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Everything posted by zslayer

  1. zslayer

    Sold, please delete

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  2. zslayer

    WTS Swaro slc HD 15x56 1800$

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  3. zslayer

    Daughter's October White Tail

    What a great buck! Congrats! I took my oldest daughter out for her first big game hunt this year and she killed a small Coues buck but one of the funnest hunts to date! Next year we will have two daughters to try and fill😳
  4. zslayer

    2019 Buck

    Great buck congratulations!
  5. zslayer

    December 36c Rifle Coues Hunt?

    That's not what I want to hear. Thank you,
  6. Hey guys, I haven't been on here for a long while because of moving to Colorado. I have some points built up for deer and I'm thinking of trying to draw a December Coues tag for unit 36c, mainly because that is the unit I am most familiar with but I haven't hunted it in 6-7 years. Any update on how the population is down there still or approximately how many bonus points you believe it would take a non-resident to have a chance of drawing that late December tag? Thanks for any info!