great info from the amazing guests that I've had on. My bet is you can find some good tidbits of info within the almost 600 episodes. As to anyone else that has downloaded and supported my podcast, I say thank you for the support. I will continue to bring value and extract things out of my guests brains that might be of value to other hunters. What a great fall season we all have to look forward to in 2019 with all of the moisture! God Bless
  2. Jay Scott

    First timer

    Cody- I think Ernesto and others have been doing a great job giving advice to you for your hunt. I apologize if this has already been covered but make sure to have your US Fish and Wildlife Declaration Form and Notice of Arrival Form ready and filled out when you cross back into the US. You can google and print both forms by simply typing those words in. I'm happy to help if you have any questions on the form. A couple of other things, make sure on the back of your gun permit in the middle it says "El Prestador De Servicios" that is where the owner of the ranch needs to make sure they sign. I've seen many years this never signed and it doesn't create a problem but it seems lately the military and the policia at Aduana want that signed. Remember you can also google and print your Customs 4457 form. Make sure the US customs sign and date that form on your way in. Capes need to be "pliable" upon reaching the border. They want to be able to check for ticks throughout the whole cape. If one tick is found dead or alive there is a very good chance they will confiscate the cape. In years past they used to let us pick until they were satisfied but seems like last year the tolerance level was lower. Don't forget to cancel your vehicle permit and check your guns out at military and policia on the way back to the US I appreciate everyone trying to help and sticking together. Its really great to see! Please don't hesitate to reach out if anyone has further questions as I will do my best to help. jayscottoutdoors@gmail.com Have a great time in Sonora as it is one of the finest and most spectacular places in the world. Shoot straight and drive safe!
  3. Jay Scott

