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Everything posted by huntwithme2

  1. huntwithme2

    deming area

    thanks for the info. i didn't see any ibex they are higher up in the floridas. i couldn't find morenci on any of my maps.
  2. huntwithme2

    az 28-29

    are these two areas considerd good for mule deer and javelina. are these tags easier to get than a n.m. tag. i'm not having much lock in new mexico.
  3. huntwithme2

    n.m. pigs

    i've been hunting those little buggers for the last couple of years . seems like the only tag i can get. i've been hunting around lordsburg steins area with no luck. am i hunting in the wrong area, is there a better area. i see a lot of border patrol and get stoped a few times. i was thinking of expanding south of hachita or maybe around rodeo. any sugestions. thanks
  4. huntwithme2

    .270 WSM

    my best load for the 270 wsm is 60.5 grns of reloader 22 with a 140 accubound. i get .5 groups out of a lft handed tikka.
  5. huntwithme2


    i was wondering if the nosler ballistic tip [300 win mag 180 grns] is just as good as the accubond on elk. thanks
  6. huntwithme2

    Help with 270 wsm

    i don't beleave burger has a reloading book. you need to contact burger, they will send you the recipes by e-mail just tell them what caliber. i did it for my 270 short mag. they give you all the grains and different powders to try i just couldn't find a good one from their info. i ended up using nosler accubond 140 grns ended up with a .55 group using RL 22
  7. huntwithme2

    n.m. javelina hunt

    i've been hunting these critters for three years now. nothing yet. i've been hunting south of socorro, west side of sevilleta refuge. [ they have them on the refuge]. all i see are tracks , even some lion tracks. i started to hunt bosque refuge area this year and san antonio area. i really don't want to drive down to the carlsbad area do to gas prices. my question is has anyone seen these suckers near san antonio or brighton area or do i have to go farther down say placita or elephant butte area , say around the butte park. even though i haven't gotten one i still love driving around looking. even found a quail spot or two. thanks
  8. does any body know a good squirrel hunting area in n.m. i'm from wisconsin and miss a good fried rodent or squirrel now and then. i always wanted to mount an alberts squirrel for the den. does areas like 17,13,34 or the gila have any good areas. thanks larry
  9. huntwithme2

    Long range rigs

    i aploud you guys for doing all this calculating to shoot at great distances, spend a lot of money on custom rifles and shoot at a thousand yards or more but to me it''s not hunting, its shooting at game. some of you older hunters might know this. years ago [ i think 1968 or so] there used to be a club in pensilvania that during the deer season they used to organize on one side of a canyon. they had benches built there and used to shoot at deer across the canyon. they even had spotters using those huge navy binocs, telling where they missed and adjust there aim. there guns used to weight up to twenty or so pounds all, all wild cat cartriges. the stocks looked like a block of wood with a really thick barrel on it. outdoor life used to have a story in their mag a couple years in a row. i gues that was the first long distance shooting on game that was ilistrated in a mag. maybe someone out there knows more about this hunt than i do. just a little old info
  10. huntwithme2

    Long range rigs

    i'm a little confused. how much energy does your rifles have if you can kill elk at one thousand yards. does it still stand that for elk you have to have a minumim of fourteen houndred foot pounds. i gues i'm from the old school. a three houndred shot is considered far.
  11. huntwithme2


    thanks for the info. i can taste those little fat fried legs already
  12. huntwithme2

    pistol scope

    i have a t/c recoil proof pistol scope in 2.5x7x28 for sale. had it on a 7mm/08 barrel. getting old and can't really hold it steady any more. $140 or best offer with rings
  13. huntwithme2

    elk load

    does any body have a good load for elk. i have a tc omega with a 3x-9x scope on it. i can't seem to do any better than 2 1\2 inches with 250 grn shock wave backed up with two triple 7 magnum pellets
  14. huntwithme2

    cabelas binoculars

    i am looking for a good spotting scope. has anyone used the cabelas 20x80 astronomical binoculars or spotting scope in the fourhoundred range at present i am using nikon monarch atb's in 12x42 but need a little more power.
  15. with all you people hunting deer has anybody seen any javelina in the carrizozo, socorro or eleghant butte area i hunted deer near corona and didn't see anything all five days. it seemed that i was the only person hunting on foot. you can see hunters driving slowly down roads all day long. reminded me of deer hunting back in wisconsin
  16. huntwithme2

    javelina sightings

    thanks for the info my tag is for state wide acept the south western corner. would there be more of them in the carlsbad are or are they just scatered acept for the southwestern area. hillsboro is right near the the border of my area. thanks again
  17. this is my first year hunting in this state since 1971. we moved here last oct. i never hunted this unit before. is there a lot of blm or public land? any tips will be helpful. haven't had time to check it out yet. trying for next month. not to far from los lunas where i live. a little deferent kind of deer hunting from wisconsin. my other tag is for javelina from jan to mar. thanks for your info
  18. huntwithme2

    elk load

    I'm shooting a T/C omega in 50 cal. my question is is a 100 grns of powder [two pellets of triple 7] with a 250 gr split- fire TMZ [barnes] be good for elk up to 200 yards or will I have to go up to say 130 grns [ two 50 pellets and a thirty grn pellet] or even 150 grns[three pellets] of powder and say a 290 grn or 300 grns bullet. I never hunted elk before just deer.
  19. huntwithme2

    elk load

    have you ever tried the triple seven magnum powder with that same bullet. I seemed to get the same pattern with it at one houndred yards . they say your speed is just over 2,000 feet with a 250 grns bullet with only two pellets.
  20. huntwithme2

    .257 Weatherby Loads

    I'm shooting a vangard moa. my best loads so far are 64 grns imr 4831 115 partition gets .98 inch 63.5 grns imr 4831 115 partition gets .78 inch 68.5 grnsw RL22 110 accubond gets .56 inch the rifle is extreamily picky one grain each way and it will open up . sometimes up to two inches I keep the total length of the bullet the same size as the factory ones or 3.250" I've got some realy good 22/250 recipes and am working on a 270 short mag and 300 win mag
  21. huntwithme2

    Barrel Length

    i shoot a t/c pistol in 7mm/08. it has a fourteen inch barrel and a 2x-8x scope. with 120 grns or 140 grns ballistic tips it has a 1.1 inch group at one hounderd yards. i used it mostly for deer in other states. it puts them down out to two houndred yards. realy goodmgun for anything up to bear.
  22. huntwithme2


    I am kind of confused about all those spotting scopes out there. Most people want to know about seeing bullet holes and not how far can they see clearly an animal. I' am interested in a gold ring compact in 15-30x or the excursion flp in 15-45x. Does anyone have any experience in these two or the cabela's 20x binoculars.