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Everything posted by nighthawk

  1. nighthawk

    New content not pulling up?

    Thanks that cleared it right up!! Thank you
  2. nighthawk

    New content not pulling up?

    Never had any problems before now the last couple days can't pull it up on iPhone or iPad
  3. nighthawk

    New content not pulling up?

  4. nighthawk

    post your dinks

    Btw one shot both times .
  5. nighthawk

    post your dinks

    White tail leftover tag last day buck . Mulie just begged me to shoot him and figured not a bad idea to get that big fork out of the area. White tail 698yrds and mulie 420yrds bedded. The hole is what the 140grain 7mm Nosler BT did
  6. nighthawk

    Antler Restrictions

    Maybe in select areas that would be a good idea.. but as far as everywhere, i personally like the opportunity to harvest a meat buck.... I think that the size of the deer doesnt represent the amount of trophy it is in another's eyes.. A lot of members have spoken out on how they want to bring there kids up only to shoot big/ mature deer.. IMO i think hunting is full of life lessons and being able to make the best of the hand ur given. I for one would be just as happy if my son or daughter shot a 100 or spike.. Only saying it is ok to shoot large antlered deer kinda makes it a job not fun... Therefore implying to other things in life, if its not huge or the best it not worth it at all. I have many great memories with the small deer that i have taken and wouldnt trade it for anything... I want my children to appreciate the hunt, no go home empty handed because the antlers were not big enough.... As with anything there is a time and a place.... San carlos, mexico , dec hunts are all great trophy hunts and i could see those hunts being regulated with antler restrictions. Most of the time, the guys on those hunts are trophy hunters and that goes without say... Plus i dont care too much to give the game a fish more reason to put more restrictions on our hunts...BTW cant wait for dec14!!
  7. nighthawk

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    I don't remember reading that section of my hunting hand book that says hunters are obligated to get as close as possible???? I must have missed that page. Because there isn't one and ur going off ur opinion witch is this case is bashshing another hunters success .. Keep it to urself or cry to ur wife about it but let this guy enjoy his tag filled!!!!!! I'm guessing that military snipers shoud get closer as well cause that's not fair that the people don't know where they are...lol... He did what he was supposed to do make a clean kill shot! Period!!!! First of all if you need to read a hunting handbook to learn hunting ethics you are pathetic. Second Opinions are all anybody has on any of these forums so if you have a problem with mine too bad, if my opinions upset you so much maybe you should move to the rainbow pride forum instead. And yeah I Dont have a problem with this guy "enjoying" his tag its when he post the yardage and goes fishing for complements from the faithful Long range enthusiasts that I have a problem with and all of you encouraging him to do it again. And as for the military snipers I Dont care how far they are because they are shooting at threats not deer. I couldn't give a sh*t less if a towel head gets his leg or arm blown off. Its when I see deer gut shot or dead in thein the bottom of a canyon rotting or on 3 legs when I get p*ssed. maybe you are forgetting he missed the first shot! PERIOD. Who invited Internet tough guy? Lol ur typing is so hurtful . Legendary I simply implied not to bash the guy on his kill. Many people miss so don't make rediculas comments like that cause that just show ur ignorant. I'm going to have to decline ur invitation to the rainbow forum, I her what ur guys do on there and that's nasty. Thank you Amanda for a respectfull post unlike these other tools. I hope they don't start bashing the kids threads cause they missed the first time.
  8. nighthawk

    Pigeon Problem

    Lol that is awesome ...
  9. nighthawk

    Killing small bucks

    Well recently a 2x2 was posted on this forum that scored 109...and I would LOVE TO SHOOT!! I guess that thing would have to die of old age under a 3 pt rule... Plus there is no guarantee that a 2pt or spike will EVER develop into a 3pt... those deer would breed with the does and their genetics would pass along. Spike and forks have ALWAYS been slaughtered on the first hunts... I think that is why g&f don't apply 3point rule because of those 2point genes. I know of an area that has a gene pool like that with 3 or 4 bucks together all forkies lol. The biggest one what's just massy and webed. Looked goofy lol
  10. nighthawk

    Killing small bucks

    What if ur a meat hunter? U can't eat antlers and a lot of people don't care about the size of the antlers, they hunt for the meat. Just like cow or doe hunting.
  11. nighthawk

    Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 for sale (used 2 times)

    What's the reason for selling it?
  12. nighthawk

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    It was used as analogy. Analogy def= a comparison between two things with similar structure. Is case u didn't know
  13. nighthawk

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    I don't remember reading that section of my hunting hand book that says hunters are obligated to get as close as possible???? I must have missed that page. Because there isn't one and ur going off ur opinion witch is this case is bashing another hunters success .. Keep it to urself or cry to ur wife about it but let this guy enjoy his tag filled!!!!!! I'm guessing that military snipers shoud get closer as well cause that's not fair that the people don't know where they are...lol... He did what he was supposed to do make a clean kill shot! Period!!!!
  14. nighthawk

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    Lol that is awesome! 300 ultra mag
  15. That's awesome good looking out!! I've been wanting to get a load together for the misses 270 so that looks like a good bullet to start with
  16. nighthawk

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    I suppose that you dont care that he has/will wound a lot of deer. Sounds like archery!!!!!!!!!!!! Far more animals get lost/ wounded by archery. Sorry mr perfect there are other ways of hunting then the way you do. To each his own and congrats to the hunter on getting his buck..
  17. nighthawk

    Long Range Dink 1,243 yards

    So is a 100yrd running shot more ethical? Always has to be a grumpy guy out there doesn't there.. Congrats on a great shot!!!' Most people shoot factory ammo with a 5 inch group at 200 and call it good , as a hand loader I understand the work u put in to get a great load. Don't let anyone rain on ur parade cause a 1200 yrd shot is amazing!!! IMO getting closer is for archery.
  18. nighthawk

    Backyard hawk kill

    Awesome!!! Taken care of those pigeons for you!!
  19. nighthawk

    Second day buck

    Good looking buck!
  20. nighthawk

    Wrong type of whitetail???

    Sorry bout that. I didn't see your cam there. Lol that is awesome. Haha some people....
  21. nighthawk

    Pumping Gas From 5Gal Containers

    I had a taco like urs they are great trucks but small gas tank is a bummer. That was my only complaint. Highway I would get between 280 to 320 to a tank. In the sticks 200 to 250 depending. I always wanted to get a bigger tank but never did so I understand why u want extra gas.. I had the 6speed manual double cab 4x4 2005 I miss that truck:( great for out in the sticks one of my most impressive trucks. Could just cruise down those dirt roads leaving everyone behind lol. TRD is a good suspension system. IMO
  22. nighthawk

    270 win

    Also to add insight on balistic tip bullet . My 7mm loves the 140 grain BT and shoots great out to 900yrds. As far as bullet, shot placement as always will get it done. My Mullie was taken at 420yrds with that load he was bedded, stood up then fell back over dead. Imr4350 140BT 7mm sub .5 MOA