    goHunt.com Insider Free Trial

    I thought I would pass on a promo code for a 30 Day Free Trial of goHUNT.com INSIDER that started July 1st using my promo code. Just go to www.gohunt.com/jayscott and follow the prompts for the 30 day free trial. I should disclose that goHunt has been the title sponsor of my podcast since the very beginning. I use the Insider when I apply for every state across the West and feel like it is an incredible resource tool. See for yourself and if you don't feel like the value is there you will receive a complete money back refund. Hope you guys had a successful draw season. Its Simple, www.gohunt.com/jayscott
  4. Well Jay, I'm not sure you really wanted questions after your love-fest Podcasts with Pete. I have sent you a respectful PM last week that you have not bothered to read. I also sent questions last Wednesday to Conserve and Protect at their "info" email and am still waiting for an answer to even one of the questions. One of them was do they have an email list to send people updates. You did ask Pete that and he said sure - sign up on their web page as a supporter. Perhaps not everyone who would like to stay informed wants them to be able to list them as a "supporter"! I noticed you did not follow up. I hope you will find time to open your PMs. And I hope C&P will do more than just solicit questions. Bruce- I very rarely ever check my pm’s on CWT. Email or Instagram DM is my best form of communication I have been in Mexico Gould’s turkey hunting. I had messages from some of my friends saying you were trying to reach me. I’m glad we were able to chat on the phone. I’m heading back into Mexico with another group shortly. Hopefully we can talk more later. My email is jayscottoutdoors@gmail.com
  5. Guys I just interviewed Pete Cimellaro of ConserveandProtectAZ.org again (Episode 426) and asked him questions specifically from the questions you guys listed above. Give it a listen as I believe you will gain some more understanding of what they are proposing and why they are doing so. I tried to ask as many specific questions as time would allow. Links to the episode 423, 424 and 426 Jay Scott Outdoors Podcast For IOS and Apple users, https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jay-scott-outdoors-western/id970694987?mt=2 For Android and PC users, http://jayscottoutdoors.podbean.com/?source=pb Please send comments and questions to info@conserveandprotectaz.org
  6. I hear what you are saying but this is just starting. All Sportsmen have the ability to have a major impact on this if you don't like it tell them why. If you do tell them why. In my opinion, we as Sportsmen need to express our likes and dislikes of the idea. I think this will continue to take shape according to your input. I will try to keep you posted on the next meeting. This is our chance to be heard. All Sportsmen's ideas and concepts should be entertained in my opinion.
  7. Saguaro-I think this is what you are looking for. I was sent this and it was one of the things I read on my podcast Episode 424 -----Original Message----- From: Jason Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 12:22 AM To: info@conserveandprotectaz.org Subject: Input re: Tag Grab I dont feel like getting into too many details at this time, but i am against the tag grab in any form, and will fight it just as hard as i did last time. I knew it would pop up again and i am ready to start fighting against it. You guys are unbelievable. To: Jason and all Arizona sportsmen and women. Jason since you were the first to react so strongly to what was discussed on Jay Scott’s podcast, I thought I would respond to you; but I also want as many as possible of Arizona’s sportsmen and women to hear it as well. Please spread the word! Conserve and Protect Arizona (CAPAZ) has just prevented the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) from stopping all mountain lion and bobcat hunting in Arizona. That immediate threat is gone, but will they come back? Only time will tell, and shame on us if we are not prepared to defend ourselves in the future! Who is Conserve and Protect Arizona? It was formed by a small group of sportsmen with financial help from some of the states most well known sportsmen conservation organizations. The Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society, Arizona Elk Society, Arizona Deer Association, Arizona Antelope Foundation, Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club, Arizona Bowhunters Association and the Arizona Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and some houndsmen and women, all made contributions. The 35 member organizations, including those listed earlier, of Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation also signed on in support of CAPAZ. For the past year CAPAZ has been working to deny the HSUS signature gatherers from collecting the 151,000 + signatures they needed to qualify their initiative. We jumped in and did this because, by law, the Arizona Game and Fish Department cannot defend themselves. Once an initiative is filed they are precluded from commenting and spending any department funds to defeat it. We did it quietly behind the scenes and without any media coverage. They didn’t know what we were doing and didn’t even know about us until it was too late. On March 31st, after six months of effort and with only a small number of signatures collected, HSUS suspended their campaign. This is the first time in twenty-five years, and eighty-one ballot measures the HSUS has pulled out of a campaign. Thanks to all of those who supported the CAPAZ effort, or made contributions, this is an important victory we can all share! With the history behind us lets look at where we are now. CAPAZ had to run a quiet underground campaign because we did not have the three to five million dollars necessary to run a traditional campaign to educate the voters. Our plan worked once, but now with HSUS aware of our effort they are educated. We are back to trying to find a way to defend ourselves. It will take the education of the voting public and millions of dollars to make this happen in order to effectively defend us against another HSUS effort. How do we raise the money? Do you have a plan? Do you have donors willing to write big checks? Can we rely on you to take this on and defend hunting and the professional wildlife management of the Arizona Game & Fish Department and Commission? Where were you on the HSUS issue we just brought to an end? These are the questions we had to answer at CAPAZ. Our collective work turned the issue in our favor and sent the HSUS packing. Now we are focused on “Going Forward” and defending wildlife, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, the Arizona Game & Fish Commission, and all Arizona Sportsmen and Women. Listen to what we have to say and give us a fair chance too make our case! What happened in 2012 is far different then what CAPAZ is doing today. All of the organizations listed earlier were opposed to that effort. Today, we are working with them and soliciting their input on this issue. Let me make one other thing very clear, none of these organizations have been asked to support any proposal for a special tag program. They are participating in our effort to take this to sportsmen and women and discuss a concept of raising funds for public education through the sale of a limited number of special tags. Through a collaborative effort with all stakeholders we want to try and establish a program which educates the people of Arizona about the importance of professional wildlife management, the support of hunters and anglers and how this is important to wildlife, wildlife management, and wildlife habitat. The Facts from Conserve and Protect Arizona: Conserve and Protect Arizona will not get a dime of this money. Meetings started last week to discuss this concept and more will continue in the future. At this time no legislation is written supporting this concept. This effort is being discussed with the Arizona Game & Fish Department and Commission. If this program is established, the Arizona Game & Fish Department will administer it, not an outside organization. Our suggestion is that a managing committee, similar to the Habitat Partnership Committee, be established to administer it. The Special Commissioners tags that currently support the Habitat Partnership process will not be used for education. Only the new tags authorized under the program will be used for education. We are not advocating for any particular number of tags. This would be determined in the future development of the program. All sportsmen and women together, are small in number when compared to the entire population. We cannot afford to lose anyone in our effort to remain viable in our pursuit of the outdoors. Join with us to insure we have a strong voice in determining that future In closing, let me assure you we want your constructive comments and concerns. We are trying to involve as many as possible so that product we produce can be support by the great majority of sportsmen and women. Conserve and Protect Arizona Board Pete Cimellaro, President Rich Williams, Vice President Tracy Unmacht Secretary Charlie Kelly, Treasurer Eddy Corona, Director Jim Unmacht, Director John Koleszar, Director Brad Remfrey, Director PS: We would not have put this out on Jay’s podcast if we were trying to keep it from you! Contact us: info@conserveandprotectaz.org
  8. Jay Scott

