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About huntwithme2

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  • Birthday 09/28/1952

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    los lunas n.m.

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  1. huntwithme2

    san carlos

    is the quail hunting and or javelina pretty good on the san carlos in general i was thinking on a hunt this fall is there any motels around there thanks larry
  2. huntwithme2


    going with eddie ortega
  3. huntwithme2


    would anyone recomend a guide for the valles caldera on a muzzle loader hunt
  4. huntwithme2

    n.m. gmu 27

    i,ve been trying to find or get some info on a mule deer hunt in 27 [i have the muzzle loader tag] but most if not all info is on coues deer. my interest is to hunt north of hwy 9 in the pelononcillo mtns are the mule deer in the lower foot hills are the coues and mule deer in the same area is a lot of the mtns landlocked and can you get to the east side of these mtns by going in from the arizona side thanks larry
  5. huntwithme2


    does anyone know of any person who guides only in gmu 15 in new mexico for elk . it would be for 3 to 5 days of guiding only thanks
  6. huntwithme2

    n.m. javelina

    thanks for the info
  7. huntwithme2

    n.m. javelina

    actually it's not bad with my less than 100 % disability I get fishing and small game for $10.oo. this year I believe all big game tags and stamps will be half off for residents with a military disability.
  8. huntwithme2

    n.m. javelina

    thanks for the info. is pueblo creek near cottonwood just south. does anyone know where the mccaully ranch is I think it is near cliff..
  9. huntwithme2

    n.m. javelina

    i'm making my annual javelina hunting trip to the southwest area. I've hunted around lordsburg the last seven years. they seem to be getting scarcer there every year.all I can find there is a few tracks. I was going to try over by the floridas this year for a couple of days. has anyone hunted there for javelina or quail or seen any there while hunting ibex. thanks larry
  10. huntwithme2

    digital scale

    does anyone recommend a good digital powder scale.. I would like to back up my lyman with it thanks
  11. I just picked up an encore handgun in 270 the other day. not bad of a kick more of a push. what scope do you have on your 30/06.
  12. huntwithme2


    i shoot 140 accubounds, 60.5 grns of rl-22 and wlmr primers out of a tikka lft handed 270 wsm
  13. huntwithme2

    southwest nm

    I can't seem to find the coyote hills on the map. does anyone know where they are. also this may sound dumb but I was talking to an old timer about javelina hunting and he kept saying the hatchita's. I kept saying the hatchet mountains he kept saying no the hatcheta's. aren't they the same or are they some secret mountain range I can't see on the map
  14. huntwithme2

    seven and counting

    this is my seventh try at those little buggers. always down by lordsburg. two years ago I saw one but lost him in a wash that ended in arizone. the sign said Arizona dnr on the side of the dirt road. it was just east of the peloncillo mtns wilderness. four years ago I missed one at twenty yards with a 22/250, hard to hit one with a scope set at sixteen power. has anyone seen any pigs deer hunting down there. there seems to be a number of cat tracks. I even pig hunted as a non resident. drove from Wisconsin. got a lot of rivving when I came back. if it wasn't so much fun hunting them i'd quit.
  15. huntwithme2

    6.5-06 advise needed

    how is the 6.5 compaired to the 25/06 as far as fps and energy with the same barrel length. I use a 110 grn accubound out of my 25/06