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Everything posted by SHOOTER


    What do you think this bull will score?

    From the pics I would guess. 310-320. Either way nice bull and I would have a hard time giving him a pass.

    Leupold Mark 4 Scope For Sale

    Any intrests in trade for a Benelli M2 ?


    Intrested in any trades?

    Full length or neck sizing?

    Bump shoulder .002" with a FL die and never look back! I went through the neck sizing phase and it was a pain to FL size every 3 or 4 reloads to get my brass to chamber, I only have 1 rifle that it made a slight noticeable difference to Neck size. it seemed to take the gun from a 1MOA shooter to a 5/8 to 3/4 moa gun. The rest of my rifles dont seem to have a preference, After going through it all I am a FL size only guy now.

    Regs are out

    Please explain?

    New Mexico draw

    I show mailing for 3 out of my 5 apps. As a non resident I don't think I got 3 tags. Have buddy's that show 6 out of 6 and some that show 1 out of 5 . No correlation and no way 3 guys I know got bighorn sheep tags. I don't think this is a back door.

    Hunting other states

    I put in for Az, NM, Colo, UT, and Wy every year..AZ has the absolute worst most user unfriendly website. Colorado regs suck and their website is not far behind. Ut,NM and Wy websites are great. Az should take notes from them.
  8. Nothing is wrong with them for most people i know many people who love them. Even after being lapped I have seen them do some weird things and cause some tracking issues on a long range rig. They just aren't for me I will stick with steel rails and rings
  9. Nothing wrong with leupold bases. You could not give me a set of talleys. I prefer a steel rail and rings. Also doesnt Howa 1500 LA use Rem 700 LA bases? Find a steel rail for Rem 700 long action and you'll be set?

    New business

    I dont wear a whole lot camo I prefer earth tones. Deadeye outfitters sells the a ton of clothes that are similar to this and they hardly have any camo ,they seem to be doing very well. Just sayin.... Best of luck with the business!


    On that note. I think that would all have to controlled by the trigger/safety. So if he wants his bolt to stay shut he could find an older trigger and put it on his gun.


    I have old ADL that the bolt locks when the safety is on.

    Reloading .308

    Varget is magic in the .308 ! Panhandle precision has a good series on reloading on youtube check it out you will learn alot. I bet there are some other great videos on there to learn from. Get a good reloading manual for your starting loads. If you can find someone who reloads and have them sit down with you and show how they reload.

    PRS Competitions

    I believe the speed restrictions are for the sake of the targets. I could be wrong though.

    6a new mexico help

    Never for elk and very little for bear.

    6a new mexico help

    The bear numbers were really good until they got shot out.( At least that's what I think happened) A few years ago the bears numbers were incredible. In 2014 and 2015 we would tree 2-3 bears a day for a week straight. In 2017-2018 we would be lucky to tree 2 bears all week. Not worth the trip over there now. The last couple years the hounds men have hit em hard. You will see tons of guys with hounds burning the roads till the quota is met. I'm sure if you got up in the wilderness the numbers would get better but it would be very hard to hunt them because 6A is thick timber country.

    7mm Mag or 300 WM ?

    You can't go wrong with either. But if it were me and I had the 7mm stuff already I would go with a tight twisted 7 mm RM. And shoot 160+ grain bullets. The browning fits that bill also take a look at the Christensen Arms mesa too. Both nice rifles.
  18. Anyone had any experience with stockys carbon fiber stocks? Was looking at the Manners EH1 but noticed these were less money with about the same specs and no wait time. They seem like a pretty good deal. Just wondering if anyone has or held one in person and what they thought of them before I buy one. Thanks

    6a new mexico help

    I have hunted bear and elk there a little. What do you want to know?

    Once fired 300 RUM brass

    PM sent.

    Small elk cape needed

    PM Sent

    How is YOUR coldbore?

    So its been a while since I've posted but I've got a question or two. I've been shooting long range ( 700 + yards ) off and on for about 10 years. I have just got to the point where I can coldbore shoot an MOA sized gong at 1000 yards. It took lots of shooting but with my data I have collected I feel like any given day,temp,elevation etc I can make a coldbore shot out to 1000 with my .338 ...that being said I'm not trying to brag, it took me way longer that I would have liked and I still could never bring myself to shoot an an animal that far. The thought of wounding an animal because of a botched shot makes me sick. So seeing all the 700-1300 yards kills now days makes me wonder if I'm missing something? Are people shooting this good? Or are they getting some sighter shots in to get it done? What's your shooting experience and how far do you feel comfortable with a coldbore shot? Thoughts? Opinions? This isn't to start a argument. Or bash other hunters. It's more of a question to see how other long range shooters feel they can perform on a coldbore shot.

    Ballistics Calculations???

    Don't pay much attention to the velocity on the box or the chrono ...the chrono is a good starting point and good to make sure you have low ES. Reloading i try to keep mine below 10fps. Even the better ballistic apps need some fine tuning to get the drops right. Go out and validate the drop with your rifle at extended range (the further the better) and mess with the app till the drop calculator match what your actually seeing in the field... also I could never get the cheap apps to do this much past 600yards. I would go with applied ballistics or bullet flight they have been way easier to tune to my rifle/loads and way more accurate than any other apps. You have to know how your rifle shoots. I've never been abe to plug in the speed off the chrono and the conditions and been able to hit what I was aiming at past 600- 700yards. It all takes alot of shooting and recording to get it all to line up. Once you do tho it's cool to see how well you can range dial and shoot and hit.


    If you reload much you will find some of the stuff RCBS sells is cheap plastic crap. That being said the RCBS rockchuker kit gives a guy a good start and you can later replace the few cheaper items that come in the kit if as your reloading skills increase.

    How is YOUR coldbore?

    Lots of good info here! Thanks for the responses.