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    Grey Ghost-I'm sorry you didn't like the interview. I tried to get as much info out of Pete rather than be confrontational. We had a 45 minute window before Pete had to go to the next meeting. I have always respected the work that Pete has done for Sportsmen and thought that I asked him questions which brought out the info that would help Sportsmen formulate their own opinion. You are entitled to your opinion of my interviewing skills and I respect that. I will continue to strive for bringing out info on my podcast.
  9. idgaf- I'm not going to let you drag me into this. I found out for the first time yesterday afternoon about this and heard there was a public meeting. I showed up to the meeting with my recorder hoping to record the meeting with the intent to publish it on my podcast so that MORE Sportsman could hear what is going on. I was happy to find out that Pete said no problem and actually encouraged me to in his words, "Please get this out to as many people as you can" That is exactly what I did. If you listen to the episodes you will see that I have not taken any side rather than acted as someone trying to get the info to the people the quickest. I have zero affiliation with Conserve and Protect Arizona nor AZSFWC. I am a member of RMEF, NWTF, AES, ADA and ADBSS like alot of Sportsman are. I have a great respect for the volunteers that help shape our wildlife and hunting traditions. I tend to listen to all sides before making and forming my opinions. As to guiding any of the potential tags that this would create it honestly hasn't even entered my mind. If you don't believe me then I cant help that. I am about 26 hours into even hearing the words Conserve and Protect Arizona. At this point its way to early for me to formulate any opinions on the matter. I will continue to try and inform and educate the public and Sportsman anyway I can and let them make their own opinions.
  10. Jay Scott

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    I just completed a question and answer interview with Pete Cimellaro of Conserve and Protect Arizona. (Episode 424) I tried to ask as many questions as I could. There is a meeting tonight that starts at 6pm Embassy Suites in Scottsdale 5001 N. Scottsdale Rd that is open to the public. It is before the normally scheduled meeting of the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society. I think there is alot of information in this interview about what is going on. Episode 424 Jay Scott Outdoors Podcast For IOS and Apple users, https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jay-scott-outdoors-western/id970694987?mt=2 For Android and PC users, http://jayscottoutdoors.podbean.com/?source=pb Please send questions. comments and concerns to info@conserveandprotectaz.org
  11. I just completed a question and answer interview with Pete Cimellaro of Conserve and Protect Arizona. (Episode 424) I tried to ask as many questions as I could. There is a meeting tonight that starts at 6pm Embassy Suites in Scottsdale 5001 N. Scottsdale Rd that is open to the public. It is before the normally scheduled meeting of the Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society. I think there is alot of information in this interview about what is going on. Episode 424 Jay Scott Outdoors Podcast For IOS and Apple users, https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jay-scott-outdoors-western/id970694987?mt=2 For Android and PC users, http://jayscottoutdoors.podbean.com/?source=pb Please send questions. comments and concerns to info@conserveandprotectaz.org
  12. Jay Scott

