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Everything posted by zslayer

  1. zslayer

    WTT Varget for H-1000

    Sorry just seen your reply. I only have two pounds.
  2. zslayer

    Nightforce NXS

    Great scope at a good price!
  3. The 2021 refs are finally out! Time to make some decisions.
  4. zslayer

    Bison reduction project

    If one shooter is responsible for shooting multiple bison I wonder if they will supply the ammunition! That could be a problem in this day and age.😂
  5. zslayer

    6.5 Creedmoor 143 eldx

    Pm sent
  6. zslayer

    Coueswhitetail bullet group buy

    Interested in 6.5 143gr eld-x as well lol
  7. zslayer

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Have they set the tag numbers for 2021 yet? If so where can I find them?
  8. zslayer

    Elk draw: ( my mistake!)

    Same thing happened to a guy I know. Put in late rifle bull 1st choice and youth cow 2nd for his 10yo son. Got a $650 card hit and was excited to take his son bull hunting then results were posted and he was drawn for the 2nd choice youth cow but charged the $650 for it.
  9. zslayer

    WTT Varget for H-1000

    Will also trade Varget for 143 eldx bullets.
  10. zslayer

    BTX 12x50 Combo?

    Can’t go wrong with that combo. I’m running the 15’s and BTX. Love them both! 12’s might be a good choice but I love my 15’s too much to switch.
  11. zslayer

    WTT 300 PRC Brass

    I have a brand new never opened box of Hornady 300 PRC brass I’m looking to trade for Hornady 143gr ELDX bullets?
  12. zslayer

    WTT 300 PRC Brass

    Sorry no longer available! Already made the trade.
  13. zslayer

    Yellow or Chocolate lab puppies

    PM sent.
  14. zslayer

    Any lab pups?

    Cole Van Winkle just had (2) male chocolate puppies come available. They will be ready the week of valentines. Look him up on Instagram or let me know if you need his contact number?
  15. Yup! People have had enough. This is just the beginning!
  16. zslayer

    AZGFD Portal

    I know they sent out an email with a temporary password after they just made some changes. My email was in my junk but then I got logged in and changed my password back and it’s been fine.
  17. zslayer

    Best bipod

    Same here! Absolutely love min but they make you pay for them haha.
  18. zslayer


    PM sent
  19. Anyone receive their deer tags in the mail yet? Or know when we could expect them?
  20. zslayer

    Colorado preference point question

    Correct. Starting 2019 you must buy a small game license to apply/get a bonus point. But you could get just a bonus point during the draw period if you’d like.
  21. zslayer

    Please Block This Pill Peddling Clown!

    I agree! Ridiculous!
  22. zslayer


    (1) 6.5cm 143 led-x @ 398y hopefully a couple more this year for me and my daughter up in Wyoming with the same caliber.
  23. zslayer

    Coues And Burns

    I wanted to see what those of you with the experience have to say about Coues deer and burn areas. do you see Coues deer use burn areas the same as you would see elk and mule deer pound them? Also, when would you say a old burn is prime, 1yr, 2yr, ect.?