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Everything posted by nighthawk

  1. nighthawk

    What 338 to get?

    338 win 338 ultra 338 edge Or 338 lepua what caliber is best in your opinion and why?
  2. nighthawk

    What 338 to get?

    Thanks for all the info.. I'm not sure what would be best but I know what bullet I would want to shoot. 300 grain nosler accubond with a bc .72!!! I want a heavy bullet that won't get pushed easily by wind at long distance
  3. nighthawk

    Can you find them (added pic)

    Do u have the adapter or do u just hold the phone?
  4. nighthawk

    Can you find them (added pic)

    Nice pics thanks. Is that a camera, or phone pics thew bino or spotter?
  5. nighthawk

    Looking for eberlestock

    K ill give them a call! Thank you!!
  6. nighthawk

    A few rifles for good homes

    Is the rum a 24" or 26" ?
  7. nighthawk

    Hoghntr could use 6A cow help

    Very awesome of u guys the lend a hand!!!!!! Good group of guys and gals on here !!! Thanks for making this site awesome!
  8. nighthawk

    lost binoculars

    That sucks man sorry to hear that. See any nice bucks👀.
  9. +1 on sign! I tried it years back and worked good. I stated that I was on back side of water hole hunting so please be aware. Quads would pull up, stop, then drive on by..
  10. nighthawk

    big bull in 11m

    Wow!! Stud bull for sure!!
  11. nighthawk

    Big Buck Down

    Nice job!! Great goat!
  12. nighthawk

    Antelope success

    Nicely done mike!!
  13. nighthawk

    what qualifies?

    Is shooting at a 110 buck and shooting comp the same stress?
  14. Great bull!! Wow! Casey most be loaded case to have 59bull tags that means u have some serious money. Let alone all the time it takes to did bulls like that. I'm 27years old and havnt even had a bull tag yet! So to say the least I'm am jealous !!! Guess I'll just keep plugin them coyotes! Haha lol
  15. nighthawk

    coal for tent stove

    Same way u put a charcoal grill out, take away the ventilation. Most stoves have a flap in tube going out of the tent along with holes in the stow itself that can be closed so oxygen doesn't get to it and they smother out.
  16. Does it come with super Nintendo ?
  17. nighthawk

    Thoughts on Thermal Imaging

    I have used thermal imaging cameras for work many times. They don't do well in sunlight and far distance . Maybe threw binos it would work better?!? But night would be the best option IMO . We used our cameras at work to detect water leaks. I always turned all the lights off in house to help with reading the camera. They are amazing though and technology would blow ur mind! U can pick up fresh footprints or finger prints on walls or floors. A fun tool to play with!
  18. nighthawk

    AZGFD doesn't care about the youth.

    The thing about there tags was the g&f drew them tags , sent them in mail, then called and said they messed up!! They should have caught it threw there air tight draw system !!!. Just like if u fill out app incorrect it gets rejected. Them on the other hand got drawn, started scouting got fire up about tags they got in the mail. Then got the phone call. Kinda sad!! They made it up by giving them nov mulie 22 witch has 600tags. The youth hunt 22 is any antler, first hunt in, and ONLY 100 tag witch are other youth hunters. Not like the nov Mullie hunt will be at all! I feel ur pain Brodie!!!!!
  19. nighthawk


    I guys cloths eliminat all scent too? Lol nice idea but not sure I buy the concept. We all need to get the camo of the guy on this site that touched the turkey in the rain!!!
  20. nighthawk


    Lol that is funny.. Haha
  21. nighthawk

    Big Whitetail?

    Wow! Great buck! Hope u give him a dirt nap! So we can see more pics
  22. nighthawk

    1st archery speed goat

    Nice work! Beautiful goat!
  23. nighthawk

    7mm effective range

    What unit?
  24. nighthawk

    Called one in today

    Great job!!!!! That's one of my favorite things to do while out checking cams also! Makes it fun!