    New SFW Tag Grab Initiative

    Guys- I have a follow question and answer session with Pete Cimallero today about last nights meeting in which you can hear on episode 423 of my podcast. I have a bunch of questions to ask him. If you have a specific question that you would like answered please post them here and I will do my best to get all of the questions answered. I will then be posting our conversation in its entirety on my podcast so that we call all try to be informed as possible. I would ask all Sportsman to hear all of the facts and then form and make an informed decision. At the meeting last night, they were adamant that they want this to be completely transparent and open for discussion among Sportsman unlike the last thing similar to this in 2012. I for one understand as Sportsman that we are facing numbers of issues from many people who want to see our heritage of hunting going away. Lets get all of the facts then each individual can make their mind up. I was sick to see Grizzly Bear hunting in BC go away just by it getting on the ballot. I'm afraid we could easily see something similar happen in our near future. There will be additional meetings on this where the public sportsman is encouraged to come. Last night their was only 12 sportsman who showed up. I'm trying to get as much info out to your guys as possible. Please post your specific questions and I will do my best to get them all answered In all fairness, Pete Cimallero has probably done more for the wildlife in the state of Arizona on a complete volunteer basis than anyone I know. For probably 30 plus years. I think all of his ideas and commentary need to be fully listened to before jumping to conclusions. I'm not saying you have to agree with him at all BUT I do believe he has earned the right to be listened to and respected for what he has done for all of us Sportsman. I know this is a very complex and complicated issue. I would ask everyone to at least be respectful of ALL opinions. For the record, I was at some of the meetings last time and heard Pete with my own ears voice his opinion against what was being proposed. I'm sure there is a reason now that his opinion has changed. I will be diligent to find out what is different now. There is a presentation tonight at Embassy Suites 5001 N. Scottsdale, AZ 7pm at Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society. Please go out an get fully informed.
  13. Guys- I have a follow question and answer session with Pete Cimallero today about last nights meeting in which you can hear on episode 423 of my podcast. I have a bunch of questions to ask him. If you have a specific question that you would like answered please post them here and I will do my best to get all of the questions answered. I will then be posting our conversation in its entirety on my podcast so that we call all try to be informed as possible. I would ask all Sportsman to hear all of the facts and then form and make an informed decision. At the meeting last night, they were adamant that they want this to be completely transparent and open for discussion among Sportsman unlike the last thing similar to this in 2012. I for one understand as Sportsman that we are facing numbers of issues from many people who want to see our heritage of hunting going away. Lets get all of the facts then each individual can make their mind up. I was sick to see Grizzly Bear hunting in BC go away just by it getting on the ballot. I'm afraid we could easily see something similar happen in our near future. There will be additional meetings on this where the public sportsman is encouraged to come. Last night their was only 12 sportsman who showed up. I'm trying to get as much info out to your guys as possible. Please post your specific questions and I will do my best to get them all answered
  14. I heard about a public meeting tonight in Phoenix where ConserveandProtectAZ.org was going to discuss new unit wide Raffle and Auction tags in order to raise money to help educate the public on issues such as Why its important to keep wildlife management in the hands of professionals like AZGFD. So I wanted to attend to see what this was all about. They allowed me to record the audio on my podcast. Please listen and direct all comments, questions, concerns to info@conserveandprotectaz.org I went as a Sportsman interested in hearing what was going on and to try to get more educated on the subject. I will try to get more info out there as it presents itself. Links to the episode 423 Jay Scott Outdoors Podcast For IOS and Apple users, https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jay-scott-outdoors-western/id970694987?mt=2 For Android and PC users, http://jayscottoutdoors.podbean.com/?source=pb Please send comments and questions to info@conserveandprotectaz.org
  15. Jay Scott

    My 44BN ram

    AZHNTR67- There are lots of very qualified sheep guides in this state. If you have any questions of me specifically or would like to discuss details of anything, I can be reached by email at jayscottoutdoors@gmail.com or by cell at 602-803-0223